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Text Editor Update Bug Report Thread

Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
It's in our backlog-- thanks for the report!    

Edited 1534428391
Hello ! I have read the list at the top of this thread and the last two pages of comments and find the issues I encounter nowhere, so I shall describe them here best as I can : Inability to properly recolor handouts' text color : while editing a file the color changes accurately but upon saving the handout, the color change has not been saved and only the dull grey base color of the editor is saved. This is especially visible when I want all my handouts to be written in black font and while editing them, the font indeed is black, upon saving, no change has occurred. It does appear however that copying old text in black font color saves the black font color. Copying text from Word or Openoffice written in black also saves the black font color. Any other change doesn't. Inability to properly underline handouts' text. This is the exact same issue than that mentioned above, except with underlining. The same exceptions apply, meaning that copying from an outside source save the underlining and using an handout edited pre-text editor update saves it as well. It's worth noting that theses two problems (underlining and font color) are encountered on both handouts prior and posterior to the update, but only since it's release. Inability to copy and paste ordered lists without the handout "forgetting" that they are lists and thus adding a second layer of listing. So this one is a little harder to explain. Upon creating an unordered list in a, say, blank handout, the list works just fine with list, sub-lists, spacing and tabbing working as I believe, is intended. However, upon saving the handout and editing again, the lists appear to be broken. Their appearance remains the same, save for the fact that the dots who mark the list often overwrite the images of the character sheet if they are in one. The major issue there is that the lists do not WORK once they are saved, imported or copied. They are tabbed from the left border of the text editor but do not count as lists, which means that spacing any previously listed content results in the creation of a sub-list OR for some unexplained reason, the said content showing up at the same distance from the left border of the text editor. Basically, unordered lists are saved only in appearance but lose they inherent functionalities upon saving. The only way I get around this is by re-writing every handout and making sure the list are perfect or will not need change. Inability to space text content from a table if it at the end of an handout. This one is simple and just purely annoying. If a table is the last element of an handout (no space, letter or anything after it). It becomes impossible to use the space key to continue writing after the table. Even upon selection the right border of the table (when you can see the | of the text editor highlighting the whole side of the table) it simply adds a space in the last column/line of the said table. Sorry for the walls of text, and I hope they somehow help fixing these annoying issues. I'm glad to see that many infuriating bugs were fixed and that slowly but steadily, more changes are on the way. Please, be swift with them, I am sure than any DM or Player hates being stuck up on technical issues when preparing their games. Kind regards. (PS : Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker)

Edited 1534720565
I seem to be having trouble with the URL Parser, which I believe falls under this update as well. I am trying to generate a Nested Table of Pre-Generated Information, currently involving the Weather my Players will be encountering. The URL seems to be displaying the HTML data in the HTTP field, making it quite confusing to read, as you can clearly see I never typed that HTML data. The Parser seems to be seeing this HTML Data as a part of the Data to Display when put in a Nested Macro such as this @{template} is just a shortcut I made for &{template:default} @{Precipitation} is just a shortcut I made for [[1t[Precipitation]]] FireFox 61.0.2 (64 Bit) Windows 7 (64 Bit) HP 2000 Notebook PC 1.3 GHz Dual Core Processor 3 GB (2.6 GB available) of RAM Firewall is not the issue (already tested) &{template:default} also goes crazy when used in a Nested Macro in this manner It is not recognizing the difference between the Button & the current Macro The Button is not sending explicit Text either This step alone could fix this issue. I have included a screenshot so you are capable of seeing what I am seeing in regards to this bug. If this could get fixed soon, that would be wonderful. Meanwhile, I shall look into another manner in which to output my Weather details.  

Edited 1534724893
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Not sure I understand what the problem is, but your code block could be made simpler. You are referencing an ability on the same sheet, which doesn't require you to call out the sheet name. You could get away with (~wind-calm) for instance instead of (!%{MacroGM|wind-calm})
Since last week, something has happened to the GM notes section on tokens. Previously it was singe spaced (I press enter, I can now type on the line directly below where I was), now it seems to be double spaced (I press enter and a blank, unusable line appears between the line I was on and the new line I am now on). This is obviously undesirable, as it means you have to scroll down twice as much to read the same amount of text. I'm not doing anything complex, just inserting text, for example a monster's spell list.
Tony R.
Sheet Author
Simon H. said: Since last week, something has happened to the GM notes section on tokens. Previously it was singe spaced (I press enter, I can now type on the line directly below where I was), now it seems to be double spaced (I press enter and a blank, unusable line appears between the line I was on and the new line I am now on). This is obviously undesirable, as it means you have to scroll down twice as much to read the same amount of text. I'm not doing anything complex, just inserting text, for example a monster's spell list. You can shift+enter to get the old spacing. I preferred the previous spacing as well, but they confirmed that this is not a bug.

