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Starfinder [ALPHA - WIP] Discussion Thread

Scott C. said: Hi everyone, Sorry I've been silent on updates on the sheet. I've been busy reworking the methodology of the sheet's sheetworkers to be more efficient. The downside to this is that I had to scrap everything I had (sheetworker wise) and start over. The upside is that the new methodology is a lot easier to follow so the programming is going faster now. The Core tab of the player sheet should be feature complete (and reasonably styled) sometime this weekend. Would anyone be interested if I created a Starfinder Character Sheet: Alpha  game? You'd be able to work with the sheet as it currently stands and give me feedback on how it feels to interact with and/or how well it supports the game. See you all around the VTT, Scott That sounds like a solid idea.
Scott C. said: Hi everyone, Sorry I've been silent on updates on the sheet. I've been busy reworking the methodology of the sheet's sheetworkers to be more efficient. The downside to this is that I had to scrap everything I had (sheetworker wise) and start over. The upside is that the new methodology is a lot easier to follow so the programming is going faster now. The Core tab of the player sheet should be feature complete (and reasonably styled) sometime this weekend. Would anyone be interested if I created a Starfinder Character Sheet: Alpha  game? You'd be able to work with the sheet as it currently stands and give me feedback on how it feels to interact with and/or how well it supports the game. See you all around the VTT, Scott ooh! yes please! 
Roll20 Production Team
Yes absolutely lets do it!
Hit me up when the Alpha game goes live, I'll definitely check it out!
In the words of Sheev Palpatine "Do It!"
Yeah, would appreciate it.
I'm game for that.
I have 8 people chomping at the bit so I'd be down to test 

Edited 1504358011
I would love to try the alpha. There are 3 other people in my group who would be able to pick over it for you.
I, too I am excited for this! I would try alpha if needed 
Count me in! I have 13 people waiting :p Keep up the good work.
I would also like to use the alpha once it goes live! Thanks for doing this.
That sound great.  Would love a alpha.  Thanks a lot for all your work.
Scott C. said: Hi everyone, Sorry I've been silent on updates on the sheet. I've been busy reworking the methodology of the sheet's sheetworkers to be more efficient. The downside to this is that I had to scrap everything I had (sheetworker wise) and start over. The upside is that the new methodology is a lot easier to follow so the programming is going faster now. The Core tab of the player sheet should be feature complete (and reasonably styled) sometime this weekend. Would anyone be interested if I created a Starfinder Character Sheet: Alpha  game? You'd be able to work with the sheet as it currently stands and give me feedback on how it feels to interact with and/or how well it supports the game. See you all around the VTT, Scott I would absolutely love to give it a whirl and provide feedback for ya!
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
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The  Starfinder Sheet Alpha is now live . Let me know what you all think.

Edited 1504492781
Sheet Author
Like the sheet Scott. Great job.  I need to get familiar with the SF system before I can do too much...    Some suggestions/observations; I think the profession input is missing a value..?  I like how CS changes from a check box to "3".  Dig it. Skill notes seem to be askew.   IMO, skill rank totals would be nice to see.   Character Info, Class Details, Repeating Attacks, Armor class sections needs left margin/padding to match other areas. IMO, the "Initiative" header/button text could be larger. Damage/Type column on attacks could use some padding. Again, great job.
Scott C.
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Missing a value as in a place or as in a field?

Edited 1504493004
Sheet Author
Scott C. said: Missing a value as in a place or as in a field? I think in the input field.  I was entering a name, but it always reverted to "0".  I might be doing it wrong...
Scott C.
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Huh, yeah, that shouldn't be happening. Did not notice that when I was testing prior to the alpha. Time for a bug hunt! ;)
Scott C. said: Huh, yeah, that shouldn't be happening. Did not notice that when I was testing prior to the alpha. Time for a bug hunt! ;) Shouldn't the profession skill use a choice between Wis, Cha, or Int? So this should, at most, be a variable, right?

Edited 1504501899
Scott C.
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Spencer, The field in question was for the Profession's name. The resetting to zero was because I hadn't gated a sheetworker properly. The ability score for the profession (and for all skills) is a drop-down menu with all six abilities as choices. This issue has now been fixed. (thanks to Vince for catching it)
Scott C. said: Spencer, The field in question was for the Profession's name. The resetting to zero was because I hadn't gated a sheetworker properly. The ability score for the profession (and for all skills) is a drop-down menu with all six abilities as choices. Oh, got it! Sorry for the confusions. I haven't got a chance to look at the full sheet yet. 
Scott C.
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Np, feel free to hop in the alpha game for a preview of the sheet.
Hi Scott, I'll give the sheet a round of testing today, do you have a preference on where to get bugs (PMs, this thread, the alpha game forum)? Anyway, here's the first issue I bumped into filling a character sheet: When I entered my class details (Operative) and THEN my Dexterity score of 17, my RP total didn't calculate correctly (it say 1, while it should've said 4). I had to set my class primary ability score to Dexterity again in order for the sheet to update my total RP. I think it's because the dropdown was on Dexterity by default, I see that my variable for class-1-ability was only created when I changed the dropdown. Repro steps: Create a blank sheet. Go to Class Details, and fill class-1 for Operative. (Don't change the dropdown that's already on Dex) Set your Dexterity score to something higher than 11, so your RP total should be 2 or higher. Notice that your RP total isn't updated to 2+, it's still 1. Go back to Class Details, flip the ability dropdown from Dex to anything else, then back to Dex. Notice the issue is resolved. Possible fixes: Have the class-1-ability dropdown on a blank selection upon sheet creation, Or have the class-1-ability variable already created and set to Dex on sheet creation.

