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Page Folders Have Arrived!

Sweet!!!!   I would love to see folders in My Marketplace so I can sort the 5E from the Pathfinder, the Tokens from the maps for the books.
When I saw I was like: 5 minutes can save me so much time and make the game run smoother.  Great job Roll20.
Is this the official feedback thread? Hope so. My feedback is that it's a great feature and I'm glad to have it. Thanks!   My one "wish" would be to make it more compact and vertically smaller. I never liked how much visual real estate it took up before, and I'd like to see more than 60% of my screen while rooting around in the pages menu. I'm often doing that while the game is live and things are happening!
Forum Champion
camelotcrusade said: Is this the official feedback thread? Hope so. My feedback is that it's a great feature and I'm glad to have it. Thanks!   My one "wish" would be to make it more compact and vertically smaller. I never liked how much visual real estate it took up before, and I'd like to see more than 60% of my screen while rooting around in the pages menu. I'm often doing that while the game is live and things are happening! I would like to vote for the opposite: make it bigger! Let me see more maps at once! Take it all the way to the bottom please! With that said, I think making the window variable in size would enable both styles of users. :) Camelotcrusade: In the meantime I suggest opening a second instance of the game, you can use the second instance to keep track of things and switch back and forth between windows. One window has the pages open, the other doesn't. 
Stephen C.
Sheet Author
I think it's a nice touch that a map which is archived inside of a folder will be restored back into the same folder. (Though I haven't limit tested this with changing names or dragging that folder inside of another folder or anything.) There did appear to be a visual bug where the archived maps did not disappear until I went to a different folder, but that's probably a low priority issue.
Marketplace Creator
I really wish it had a List view. Until it does, I had to turn off the new UI. I use an extension to get list view...and it has not updated to work with the new UI yet.
Daniel S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
A nice addition.  It would be nice if the search bar was tucked in to the right of the 'add folder' button. There's a lot of unnecessary empty space there, which means more scrolling to see your pages and folders.
Agreed. The drag to scroll in Chrome is slow and has a great deal of lag. I'll have a better idea after tonight's game of how things work - I spent the weekend moving maps around into folders and today I'll be testing out how easy it is to move people between the various maps. JASON H. said: Agreed, the drag to scroll in Chrome is horrible, you have to hover over it for it to pop up and it is still difficult to drag.  Riley D. said: Hey folks! Finally, the drag-to-scroll feature in Chrome is really feeling finicky to use (the area where you have to put the cursor is way too small). We have some work in that area that we are doing as well.  Thanks for your continued feedback, both your kind words and your critiques, and we'll keep working to make this even better!
API Scripter
Daniel S. said: A nice addition.  It would be nice if the search bar was tucked in to the right of the 'add folder' button. There's a lot of unnecessary empty space there, which means more scrolling to see your pages and folders. It seems unnecessary until you're enlarging your font, or reducing your window... 
I have been using this and simply love it!  I keep things pretty organized anyway, but this makes it soooooo much easier...!!!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Gauss said: camelotcrusade said: Is this the official feedback thread? Hope so. My feedback is that it's a great feature and I'm glad to have it. Thanks!   My one "wish" would be to make it more compact and vertically smaller. I never liked how much visual real estate it took up before, and I'd like to see more than 60% of my screen while rooting around in the pages menu. I'm often doing that while the game is live and things are happening! I would like to vote for the opposite: make it bigger! Let me see more maps at once! Take it all the way to the bottom please! I was initially in that camp until I was running a game and realized that I often have to dip into another page to grab a token and zip back. Having the menu stay open for the whole process, but still leave room to grab a token of the transitory page is a big help. I am fine with it as is, but wouldn't complain if it were tweaked a bit for others. (My main Roll20 screen is an ultrawide monitor).

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I will have to admit, I was straight up scared to try this for a bit because it's new and new things are often buggy. But I just recently gathered my courage and loaded it up. Works great! Opens up a whole bunch of new versatility for campaign organization and player character management. And can I say, I LOVE the ability to move players separate from the party. I've been wanting this since forever! Can anyone (particularly  keithcurtis ? ) tell me if there is now a way to pop the TOKEN of a character to a new location without the old expedient of copy-pasting it? I would love to have one set of tokens in play (one for each player) and be able to just move them around. Copy/pasting leaves the old one behind and changes the token ID. My apologies if there is an obvious solution to this that I've been missing all these years.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Hi Michael! At the moment, there is no option in the Page Menu to move tokens. Regarding Ids, pasting a new token pretty much has to create a new ID. Since every ID in the game must be unique, moving the token to a new page would require destroying the old one. Theoretically possible, but nothing in Roll20 works that way, so far. A potentially duplicated ID could cause real problems in the database. There are ways you can dynamically grab the token id (ex. @{selected|token_id} works for most token actions). that being said, there are several options to placing tokens on a new page: Copy and paste from an old page. Advantage:  Duplicates any token-specific settings, like markers and auras. All Roll20 modules have a token page that allows you to copy and paste groups that may live in different folders in the journal tab. Disadvantage: requires navigating pages to grab the right tokens Drag a fresh token from the journal Advantage: If your journal is well-organized, specific token groups can be gotten very quickly. Has search function Disadvantage: May require extra navigation if tokens you want are not in the same folder Script, such as Spawn Default Token Advantage: Can be very quick, loading an entire party with a single click Disadvantage: Requires set-up time. May not work with marketplace images. There's no one good serves-all solution, but each has some strengths that you can leverage for specific situations. 