Edited 1534876464
Journal Command Buttons being broken still has no timeframe on coming back online. They still work but the new editor prepends ' http:// ' to everything even when not needed. Here's an API command to fix it in the meantime. Just setup command buttons as normal and run fixNotes. Should replace the http with nothing if you were trying to link an ~Attribute or !APICommand. Also works for the full link in case that got in there somehow. I just realized people may have use for doing multiple journals at the same time but I already closed my game so... eh.  Should work for all selected tokens and multiples of handouts with the same name. This should also fix uri decoding issues you may have from copy-pasting your links places (since they get an absolute path when you do that). on("chat:message", function(msg) { if(msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf('!fixNotes') == 0) { var journObjs = []; var decodeUrlEncoding = function(t){return t.replace(/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2})/g, function(f,n){return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n,16));});}; if(!_.isEmpty(msg.selected)) _.each(_.pluck(msg.selected, '_id'), tok => journObjs.push(getObj('character', getObj('graphic', tok).get('represents')))); else journObjs = filterObjs(obj => (obj.get('_type') == 'character' || obj.get('_type') == 'handout') && obj.get('name') == msg.content.replace('!fixNotes ', '')); if (_.isEmpty(journObjs)) { sendChat('API', '/w ' + msg.who + "Couldn't find that journal entry"); return; } _.each(journObjs, function(journObj) { if (journObj.get('_type') == 'character') journObj.get('bio', note => journObj.set('bio', decodeUrlEncoding(note).replace(/https?:\/\/(?\/editor\/)?[~]/g, '~').replace(/https?:\/\/(?\/editor\/)?[!]/g, '!'))); else journObj.get('notes', note => journObj.set('notes', decodeUrlEncoding(note).replace(/https?:\/\/(?\/editor\/)?[~]/g, '~').replace(/https?:\/\/(?\/editor\/)?[!]/g, '!'))); journObj.get('gmnotes', note => journObj.set('gmnotes', decodeUrlEncoding(note).replace(/https?:\/\/(?\/editor\/)?[~]/g, '~').replace(/https?:\/\/(?\/editor\/)?[!]/g, '!'))); }); } }); Select a token that represents a character sheet and type "!fixNotes" or type "!fixNotes Bob the Orc Slayer" where Bob can be replaced with whatever the journal entry is named. It'll only do the first one it finds. Should go through that journal entry and correct the links. If you don't have access to the API... Things are much much more complicated and it would be better just to wait.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That's a great idea for a script. The Journal Command Button entry on the wiki says this: Note: This feature is currently not available. It was an emergent behavior of the prior text editor that just happened to work. It is not currently available via the UI in the new Editor, but has been brought up in the New Text Editor's bug thread. The bit in bold makes me wonder if the dev team intends to enable the feature. They could justifiably declare that since it was never an intended feature, they don't need to recreate the ability  because it would take too much development time in the new editor . That would be a shame, but it would be nice to know one way or the other. Does the dev team plan to recreate this feature, or abandon it?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I havent seen this reported before, but I've noticed another example of html codes popping up in places where they shouldnt. If you look at your profile page, and hover over any of the achievement icons you get hovertext that used to be formatted. here's what you see now. See the bottom where i hovered over the last symbol. It was tricky to catch the text using a screenshot, so its faint because it was fading.
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
G G said: I havent seen this reported before, but I've noticed another example of html codes popping up in places where they shouldnt. If you look at your profile page, and hover over any of the achievement icons you get hovertext that used to be formatted. here's what you see now. See the bottom where i hovered over the last symbol. It was tricky to catch the text using a screenshot, so its faint because it was fading. Thanks for your report! We do have this issue in the backlog, but it's pretty low priority at the moment. The bit in bold makes me wonder if the dev team intends to enable the feature. They could justifiably declare that since it was never an intended feature, they don't need to recreate the ability  because it would take too much development time in the new editor . That would be a shame, but it would be nice to know one way or the other. Does the dev team plan to recreate this feature, or abandon it? I've put it into the backlog, but it hasn't really been discussed in depth yet. If the dev team decides not to do it, I'll post an update here and update the wiki. At that point, someone would need to make a Suggestions Forum post to re-enable it (it would have my vote!) The wiki entry was edited by a mod who rightly wanted to communicate that the function isn't working right now, without making any statements either way about when or if it'll work again in the future.

