However, for those who have vision problems or migraines this can be a problem as it comes down to accessibility rather than aesthetic. It isn't just bright pink on bright white causing issues either. Here is a great example of what their update did for inserting links to handouts:
To be clear - There is text in that top box. The quickest solution would have been to just roll back the changes and revert to the previous version. Then they could have rolled out these changes a little at a time with testing, something I know for a fact they can do thanks to the number of surveys I've seen popping up regarding the potential changes with the layers in a game. Instead they pushed through an "aesthetic" choice and have more or less seemed to ignore the backlash to follow despite there being legitimate issues with vision and migraine affected users.
It's good that roll20 is still monitoring this thread.
Any chance of getting a fix for this (and the white-on-white pulldowns) before the week is out? It's infuriating to edit handout links, which is something I do frequently as a gamemaster and a player who keeps an in-game journal.
I thought the rapid turnaround on some of the fixes was a sign that the usual roll20 slow crawl might be speeding up, but we're back to waiting way too long for simple improvements and bug fixes, which really shouldn't be the norm around here, but has been for nearly a decade. Some basic features have taken years, or are still pending. Do you realize you have actual competitors now?
I swear if there was a race between a snail, a sloth, a tortoise, a sentient stream of molasses, a glacier, and the roll20 devs, I wouldn't bet on roll20 to place in the top 3, and I'd have my doubts they would make the top 5.
Sorry to vent on the forums yet again. I've deleted several versions of this gripe over the last few days before hitting that glaring pink submit button, but the frustration is taking its toll. Fix your mistakes and do better in the future.