JustYoshi said: I cannot switch between pages using the flags as when I try to click, hold and drag it just returns to the original spot. I'm using chrome and I even removed my extensions to see if there was conflict but that does not appear to be the case here.  You need to drag it in the middle of the map itself. just dragging it to the map and release does NOTHING... (mentioned that before)
DnDPlay20 said: I really wish it had a List view. Until it does, I had to turn off the new UI. I use an extension to get list view...and it has not updated to work with the new UI yet. A List view would indeed be nice as the menu could be a lot smaller and you still have your maps visible and can switch between them very easy!
Really liking the new folders, it's been behaving fine on Firefox. it's prompted me to become a lot more organised :) A thought, might not be technically feasible, but, would it be possible to detach the maps folder feature into a separate tab/window? I can then maximise it onto a second monitor and just generally have more elbow room to shuffle things around. 
Ok, so I now have some actual experience with using the maps: I have to say, that it worked just fine for me. I have a large campaign that's been around for 3 years and a lot of maps. I spent time on Sunday organizing the maps into folders based on module, location, etc. On Tuesday, I ran my game. I had no problems with any of the maps. It worked nice and smooth. Moving the bookmark around worked well, and I didn't have to scroll through the 100 or so maps to get to the right set. In short, now that the kinks seem to have been worked out, I like it. There are still a few improvements that can be made, such as speeding up the scrolling when moving maps but other than that... it's a major improvement and I love it!  
I'll be poking around this feature over the weekend. Thanks to the dev team for the effort. 
best update yet!!!
I make and have so many maps. I've been needing something like this, especially since I put everything into organized folders. Handouts, templates, sheets, and now maps everything finally has a folder!
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Marketplace Creator
This is one we have needed for awhile!
Bless you guys for this feature. It's SO GOOD. Like, for someone who's been running their campaign for 2+ years with over 100+ maps, this is huge. Whomever came up with this feature, please give them a raise. Love you guys.
I've been waiting for this for so so long, now I don't have to archive all those maps anymore <3 My only wish for an additional feature would be, that players can select certain maps themselves, like if they wanted to take a quick look at the world map for example, so that I don't have to do that anymore. There would have to be an option to make certain maps unaccessable for players and such.
Floofffy said: I've been waiting for this for so so long, now I don't have to archive all those maps anymore &lt;3 My only wish for an additional feature would be, that players can select certain maps themselves, like if they wanted to take a quick look at the world map for example, so that I don't have to do that anymore. There would have to be an option to make certain maps unaccessable for players and such. Cast your vote here for that!…&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Is there a way to organize Maps By Date Added or even Alphabetically?&nbsp;&nbsp;
Our DM just heard this news and it put him in such a good mood he decided that we no longer deserved a TPK for teasing him earlier. Thank you immensely!
DM-Stevo said: Is there a way to organize Maps By Date Added or even Alphabetically?&nbsp;&nbsp; Sadly not right now! I do hope it will get implemented at some point!
There are a few issues with this right now. Token macro buttons should not be allowed to overlap the Pages button.&nbsp; Its annoying when you're trying to click the Pages button but have to de-select a token before you can do so. Also, the Pages button should be moved further to the right, just above the Zoom controls, and the Zoom controls lowered a bit to accommodate this. When the Pages pull-down has been opened, it should be in front.&nbsp; Right now, the Turn Order and any Character Sheets or Handouts that are open are on top and in the way. This means you have to move them out of your way or close them. The Pages pull-down might as well use most of the screen while its open. It already obscures more than half the screen, I see little reason why it should not use most of it (other than the layering issue above, but the current sizing doesn't actually help with this).&nbsp; What's left right now isn't very useful. I feel like it needs the ability to close automatically upon selecting a new map, but not always.&nbsp; Perhaps right-click on the map to go to that map and close the Pages automatically or something?&nbsp; It feels annoying to manually close the Pages after going to a new map, yet I fear it may be equally annoying if it closes every time.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Anthony said: There are a few issues with this right now. Token macro buttons should not be allowed to overlap the Pages button.&nbsp; Its annoying when you're trying to click the Pages button but have to de-select a token before you can do so. Also, the Pages button should be moved further to the right, just above the Zoom controls, and the Zoom controls lowered a bit to accommodate this. When the Pages pull-down has been opened, it should be in front.&nbsp; Right now, the Turn Order and any Character Sheets or Handouts that are open are on top and in the way. This means you have to move them out of your way or close them. The Pages pull-down might as well use most of the screen while its open. It already obscures more than half the screen, I see little reason why it should not use most of it (other than the layering issue above, but the current sizing doesn't actually help with this).&nbsp; What's left right now isn't very useful. I feel like it needs the ability to close automatically upon selecting a new map, but not always.&nbsp; Perhaps right-click on the map to go to that map and close the Pages automatically or something?&nbsp; It feels annoying to manually close the Pages after going to a new map, yet I fear it may be equally annoying if it closes every time. Agreed on Z-order and page pull-down thumb placement. I have fixed these on my local game with Stylus, but this would be better arrangement and behavior. I disagree on the amount of space. There are enough people reporting that they feel it takes up too much space that about half feels like a good compromise. Many GMs will open the page menu, navigate to a different page, grab some tokens they need and go back to the original page. Leaving about half the map area visible makes this possible without extra opening and closing. As for the auto close, you can get some of this behavior by using the advanced "p" shortcut. Once you have gotten into the habit of opening and closing the menu that way, you can pretty much decide when it collapses.
