Darkwynters said:
Thanks for the link, Nic!
So I would really like to purchase the Gamemastery Guide, but what does it add to the ‘Drag and Drop”? Does it have any of the items?
Hi Darkwynters,
As I mentioned above, the Gamemastery guide comes with a variety of drag and drop records, but I don't think Drag and Drop is intended to be the selling point of this product. In terms of the items, I just tested the following and confirmed them to be working:
- Axe of the Dwarven Lords
- Bag of Devouring Type I
- Bag of Devouring Type II
- Bag of Devouring Type III
- Bag of Weasels
- Boots of Dancing
- Cloak of Immolation
- Deck of Many Things
- Elder Sign
- Essence Prism
- Forgefather's Seal
- Genius Diadem
- Gloves of Carelessness
- Horns of Naraga
- Martyr's Shield
- Medusa Armor
- Mirror of Sorshen
- Monkey's Paw
- Necklace of Strangulation
- Orb of Dragonkind
- Philosopher's Extractor
- Poisonous Cloak Type I
- Poisonous Cloak Type II
- Poisonous Cloak Type III
- Poisonous Cloak Type IV
- Ring of Truth
- Serithtial
- Shot of the First Vault
- Singing Sword
- Sphere of Annihilation
- Stone of Weight
- Talisman of Sphere
Persephone said:
A couple of bugs and requests I posted last year:
Hi Persephone,
Thanks for updating this thread. Some specifics I can talk to, others will require some investigation, but here's what I can answer:
Senses still have "EmoBond" in the subheader for some reason.
This seems to be an issue with Crowdin's translation file. I went in and updated it. That should filter its way onto the sheet at some point in the next few days.
I'd hope to have the option to have Melee and Ranged Strike damage as
chat buttons, while having all spells roll damage automatically (without
critical damage).
Just want to be sure that I've completely understood the request: the current ability to switch between automatically rolling damage and clicking a button after the roll to output damage isn't sufficient because there are instances in which you'd wish to contextually switch (i.e. when switching between spells and magic) frequently enough that it becomes a pain?
I can certainly make a ticket to investigate the feasibility of this feature add, if so.
Add Multiple Attack Penalty buttons for Acrobatics and Athletics
It seems we have already done some internal investigation on this, however it is now just a question of priority. Once Drag and Drop and the Charactermancer are no longer blocking the pipeline, we should see some movement on some of these smaller additional features!
As for the others:
PC Actions with empty Traits field shows the ancestry traits when called as an ability
Would you be able to give me precise reproduction steps for this? The Pathfinder 2 sheet is a complex beast and I'm not quite sure I follow.
More 'MISC' Fields That Support Math for AC, Skills, Perception, Saves, and Max HP
I distinctly remember this sort of additional field being a part of the internal conversation around Pathfinder 2's sheet on launch. I'm not sure why we didn't do this, but I will find out.