Edited 1534877565
Good thing I refreshed the page before submitting! I had much the same typed up as you did Stephanie. So since I would feel bad about commenting on a bug report thread without a bug or a resolution, I updated that little script to work with multiple tokens/ handouts and fixed that it wasn't repairing links copy-pasted from Word/ the forums. If you have multiple character sheets up/ minimized though the tabletop will lag until *all* of their sheetworkers refresh. No way around that one. Close the sheets or be prepared to wait. It's your computer lagging, not the server. Also be careful about using it with nested queries. I have no experience with them but they probably work too. Link to updated script
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Havoc said (elsewhere): When a lag happens and you want to edit a handout/character, it will have "Loading..." in both textboxes. That's normal. However, if you click Save Changes, it will save "Loading..." to both of them. I lost a handout like that.
keithcurtis said: It's not even that simple. There is a need for a different keystroke for CR and LF in most word processors and layout programs, controlling automated indents, paragraph-based styles, different linespacing for lists as opposed to paragraphs, and more. It might be a very different case for programming. From Roll20 I get the same experience I expect from Microsoft Word, Adobe Indesign, Quark Xpress, and many others. I don't think that Roll20 can come up with a one-size-fits-all solution. I think you are confusing the blank line after a heading with a random blank line.... for example in a vertical list of names.  Word does the blank line after a heading (or not, and size configured through the heading settings) but not in a simple vertical list.  Roll20 just adds a line when you press enter, when you insert....annoyingly (still).
For the known issue:- In private messages, the formatting bar blocks the preview. A change was made to male this worse a while back, in that you can no longer send an empty message (and then edit)  So you have to tab and type blind (or remember to have the message in buffer to paste).
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Nope. No blank lines are inserted. This space goes by different names in different programs: Space Before/After, vertical margin, paragraph spacing, margin-top/bottom, etc. It's extra space, not an extra line. It is added is due to CSS settings (online—word processors use other type engines). CSS interprets a CR as the end of a paragraph and adds this spacing. It interprets a LF as a new line within an existing paragraph and adds no spacing, using only the leading specified for the paragraph. The fact that no lines or characters are inserted is shown by the fact that you can change this behavior (adding of vertical space) through using a CSS interpreter like Stylus. I agree completely that if this is not the behavior you want or expect, it can be very annoying. The addition of a "list" style to the text editor would help the problem immeasurably. This would cascade off the Normal style with the single change of no added paragraph spacing. Jim W. said: keithcurtis said: It's not even that simple. There is a need for a different keystroke for CR and LF in most word processors and layout programs, controlling automated indents, paragraph-based styles, different linespacing for lists as opposed to paragraphs, and more. It might be a very different case for programming. From Roll20 I get the same experience I expect from Microsoft Word, Adobe Indesign, Quark Xpress, and many others. I don't think that Roll20 can come up with a one-size-fits-all solution. I think you are confusing the blank line after a heading with a random blank line.... for example in a vertical list of names.  Word does the blank line after a heading (or not, and size configured through the heading settings) but not in a simple vertical list.  Roll20 just adds a line when you press enter, when you insert....annoyingly (still).
Unfortunately, this has been an intermittent issue without concrete reproduction steps. Typically, it can be resolved with a refresh and then it will load just fine. Does this not work for you? Jim W. said: For the known issue:- In private messages, the formatting bar blocks the preview. A change was made to male this worse a while back, in that you can no longer send an empty message (and then edit)  So you have to tab and type blind (or remember to have the message in buffer to paste).

Edited 1535225431
Drespar said: Unfortunately, this has been an intermittent issue without concrete reproduction steps. Typically, it can be resolved with a refresh and then it will load just fine. Does this not work for you? Jim W. said: For the known issue:- In private messages, the formatting bar blocks the preview. A change was made to male this worse a while back, in that you can no longer send an empty message (and then edit)  So you have to tab and type blind (or remember to have the message in buffer to paste). Every time I private message it happens. OR did just did 2 tests and works fine.

