Roll20 Sound-related Suggestions Report:
As of December 4, 2014, I have identified TEN suggestion threads related to improving Jukebox / Audio services for Roll20. Some of the suggestions are unique and specific, and stand on their own. Other suggestion posts are overlapping and generalized, and could be combined together for maximum voting-up power. If you feel that your Suggestion is a match with one of the other links below, please add your Comments and your Vote on the other thread that would maximize the voting solidarity.
From my research I felt that the current thread is the best thread to bring other suggestions into this thread & vote it up. The reason is this thread is the general one called "Alternatives to Soundcloud" so that people can mention all the different alternative sound services people might want. This thread is appropriate to accommodate some of the other suggestions like Spotify, Tabletop Audio, Syrinscape.
Attention: Roll20 Devs. Please look over this index of Sound-suggestions when you are working on sounds and considering related features. I hope this helps with organization of the many Suggestions.
Consider combining 1-6 threads suggesting alternative sound services.
The following 6 threads are excellent Suggestions but some or all could be combined with the top "Alternatives to Soundcloud" suggestion in order to maximize voting power. Or they could be maintained as separate suggestions if people want to vote service-by-service for which ones you really want in particular. I think we would be best-served by combining the different audio-services suggestions, just to let Roll20 Devs know that people wanted alternative sound services, thus combine the possible sound-services ideas so they can all be compared and Roll20 Devs choose to answer the ones that seem the best or most likely from the Devs knowledge and research.
Alternatives to Soundcloud and Additions to the Jukebox (Score +4 so far) This thread is generalized for any/all improvements to Jukebox! This would be a great thread to add everyone's ideas for other services besides Soundcloud that you might want: Would be nice to Add the Spotify suggestion here if you agree,
- Add the Tabletop Audio suggestion here,
- Add the "other audio streaming services" suggestion here,
- Add the Private Soundcloud suggestion here.
Spotify integration for jukebox (Score +1 so far) Audio integration (Score +1 so far)
Add support for other audio streaming services (Score +1 so far). way to play music clips in private playlists on Soundcloud or other (Score +3 so far) (+1 so far) / SFX Marketplace (Score +1 so far) This is a unique idea to allow selling of sound effects in the Roll20 Marketplace. That's a different idea compared to adding support for alternative sound services, so I feel this suggestion stands alone.
2 threads related to organization of your collected sounds within the existing Jukebox feature.
Jukebox layout, Multiple playlists (Score +72 so far) This mainly regards organization of the sounds within your jukebox. vault (Score +2 so far). This regards organization of your sounds from campaign to campaign. This is related to "Jukebox layout, multiple playlists" but it is not an exact overlap. threads related to triggering Sounds automatically by something happening in the game.
Music / Sound effect Queued by map change or shown handout (Score +73 so far) trigger API (Score +14 so far)
Play selected sound file on movement or other trigger (+1 so far), related topics
Fade in / out for sound effects / music