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Dark Mode VTT Bug Thread

keithcurtis said: Also, it's not the round corners that are cutting off a couple of skill names, it's the font choice. If I turn off the corner radius in the console and remove padding, the names continue to truncate. Would it be that hard to just remove those rounded corners and back align the skills etc. left? And MAYBE use the same font as in light mode? I really don't get why the font changed in the first place! All they needed to to was change the color from black to white... that's it... but no... they wanted more and changed font, size and a ton more...
Sheet: Dungeon Crawl Classics Tabbed As you can see, blue and purple messages are really hard to read!
Buttons in Macro Bar are stuck in Darkmode until you refresh the page! (Font and size of buttons is changed when you change from dark to light mode, but they stay puple!)
Sheet Author
TheMarkus1204 said: Sheet: Dungeon Crawl Classics Tabbed As you can see, blue and purple messages are really hard to read! That is something that the author(s) of that sheet will have to address.  Roll20 won't be making changes to community sheets.
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A quick way to tell is that all official sheets will end with "by Roll20".
TheMarkus1204 said: Buttons in Macro Bar are stuck in Darkmode until you refresh the page! (Font and size of buttons is changed when you change from dark to light mode, but they stay puple!) I suspect you have an extension as mine are half colored and half default color and only the default ones change and will change back.  
DM Eddie said: TheMarkus1204 said: Buttons in Macro Bar are stuck in Darkmode until you refresh the page! (Font and size of buttons is changed when you change from dark to light mode, but they stay puple!) I suspect you have an extension as mine are half colored and half default color and only the default ones change and will change back.   I have no extensions installed for Roll20 so yeah... also if I enter a campaign part of the Chat is stuck in light mode even though I entered the campaign in dark mode... I need to refresh the page manually in order for everything to fix and be displayed accordingly... I'd assume it to be a bug because I do NOT think this is intended... and as for every bug it needs to be squished asap...
TheMarkus1204 said: DM Eddie said: TheMarkus1204 said: Buttons in Macro Bar are stuck in Darkmode until you refresh the page! (Font and size of buttons is changed when you change from dark to light mode, but they stay puple!) I suspect you have an extension as mine are half colored and half default color and only the default ones change and will change back.   I have no extensions installed for Roll20 so yeah... also if I enter a campaign part of the Chat is stuck in light mode even though I entered the campaign in dark mode... I need to refresh the page manually in order for everything to fix and be displayed accordingly... I'd assume it to be a bug because I do NOT think this is intended... and as for every bug it needs to be squished asap... Kinda hard to squash a bug that is not easily reproduced.  I suspect you need to elaborate more on the process to reproduce it as following what you've said, I do not get the same result.  You also said "extensions for roll20."  Begs the question, do you have extensions.(Period) as ones not for roll20 can still affect roll20.  If you want it fixed I suggest dumpin browser version and as specific of steps to produce as possible as well as full list of extensions regardless of whether they are related to roll20 or not.  Clear the cache also.  