Edited 1535418373
With the update to the text editor, I've been unable to double click on images in handouts in order to align or delete them. As it stands at the moment, in order to delete a image within a handout I need to resize it so that it's 0x0. Aligning images to the right or left of text is impossible for me at the moment. I really miss being able to manipulate images like that, and I don't know what the workaround is (like the double spacing being controlled with shift enter). I use chrome, and checked firefox and it's the same issue for me. It's been 2 months since the update and just a bit antsy on it.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The ability to float images to the right or the left does not currently exist within the text editor. As for deletion, you should be able to backspace through a graphic as if it were a text character.
Hey, just wondering what's up with text wrapping? I'm unable to use the feature. 
There are known issues with text wrapping and it is something we are working to resolve :) Archdaemon said: Hey, just wondering what's up with text wrapping? I'm unable to use the feature. 
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Reported Elsewhere : Mike  said: I write everything on my computer, and some times I create tables for things. I used to be able to post those tables in the forum for my games, but now it won't let me. Every time I try I get an error message. I just noticed that there was a number in the error message that said to refer to if I contact Roll20 about it. So here's the number:  afae8fd2f9714e208f657fc4e175654a Can you tell me why I can't post tables in the forum anymore?  Hi Mike, I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with the site. This might be an issue with the new text editor, but given that you cannot paste at all, I'm going to ask you to  please carefully work through the first three steps of our guide to  Solving Technical Issues ? Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome and Firefox. Step 2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20 Please disable all add-ons/extensions and anti-virus programs. Step 3: Clear your cache If none of the above succeeds, please thoroughly work through  Step 4 . (Don't forget the complete Console Log!) We'll see if we can get this worked out. Thank you!

Edited 1536224032
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
I don't know if this was possible previously, but I am trying to get a roll template working from a handout using the new backtick option. Unfortunately, the editor is turning `&amp;{template : default} {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack=[[1d20]]}} {{damage=[[2d6]]}} into `&amp;{template &amp;#58; default} {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack=[[1d20]]}} {{damage=[[2d6]]}} which stops the template from being activated, and the output looks like this: {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack= <span class="userscript-inlinerollresult showtip tipsy-n-right" title=" Rolling 1d20 = ( 11 )" style="background-color: rgb( 254 , 246 , 142 ) ; border: 2px solid rgb( 254 , 246 , 142 ) ; padding: 0px 3px ; font-weight: bold ; cursor: help ; font-size: 1.1em ; color: rgb( 64 , 64 , 64 ) ; font-family: &quot;helvetica neue&quot; , &quot;helvetica&quot; , &quot;arial&quot; , sans-serif">11 }} {{damage= 8 }}
Brian C. said: I don't know if this was possible previously, but I am trying to get a roll template working from a handout using the new backtick option. Unfortunately, the editor is turning `&amp;{template : default} {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack=[[1d20]]}} {{damage=[[2d6]]}} into `&amp;{template &amp;#58; default} {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack=[[1d20]]}} {{damage=[[2d6]]}} which stops the template from being activated, and the output looks like this: {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack= <span class="userscript-inlinerollresult showtip tipsy-n-right" title=" Rolling 1d20 = ( 11 )" style="background-color: rgb( 254 , 246 , 142 ) ; border: 2px solid rgb( 254 , 246 , 142 ) ; padding: 0px 3px ; font-weight: bold ; cursor: help ; font-size: 1.1em ; color: rgb( 64 , 64 , 64 ) ; font-family: &quot;helvetica neue&quot; , &quot;helvetica&quot; , &quot;arial&quot; , sans-serif">11 }} {{damage= 8 }} I had the same issue as this just the other day as I was updating my Treasure Tables I have saved as handouts.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Posted&nbsp; Elsewhere : Support Class &nbsp;said: Not sure how else to describe this: If I am writing a handout, and the last paragraph of the text in the handout is a quote, there is no way to add further text after it without it also being in the quote section. In order to work around this, you cannot format a block of text as a quote until after all the text has been added. Not the most backbreaking issue, but a very annoying one.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
This sometimes happens in forum chat too, with different formats - i've seen it happen with a code block as well as a quote.