Edited 1504540528
Scott C.
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Thanks SP, Here is the preferred place for bug reports for the alpha (easier to review than multiple PM's). I've had a couple people report the RP issue (although none with the exact steps on recreating it, so thanks for that). I'll be starting my bug hunting in earnest today, so should have a fix in this afternoon. EDIT: Also, to answer your question from the alpha chat; the shields denote skills that are affected by armor check penalties. These are currently hardcoded in, but will be customizable in the final sheet.
Sheet Author
Just had a chance to poke head in and look at it, seems to be coming along great. Will there be an indicator for skills that require training to be utilized similar to ACP skills?

Edited 1504548105
Scott C.
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Yes, eventually, just haven't found a symbol I like enough yet. EDIT: Also, an update to the alpha sheet went live about an hour ago. Fixes the RP not updating, incorrect CMD, and ACP penalization highlighting.
Could use point buy fields total (or calculated) &  allowed (allow +2 for human and other exceptions) &  in "abilities" make read when calc exceeds allowed.

Edited 1504552440
Scott C.
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I probably won't be putting that in as there are alternate statting methods
Roll20 Production Team
First let me just say kudos! Its looking great so far! After a brief overview I did notice one thing...the outputs for the health window are blocky and hard to read.  Or is it just me?

Edited 1504556380
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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Thanks Ahpook, Are you using Firefox or Chrome? There is a display issue in firefox that I'm working on tracking down.
Roll20 Production Team

Edited 1504557011
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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Ok, yeah, I think I'm gonna have to change my font choice. It just doesn't display well in firefox. I really wish that custom fonts worked, I'd really love to use  Aldrich  for the headers and the health numbers. EDIT: or  Exo
Roll20 Production Team
Well you are doing us all a great favor anyway so thanks!
Starting a starfinder campaign next week, how would I be able to beta-test this sheet in my game?
Scott C.
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The sheet isn't ready for an actual campaign. Once I have it to beta stage, I will certainly make the code available
imo Aldrich looks more sci-fi style and better for SF ^^

Edited 1504652692
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Alpha  Sheet updated 2017/09/05 1751 UTC-5 Bug Fixes - Sheet will now work in Firefox (Thanks to Vince for his CSS mastery) - Attack mods now update when ability scores change - Ability scores selected for use with profession skills will now update correctly - Textareas are now locked to their container's size Formatting/style Changes - Font changes: The sheet will now try to use two web fonts: Aldrich, and Exo2 for various parts (it defaults to monospace if approval is not given to access these fonts). This solves the readability issues with Contrail One. - Some minor style changes to the health, ac, and save sections.

Edited 1504686658
Really odd bug. Rolling Fortitude Save calls it Acrobatics. It still rolls the proper thing, but it's a bit off named! :D Edit: Profession doesn't roll the modifier and throws the error "No attribute was found for @{Courtney R.|Profession}." Probably will be fixed with the eventual template addition, so not a big deal.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
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Compendium Curator
Thanks Courtney,I completely forgot to fix those
First of all, thanks in advance for the great work. Regarding the character sheet, are you planning on having a place where you can add misc bonuses to skills? I feel that is a substantial part of starfinder and the way it is now you can't add, for example, bonuses from class abilities and feats. Thanks again for doing this.

Edited 1504706569
Scott C.
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Hi Mayhem, I'm not planning on having misc fields for each skill. This is because I'm setting the sheet up so that the source of the modification is where you enter the buff. In the handout in the beta game are instructions for how to do this via the mods field of items. Try entering this in a mods field: +5 insight to acrobatics The sheet will take into account stacking as well. Note that I haven't put in handling for the operatives advantage rolling yet.
Any updates on this character sheet?
Technobable said: Any updates on this character sheet? I really feel for the community members that contribute their time and effort into major projects like this, when people can't even be bothered to read the updates on the same page of the forum.  Quite literally an update from the developer working on the sheet is 5 posts up stating that the changes to the alpha version of the sheet... and on the previous forum page an estimated time frame was given.  I don't mean this to be specifically directed at you Technobable, but reading the forums daily I see this same behavior every day and can see how frustrating it can be for these awesome people who are donating their time to make the platform better for everyone. I know everyone is excited for a new sheet for a popular system, but an ounce of effort and consideration (reading current forum posts, reviewing different issue trackers, etc...) will go a long way towards reducing the potential frustration our volunteer developers face when working on projects like this.  
Keep up the great work Scott!
UPD. Doesnt matter, I've realized that misunderstood things :D But how to add class features to skill like Operative's Edge (bonus to any skill and initiative) and bonus from Skill Focus feat. I mean, it is not an equipment and to add this there seems really weird... Is it possible to make some similar field(s) for class features and feats? I mean, this will looks more logical... Also, I've found that when cursor on Initiative label - this label is getting smaller.
Sheet Author
Archie Tevidor said: UPD. Doesnt matter, I've realized that misunderstood things :D But how to add class features to skill like Operative's Edge (bonus to any skill and initiative) and bonus from Skill Focus feat. I mean, it is not an equipment and to add this there seems really weird... Is it possible to make some similar field(s) for class features and feats? I mean, this will looks more logical... Also, I've found that when cursor on Initiative label - this label is getting smaller. There's a buffs section, and a few other sections that haven't been implemented fully yet, I imagine Op Edge and Feats will end up using that to apply their mods.
Also, what else I've noticed. In Armor Class, if in DR/RESIST you'll put, for example, 5/- and, for example, 10 month later you'll get some energy resist, to find how to add this you'll have to first delete your current resist to looks at help example. Is it possible to add balloon or smt similar with tips when cursor put on "DR/RESIST" ?