Edited 1648772452
API Scripter
Using the official 5e character sheet, of course. Any way i can fix this without waiting on roll20 to do something about it?  I just don't want to wait the 3 years it will take. Edit: Well  this is a lot easier to see - and its literally just a matter of changing a color code.  It's a 3 second fix.  Unfortunately i can't do it for my players, but as long as the session doesn't reset, its legible now.
Giger said: Using the official 5e character sheet, of course. Any way i can fix this without waiting on roll20 to do something about it?  I just don't want to wait the 3 years it will take. Edit: Well  this is a lot easier to see - and its literally just a matter of changing a color code.  It's a 3 second fix.  Unfortunately i can't do it for my players, but as long as the session doesn't reset, its legible now. Don't autoroll damage.  The dev who did the pass on templates made the mistake of forgetting that theres 3 templates, and that specific one that is white for you is npcfullatk, which only fires when you have npc sheets set to autoroll damage and crit.  If you turn that off the npcatk and dmg templates are properly adjusted.  
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It is a quick fix with something like stylus, but I plan to wait until the interface is fixed before monkeying any more with CSS tweaks. If you do want to change it yourself, I would suggest looking into the CSS variables introduced with dark mode, rather than hard-coding a color value. Just remember to test with the CSS back to vanilla when reporting any further issues.
DM Eddie said: TheMarkus1204 said: DM Eddie said: TheMarkus1204 said: Buttons in Macro Bar are stuck in Darkmode until you refresh the page! (Font and size of buttons is changed when you change from dark to light mode, but they stay puple!) I suspect you have an extension as mine are half colored and half default color and only the default ones change and will change back.   I have no extensions installed for Roll20 so yeah... also if I enter a campaign part of the Chat is stuck in light mode even though I entered the campaign in dark mode... I need to refresh the page manually in order for everything to fix and be displayed accordingly... I'd assume it to be a bug because I do NOT think this is intended... and as for every bug it needs to be squished asap... Kinda hard to squash a bug that is not easily reproduced.  I suspect you need to elaborate more on the process to reproduce it as following what you've said, I do not get the same result.  You also said "extensions for roll20."  Begs the question, do you have extensions.(Period) as ones not for roll20 can still affect roll20.  If you want it fixed I suggest dumpin browser version and as specific of steps to produce as possible as well as full list of extensions regardless of whether they are related to roll20 or not.  Clear the cache also.   On the PC I tested this I have no extensions besides uBlock Origin active... Nothing more! But I get this on any PC or Laptop... To reproduce it, have it start in dark mode (while entering the campaign) and also have some buttons in the Macro bar. Then just switch to lightmode... buttons stay in dark mode until you refresh the page! Latest Version of Google Chrome is used on a Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit System.
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TheMarkus1204 said: On the PC I tested this I have no extensions besides uBlock Origin active... Nothing more! But I get this on any PC or Laptop... To reproduce it, have it start in dark mode (while entering the campaign) and also have some buttons in the Macro bar. Then just switch to lightmode... buttons stay in dark mode until you refresh the page! Latest Version of Google Chrome is used on a Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit System. I can confirm this behavior. Never noticed it before because all of my macro bar buttons have custom colors. But yeah, it does require a refresh for the buttons to change. I think this belongs in the minor annoyance category (ex: unwanted text in compendium dropdown arrow area-VTT), rather than the game breaker category (npcatkdamage styling-5e Sheet). But it should be addressed.
Whomever is in charge of tweaking Dark mode settings, please also set the default new page background color to black instead of white.  Please and thank you:
please also set the default new page background color to black instead of white The GM can do this in Game Settings. (My default background color for new pages is black; I highly recommend it.)
Sarah R. Cohen said: please also set the default new page background color to black instead of white The GM can do this in Game Settings. (My default background color for new pages is black; I highly recommend it.) Right but if you make a new game the first blank start page is always white.  
I am having problems in all of my games with the color inversion of highlighted text in chats with darkmode. this leaves my players with the inability to read all the inline rolls I use for several of my &{template:default} tables I use that calculate things like store prices and loot give out. any info on when this might be resolved or if it is supposed to be that way? I know when dark mode first came out it, it gave me a nice white (grey?) text on a purple background, whereas now it is white (Grey) on a yellow background as if dark mode was off and it just inverted the text and not the highlight.   

Edited 1648912581
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Hi benjamin! Try deleting your cache. If you are talking about roll results (including table rolls), that was fixed, but your browser might be hanging onto old data.
Sheet Author
I don't know, I still get the grey on yellow just like my post from a couple days ago:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &amp;{template:default} {{name=Test Rolls}} {{Roll 1=[[1d20]]}} {{Roll 2=[[4d4]]}} I just cleared all site data on Chrome (no installed extensions), and still got those results. Tried an incognito window, just in case that makes a difference, and still got the same results.&nbsp; I haven't seen the grey on purple for loose inline rolls or default template rolls since the update on the 18th.
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Weird. I posted your macro and got this: Same results after clearing cache, and also from loading in a private browsing window.