Edited 1536185398
Sheet Author
Would love to hear the progress report on how the text editor fixes are coming.&nbsp; I like that we finally have a new text editor, but it seems that it has just as many new issues as it was implemented to solve... ;-(
Heya Support Class and G G, Is this something that is consistently reproducible? In my attempts I have been able to break out via a double new line similar to breaking out of a bullet list. Vince, Currently, I know the devs are still looking into the image upload issues as well as the API interactions with GM Notes not functioning. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide concrete updates. Sorry!
This may already be known, but I just wanted to chime in on the image upload issue to say that the upload request itself goes through but returns an error and it seems the editor doesn't recover from it. The image is POST'ed to:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I receive a 200 response, with the body:&nbsp; {"error":"illegaltype"} But the post itself still shows the spinner and never recovers.&nbsp; The image was a 61kb JPG I produced from OSX Preview, uploaded in Chrome 68.
Thank you for that information, I have appended it to the existing ticket for the issue. James A. said: This may already be known, but I just wanted to chime in on the image upload issue to say that the upload request itself goes through but returns an error and it seems the editor doesn't recover from it. The image is POST'ed to:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I receive a 200 response, with the body:&nbsp; {"error":"illegaltype"} But the post itself still shows the spinner and never recovers.&nbsp; The image was a 61kb JPG I produced from OSX Preview, uploaded in Chrome 68.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Reported Elsewhere : Brad M. &nbsp;said: I'd given my players a handout with the full lore of the homebrew world, and recently where the text should be has instead been listed as Loading... and regardless of how long I leave it up, it does not load. I am the only one who can edit the page, no one else has access to changing it, so it cant be a prank pulled on me, I'm starting to think that something happened and the entire lore I'd written out was replaced by the words Loading... and saved.
Hi Brad, Could you email us at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> with a link to your game and when this issue cropped up? Thanks!
Brad have you tried viewing it through the external journal?
BTW I have not noticed any mention of the removal of the colour options in text editor... what is happening here?
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Reported Elsewhere : Owly Owlson &nbsp;said: Hello, I have been having a bit of trouble with lists in handouts and the like.&nbsp; Before some updates, I could easily hit TAB and the list would indent over and give me a *sub list* of sorts.&nbsp; Now, whenever I hit tab it indents the words over and not the list, am I missing something?&nbsp; Thank you for your time.
Ctrl + ] will do the indent in the meantime (If this behavior is not intentional) Ctrl + [ goes backwards
Thank you kindly.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Andreas J. said (elsewhere): I noticed that when I tried to link to an webarchive page in a forum post, the forum post editor apparently replace the second ":" with "&amp;#58;", and thus breaking the link.&nbsp; This link should point to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;(which weirdly works, if you copypaste it from elsewhere, maybe becasuse it's automaticly detected as an url) 1. I tested this both on&nbsp; Chrome 69.0.3497.92 (Official Build)(64-bit)(my main browser) and&nbsp; Firefox 56.0 (32-bit). 2. I tested it on Chrome with all extensions disabled 3. I tested it on Chrome after clearing my cache Guess:Maybe the linking tool is assuming the second ":" is not part of an correct url, and converts it to html-code equivalent.&nbsp; Other: Didn't find anything obviously&nbsp; similar on a quick web search
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Brian C. said: I don't know if this was possible previously, but I am trying to get a roll template working from a handout using the new backtick option. Unfortunately, the editor is turning `&amp;{template : default} {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack=[[1d20]]}} {{damage=[[2d6]]}} into `&amp;{template &amp;#58; default} {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack=[[1d20]]}} {{damage=[[2d6]]}} which stops the template from being activated, and the output looks like this: {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack= <span class="userscript-userscript-inlinerollresult showtip tipsy-n-right" title=" Rolling 1d20 = ( 11 )" style="background-color: rgb( 254 , 246 , 142 ) ; border: 2px solid rgb( 254 , 246 , 142 ) ; padding: 0px 3px ; font-weight: bold ; cursor: help ; font-size: 1.1em ; color: rgb( 64 , 64 , 64 ) ; font-family: &quot;helvetica neue&quot; , &quot;helvetica&quot; , &quot;arial&quot; , sans-serif">11 }} {{damage= 8 }} Any update on when this might be completed? I have several traps with saving throws going into an upcoming product, and I would like the user to be able to click a link in the handout to show the damage roll and saving throw to the players.
Brian C. and Andreas J., I have submitted a ticket in regards to this issue for the subbing out of colons for the "&amp;#58;"
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Brian and Andreas, Can you check on your issues again? We pushed out a fix for the colon problem about 30 minutes after Drespar posted, but if that doesn't solve the issue, we'll need to investigate more.
this is what happens when I do it Enter: `&amp;{template:atk} {{mod=mod}} {{rname=rname}} {{rnamec=rnamec}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{range=range}} {{desc=desc}} {{spelllevel=spelllevel}} ammo=ammo {{charname=charname}} Output: Kilter - DM (GM): &nbsp;{{mod=mod}} {{rname=rname}} {{rnamec=rnamec}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{range=range}} {{desc=desc}} {{spelllevel=spelllevel}} ammo=ammo {{charname=charname}} Converted link: `&amp;{template&amp;#58;atk} {{mod=mod}} {{rname=rname}} {{rnamec=rnamec}} {{r1=r1}} {{always=1}} {{r2=r2}} {{range=range}} {{desc=desc}} {{spelllevel=spelllevel}} ammo=ammo {{charname=charname}}
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Why isn't ammo=ammo surrounded in curly brackets?
copied from the template wiki page. keithcurtis said: Why isn't ammo=ammo surrounded in curly brackets?

