Hello! This morning, we pushed a character sheet update (v. 2.4) for the 5e OGL which should fix a number of issues with spellcasting:
- NPC DC set to 0
- Wrong Ability score being used for spells
- NPCs weren't being prompted for higher level spellcasting
- Concentration was not being applied correctly (this was fixed last week, but went unmentioned).
- (Update July 31, 2018) Global modifiers now only apply if they are shown, and when you delete them, they will no longer apply.
Known Issues (Please read!)
We have some outstanding known issues specific to spellcasting and the 5e OGL sheet:
- NPCs from the compendium and modules currently have additional modifiers to hit or to spell DCs; these will be fixed in the future, though we do not have an ETA for how soon. NPCs typically have their DC and to-hit numbers listed in the character description, so if you click to roll and the number seems high, check the character's settings as described below in "How to Fix It."
- Cantrips do not currently have their level progression set properly. These will also be fixed in the future, but if you dragged a cantrip onto a character in the last 3-4 weeks, you might need to update it manually.
- The "At Higher Level" section in spells is being moved into a new part of the template. Until the spellcard template is updated, the "At Higher Level" information might not appear in the spellcard. It will still display in the spell description text.
Please note that in some cases, you will need to re-set your characters' spellcasting attributes manually. This is especially true if the following conditions apply:
- You opened the character between the June 26 release of the character sheet and July 3, when we pushed an update that stopped the error from happening.
- You have a custom NPC whose spellcasting attribute is not set or is set to None.
Here's what happened:
When we rolled out the updated 5e OGL Character Sheet, opening a character sheet resulted in an error that deleted the spellcasting attribute for that character. For spellcasters, obviously, that's a significant problem. We pushed an update that stopped this from happening, but the data was already lost.
For most PC spellcasters, this won't be a problem, because the character sheet will figure out what your spellcasting ability is based on your class. But if you want to be on the safe side, you can manually fix it. That's especially true if you have a multi-classed character with different spellcasting ability scores, or a high elf or similar race with spells that use a separate ability score.
How to Fix it:
- Open your NPC character sheet and check which ability score it should be using.
- Click the gear icon to open the character's settings.
- Scroll down to the Spellcasting NPC checkbox and make sure the Spellcasting Ability is set correctly.
- While you're there, if there's a spellcasting modifier to hit or DC, make sure that's correct.
For PCs: Check the Spellcasting drop-down at the top of the spells sheet and set it to your main spellcasting ability (whatever the majority of your spells use by default). Click the gear icon next to an individual spell that may be from a different source (such as racial or multi-classes) and select the ability score to use for that individual spell.
For other Known Issues (like global modifiers always applying), I'll be combing through the previous thread, but if you can double check and see if those issues are now fixed and report here if you're still having problems, it would help me in prioritizing the bugs.
Patch notes for v. 2.3 are here.
With the release of v2.6 of the sheet, this thread is closed. Please continue the conversation and feedback in the new thread.