Edited 1648918356
Sheet Author
Screenshot from another test (timestamp is mountain time) in an incognito Chrome window. Chrome version: Version 100.0.4896.60 (Official Build) (64-bit) Edit: Totally cleared cache, and all Roll20 related cookies that I could find on Firefox, and tested in regular and then a private window.&nbsp; When I first log on (dark mode already enabled), the default roll template is not displaying in dark mode at all!&nbsp; Nor is the free inline roll.&nbsp; You can see that everything is dark around the template, which is using the light background for the template content: If I toggle dark mode off and then back on again, the template background correctly changes, but the roll background does not: Firefox version: 98.0.2 (64-bit) Edit again: If I inspect the rolls, the styles part of the inspection window show the yellow as active instead of struck through like it should be when superseded by something else.&nbsp; It does show the dark mode stuff as I scroll down, but it isn't being applied to the roll background for some reason.

Edited 1648919591
Lol heres an even weirder one for the two of you: Hey I figured out why this is happening!&nbsp;&nbsp; Their latest patch is calling upon windows 10 for color choices.&nbsp; If you set your color to light, you get light text like Keith, if you set it to dark, you get black text like me, if you set it to custom, you get the old mess that Kraynic has.&nbsp;&nbsp;
keithcurtis said: Weird. I posted your macro and got this: Same results after clearing cache, and also from loading in a private browsing window. Maybe with the purpleish background they should change the red bar signaling one of the dices had a 1... maybe switch it to orange or yellow in Darkmode while leaving it red in light mode!
DM Eddie said: Lol heres an even weirder one for the two of you: What Browser do you use?

Edited 1648919807
DM Eddie, I got that display pattern this morning (dark text on dark background), but toggling dark mode off and back on again made the text properly light-colored again. (I use Firefox, on a Mac, no special display settings.)
I can switch between white, black, and then that gold mess by changing the color setting in windows 10 personalization.&nbsp; In real time.&nbsp;&nbsp;
keithcurtis said: Weird. I posted your macro and got this: Same results after clearing cache, and also from loading in a private browsing window. This is what I get, too when testing it. BUT after switching to light mode and back to dark mode it looks like this:
Higher contrast for the scroll bar here would be nice! Also: Why just this little dot and not a bar like in light mode???
API Scripter
keithcurtis said: It is a quick fix with something like stylus, but I plan to wait until the interface is fixed before monkeying any more with CSS tweaks. If you do want to change it yourself, I would suggest looking into the CSS variables introduced with dark mode, rather than hard-coding a color value. Just remember to test with the CSS back to vanilla when reporting any further issues. That's what i meant, its literally just changing a color code for the dark-mode css style.&nbsp; It works fine in light mode. As far as i can tell, this specific problem goes away by simply using a different hex code.
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TheMarkus1204 said: keithcurtis said: Weird. I posted your macro and got this: Same results after clearing cache, and also from loading in a private browsing window. This is what I get, too when testing it. BUT after switching to light mode and back to dark mode it looks like this: That's what I get too. Messing with Dark Mode settings at the OS level on Mac has no effect, though. Still don't know why Windows 10 custom color settings yield yellow, though. I can't test for it. Only system level setting on Mac are dark, light and auto.