Edited 1537324766
Sheet Author
For updating the image upload feature on the forums!!! Stephanie B. &nbsp;said: We've pushed some code live this morning with the following changes: (Forums) Image uploads for forums and comments are more stable and when failing, will provide better error messages.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Stephanie B. said: Brian and Andreas, Can you check on your issues again? We pushed out a fix for the colon problem about 30 minutes after Drespar posted, but if that doesn't solve the issue, we'll need to investigate more. No, it still has the issue. It turned `&amp;{template:desc} {{desc=desc}} into `&amp;{template&amp;#58;desc} {{desc=desc}} while &amp;{template:desc} {{desc=desc}} works fine from the chat window.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Mr. Farlops said (elsewhere): Soon after Charactermancer was announced on the development server, the behavior of the forum editor on the live server has changed. The way images used to be embedded in text gave the author the option of wrapping text to the right or left. This was especially nice for writing up game session summaries because I could embed map and game space screenshots or player artwork and make it read cleanly like pages of an illustrated novel. I nice why to preserve campaign history and character development. But for roughly four months, since the change, I have been unable to do this. I can add a single image and it appears awkwardly at wherever the cursor or mouse carat is in the document field but I can't wrap text like I used to. The editor hangs and dies if you try to add more than one image. Any time line when the old behavior will be restored?
More often than not, I still get the "Blue Spinner of Death" when trying to upload images to my campaign forum.

Edited 1537612071
GenKitty said: Mr. Farlops said (elsewhere): Soon after Charactermancer was announced on the development server, the behavior of the forum editor on the live server has changed. The way images used to be embedded in text gave the author the option of wrapping text to the right or left. This was especially nice for writing up game session summaries because I could embed map and game space screenshots or player artwork and make it read cleanly like pages of an illustrated novel. I nice why to preserve campaign history and character development. But for roughly four months, since the change, I have been unable to do this. I can add a single image and it appears awkwardly at wherever the cursor or mouse carat is in the document field but I can't wrap text like I used to. The editor hangs and dies if you try to add more than one image. Any time line when the old behavior will be restored? Actually I see now that I can post multiple images in a forum post however the text wrapping is still MIA. I wish we had it back. Giant walls of text (It's amazing how much can happen in a 3 hour game session!) only read nicely in the paper pages of books. On a screen there really needs to be something to break up the flow and rest the eyes.&nbsp;
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Reported elsewhere : Finderski &nbsp;said: Per the release notes for 9/18... We've pushed some code live this morning with the following changes: (Forums) Image uploads for forums and comments are more stable and when failing, will provide better error messages. I've had nothing but problems tonight trying to upload pictures to a game forum. I've tried three times and never get an error message, just a blue spinning circle. &nbsp;I've waited several minutes before just reloading the page. The image file is only 125kb, so the file size shouldn't be an issue. Brett E. &nbsp;said: This has been a problem for going on two months now... I take multiple screen shots during my game sessions, then post them to the campaign forum along with captions to create a permanent log of the player's adventures. But the process has become nearly impossible since the last big update.