Hello folks, this is the thread for the brand new Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition sheet. This the place for to
collect known issues, bug reports, and see recent changes.
Sheet Summary
Release Features
- A Player Character Sheet to collate all the information about your Vampire.
- Vampire Roll Templates allowing players to roll their attributes and skills with ease.
- Drag and Drop for Disciplines, Assets and Flaws, allowing you to build your Vampire even faster.
What’s Next?
- An NPC sheet to allow Storytellers to track their non player characters, including Drag and Drop support for NPCs.
- Enhanced support for Health, Willpower and Humanity, allowing users to better track their aggravated/superficial status, and their stains.
- A Coterie sheet so that your group can track their Coterie specific backgrounds, merits and flaws, as well as their domain.
How to Report a Bug
Use this link to report a bug on Roll20’s Help Center. This is the best way to ensure the problem is seen by our team of sheet authors.
When reporting a bug in this thread, please use the templates below.
Sheet Issue Template
Description of issue:
Try being as detailed as possible when writing a description. Documenting the exact steps you've taken will let us follow the same path in trying to replicate & test the issue.
A picture is worth a 1,000 words and a Gif 10,000.
Feature Request Template
Brief Description:
A quick summation of the feature, why it is needed and who it would help.
Book (Core Rule Book, Bestiary...), page #s