I was reading on a bit, and I didn't notice anything of the sort, so I have a potential bug to report here. Basically, you know how tokens can have the bars toggled above them, and you can set those bars to be specific values, such as a PC or NPC's HP? With this sheet, I've had all of my PC's and NPC's HP values set to their respective tokens, and they're all used as representations of those characters. Previously, whenever you changed the HP values on the token, it would change from the Current HP on the character sheet, and vice versa. This feature is extremely helpful, as I'm sure you would imagine. The last time we played was Sunday, the 19th. Now, my problem here is that today I've noticed that when using this method of changing the HP of PCs/NPCs, the token's bar values and the Current HP value on their sheets don't change at simultaneously, like they did before. Is anyone else experiencing this, or is it a bug that I can fix? Hopefully this is descriptive enough, it's kind of hard to explain what my problem is here.