The P-Shortcut is a huge advantage now that it works again I have to say...
Thank you. This is going to make everything so much easier. I would love being able to colour code the folders and see their full names so hopefully for the next update.
not sure why, but for whatever reason I cannot drag the maps into a folder. I click and drag and it's like I'm dragging an image out but not the actual file. It would be nice if there was an "Add To:" &nbsp;drop down list where I could just select the folder I want to put a map into.&nbsp;
Marketplace Creator
Oh my goodness THANK YOU THANK YOU! I've been looking forward and hoping for this for years. HOORAY!!!!
It may not be the same issue but earlier today I was experiencing a lot of lag in character sheets, changing maps and running macros that called MOD scripts, even after clearing cache and a hard refresh. It later went back to normal. Maxwell H. said: not sure why, but for whatever reason I cannot drag the maps into a folder. I click and drag and it's like I'm dragging an image out but not the actual file. It would be nice if there was an "Add To:" &nbsp;drop down list where I could just select the folder I want to put a map into.&nbsp;
How the heck do you move the party bookmark in between folders?

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EbonyChimera said: How the heck do you move the party bookmark in between folders? You OPEN the folder beforehand and after the right folder is opened you use the gold flag at the top right and drag that to the Map you want your players to be on... (Now it is less a flag, more like a marker)
.... Oooooooooooooooooooooh. Thank you! I was getting so angry not being able to figure it out XD TheMarkus1204 said: EbonyChimera said: How the heck do you move the party bookmark in between folders? You OPEN the folder beforehand and after the right folder is opened you use the gold flag at the top right and drag that to the Map you want your players to be on... (Now it is less a flag, more like a marker)
Excellent improvement. Suggest to add a botton to classify pages.
Great! I need to read this. Thanks! Knowledge is wisdom Dave Meadows Autumn 2023
Hey folks! We put out an update today to Page Folders with the following changes: Performance should be greatly improved when dragging and dropping pages, folders, and players, especially on lower-end devices. The drag-to-scroll area (where you hold something at the bottom/top of the list and the list scrolls for you) has been greatly expanded in Chrome which should make that much easier to use. Thanks!
keithcurtis said: Anthony said: When the Pages pull-down has been opened, it should be in front.&nbsp; Right now, the Turn Order and any Character Sheets or Handouts that are open are on top and in the way. This means you have to move them out of your way or close them. Agreed on Z-order and page pull-down thumb placement. I have fixed these on my local game with Stylus, but this would be better arrangement and behavior. Just making sure we're seeing the same behavior, I just checked and when the Page Toolbar is open (dropped down from the top), it is in front of Characters, Handouts, and the Turn Order when I have those open. Is that not what you all are seeing?
I am going to be honest here, dropped my subscription to Roll20 a while ago simply because I was seeing no real improvements to Roll20 while Foundry was making life easier and easier particularly with support for Dungeon Alchemist, third party software and the like... The last few months though, I have been seeing Roll20 crop up over and over with new features and this feature in particular is one I asked for years ago. I am excited to see it and with all the new updates recently I am starting to gain some faith in Roll20 again. Resubbing today. Keep it up R20.&nbsp;
Riley D. said: keithcurtis said: Anthony said: When the Pages pull-down has been opened, it should be in front.&nbsp; Right now, the Turn Order and any Character Sheets or Handouts that are open are on top and in the way. This means you have to move them out of your way or close them. Agreed on Z-order and page pull-down thumb placement. I have fixed these on my local game with Stylus, but this would be better arrangement and behavior. Just making sure we're seeing the same behavior, I just checked and when the Page Toolbar is open (dropped down from the top), it is in front of Characters, Handouts, and the Turn Order when I have those open. Is that not what you all are seeing? All handouts, turn order and character sheets are behind the page menu when opened, so all working as expected here
Hey everyone! We just pushed another small update here based on your feedback that cleans up the layout of the interface a bit. You should now see that the Add Page and Add Folder buttons are next to the search bar, and that they will collapse into smaller icon-only buttons when you have a more narrow screen size during play. This should provide some additional space for your to work with your pages and folders on smaller screens. Thank you!