Edited 1648994740
keithcurtis said: TheMarkus1204 said: keithcurtis said: Weird. I posted your macro and got this: Same results after clearing cache, and also from loading in a private browsing window. This is what I get, too when testing it. BUT after switching to light mode and back to dark mode it looks like this: That's what I get too. Messing with Dark Mode settings at the OS level on Mac has no effect, though. Still don't know why Windows 10 custom color settings yield yellow, though. I can't test for it. Only system level setting on Mac are dark, light and auto. For me - at least - yellow for light and purple for dark mode works fine... everything else... well... ... ... I think I do not need to say anything more about it... Edit: I use windows 10 with dark mode enabled but for Roll20 I switched back to light mode and I will stay with it as long as all those bugs are not fixed...
Having a similar problem running windows 8.1 and latest version of Firefox. Had to go to chat log for one of the macro results. I am using the default macro template as well. Love this new mode just wished I could see the results of my macros. Did try turning it on and off too for good measure and cache has been deleted.
The rightmost column of my character sheet isn't in the correct spot.&nbsp; It should be there on the right, under CORE BIO SPELLS Instead it's under the leftmost column&nbsp;&nbsp; This requires excessive scrolling and not a good experience.&nbsp;&nbsp;
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Hi PunyPaladin! Check to see if your browser is zoomed. Also, if you are using anything like the Stylus extension, try turning styles off. Does the issue ccur in a private browsing window or another browser (either Chrome of Firefox)?
That has got to be an extension interfering.&nbsp; They have the lightside font though, so I guess we now see why they changed the font for darkmode.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Browser (FF) is not zoomed.&nbsp;&nbsp; The sheet looks normal in light mode.&nbsp;&nbsp; I disabled all extensions and it still looks like that. There were only a few, and nothing that messes with light/dark mode.&nbsp;&nbsp;
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Hmmm... Something is affecting the display, though. Those aren't the standard check marks next to the names, for instance. Did you see if the behavior repeats in Chrome, or a private browsing window?
keithcurtis said: Hmmm... Something is affecting the display, though. Those aren't the standard check marks next to the names, for instance. Did you see if the behavior repeats in Chrome, or a private browsing window? Might it be some work in Progress? That they are testing out light mode font for dark mode as well? (If so, they need to adjust margins and style in general)
PunyPaladin said: The rightmost column of my character sheet isn't in the correct spot.&nbsp; It should be there on the right, under CORE BIO SPELLS Instead it's under the leftmost column&nbsp;&nbsp; This requires excessive scrolling and not a good experience.&nbsp;&nbsp; The whole alignment is wrong... Inspiration for example is placed way below the normal spot. Same goes for Proficiency Bonus... so it is not just the rightmost column that is shifted...
Although everything is in place for me: "Tool Proficiencies &amp; Custom skills" need to be inside that box and below the buttons. Other thing I noticed: The sheet is not responsive. So if you change the size the columns are simply hidden instead of being shifted.

Edited 1649057266
PunyPaladin said: Browser (FF) is not zoomed.&nbsp;&nbsp; The sheet looks normal in light mode.&nbsp;&nbsp; I disabled all extensions and it still looks like that. There were only a few, and nothing that messes with light/dark mode.&nbsp;&nbsp; Do you get the same results with Chrome?
It barely fits with the rounded corners and it does not change color when hovering over it as it does in light mode. Also: Why is the text font larger than in light mode?
TheMarkus1204 said: It barely fits with the rounded corners and it does not change color when hovering over it as it does in light mode. Also: Why is the text font larger than in light mode? Look above, someone posted an image of darkmode without the formatting and font changes and their sheet is all sorts of fubar.&nbsp;&nbsp;
The /talktomyself annotation is messed up

Edited 1649453953
Yup, same here (Firefox, Mac). It was nice for a few days. Also, inline rolls have gone back to being unreadable: As have token tooltips: Edit: After the April 7th automatic update to Firefox 99.0 (and after toggling Dark Mode off and back on again to get it to take), inline rolls and tooltips (and the "Talking to Yourself" flag) look nice again. If there was something happening behind the scenes on Roll20's end, thanks! npcfullatk template rolls are still off, but in a new way for me: Edit: Spoke too soon; back to this mode the next day:
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I just reloaded and refreshed the cache. I don't see any changes from what it has been for the last week. The tooltips look fine, but the npcatkdamage roll template is still wonky.

Edited 1649127653
After clearing the cache and site data, reloading and toggling dark mode off and on, same result for me: Edit: Same result in a private window.
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I dunno, then. I'm getting consistent results in a private window. I've only tested on Chrome, though.

Edited 1649146580
DM Eddie said: TheMarkus1204 said: It barely fits with the rounded corners and it does not change color when hovering over it as it does in light mode. Also: Why is the text font larger than in light mode? Look above, someone posted an image of darkmode without the formatting and font changes and their sheet is all sorts of fubar.&nbsp;&nbsp; You don't have the image by chance? Cause I can NOT imagine that the sheet with just switched colors would go all fubar! With all those rounded corners they needed to switch font and size because everything else is shifted (just switch between light and dark mode with the sheet opened)... If they just inverted colors they wouldn't need the shifting at all... just a fix to the Rolltemplate if dark mode is enabled and that's it...
keithcurtis said: I just reloaded and refreshed the cache. I don't see any changes from what it has been for the last week. The tooltips look fine, but the npcatkdamage roll template is still wonky. Just to clarify for the guy trying to fix it, the template is &amp;{template:npcfullatk}