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Pathfinder Second Edition by Roll20


Edited 1722437848
. 1 more day until... Pathfinder Player Core 2 releases on Roll20! (as advertised in the Marketplace). 
*Without all the functionality that it should have
Still waiting on any Starfinder 2nd Ed playtest sheet as we are just using the PF II sheet for it right now, anything Roll20? Thanks Tom

Edited 1724382447
The blog post here today regarding Demiplane offered a limited bit of detail, mostly it looked like a cash grab for Cosmere. Which I don't get since it is currently over 9 Mil. I just want the Pathfinder 2 functionality we were told we would have 5+ years ago.
I'm having trouble with the NPC character sheet. Sometimes when I slect "elite", it doesn't make any adjustments. Any tips as to why this might be? 
I've noticed the Level doesn't update to the new value, but these elements seem to work correctly:  Increase the creature’s level by 1; if the creature is level –1 or 0, instead increase its level by 2. Increase the creature’s AC, attack modifiers, DCs, saving throws, Perception, and skill modifiers by 2. Increase the damage of its Strikes and other offensive abilities by 2. If the creature has limits on how many times or how often it can use an ability (such as a spellcaster’s spells or a dragon’s breath), increase the damage by 4 instead. Increase the creature’s Hit Points based on its starting level (see the table below). Have you checked whether it works correctly with the sheet popped out vs not popped out? Tried different browsers (I use Edge for Roll20)? Which compendium are you using? I used Monster Core just now to test.
I tried switching browsers, and using it both popped in and popped out. I am currently working on a Nightmare from the old bestiary, but I would think that shouldn't make a difference. If I make my own creature I still have this problem. Anyway, thanks for looking into this. 
darius p. said: I tried switching browsers, and using it both popped in and popped out. I am currently working on a Nightmare from the old bestiary, but I would think that shouldn't make a difference. If I make my own creature I still have this problem. Anyway, thanks for looking into this.  I'm not able to recreate this on my side either. I suggest filing a bug report and include a link to your game, the browser and operating system you're using and any extensions you might be running; our user experience team should be able to help.
Hey folks,  I'm trying to see if there is a attribute name for the button next to an item to equip it, like a shield or weapon, to have a mod trigger it on and off.  Any ideas?
Pathfinder 2E specific macro, used for calling Level Based DC, including modification for Difficulty/Rarity.   Uses Query and inline rolls to output a single line to chat.  Holding mouse over the result shows the inputs (level and rarity) used.   This Macro can also be called within the sheet in conjunction with skills, abilities, etc.   DC = [[?{level|0,14 [0th]|1,15 [1st]|2,16 [2nd]|3,18 [3rd]|4,19 [4th] |5,20 [5th]|6,22 [6th]|7,23 [7th]|8,24 [8th]|9,26 [9th]|10,27 [10th]|11,28 [11th]|12,30 [12th]|13,31 [13th]|14,32 [14th]|15,34 [15th]|16,35 [16th]|17,36 [17th]|18,38 [18th]|19,39 [19th]|20,40 [20th]|21,42 [21st]|22,44 [22nd]|23,46 [23rd]|24,48 [24th]|25,50 [25th]} +?{Rarity|Easy, -2 [Easy]|Common, 0 [Common]|Uncommon_Hard, 2 [Uncommon_Hard]|Rare_ V Hard, 5 [Rare_Very Hard]|Unique_Incr Hard, 10 [Unique_Incredibly Hard]}]]
I'm gonna assume no cause I haven't seen it posted/advertised anywhere. Is Roll20 going to have the Curtain Call Adventure Path for 2e? Trying to figure out if I need to start prepping it myself, or if it'll show up in the marketplace (and if so how long I'll need to wait).
If you don't need the DCs above 20 (and, considering they are just level * 2, you probably don't), you can just use [[ 14 + floor( (4/3) * ?{What level are you looking for?|0} ) ]] for the base DC. Horvald said: Pathfinder 2E specific macro, used for calling Level Based DC, including modification for Difficulty/Rarity.   Uses Query and inline rolls to output a single line to chat.  Holding mouse over the result shows the inputs (level and rarity) used.   This Macro can also be called within the sheet in conjunction with skills, abilities, etc.   DC = [[?{level|0,14 [0th]|1,15 [1st]|2,16 [2nd]|3,18 [3rd]|4,19 [4th] |5,20 [5th]|6,22 [6th]|7,23 [7th]|8,24 [8th]|9,26 [9th]|10,27 [10th]|11,28 [11th]|12,30 [12th]|13,31 [13th]|14,32 [14th]|15,34 [15th]|16,35 [16th]|17,36 [17th]|18,38 [18th]|19,39 [19th]|20,40 [20th]|21,42 [21st]|22,44 [22nd]|23,46 [23rd]|24,48 [24th]|25,50 [25th]} +?{Rarity|Easy, -2 [Easy]|Common, 0 [Common]|Uncommon_Hard, 2 [Uncommon_Hard]|Rare_ V Hard, 5 [Rare_Very Hard]|Unique_Incr Hard, 10 [Unique_Incredibly Hard]}]]
Nelson V. said: I'm gonna assume no cause I haven't seen it posted/advertised anywhere. Is Roll20 going to have the Curtain Call Adventure Path for 2e? Trying to figure out if I need to start prepping it myself, or if it'll show up in the marketplace (and if so how long I'll need to wait). Not likely, I don't think they will be working on anything after PC2. They will not even communicate with us here. Likely won't do anything until Demiplane does things. They are only focused on WOTC stuff right now, who of course is working on there on their competing platform.
Hi Nora,  Thanks for the response. I filed a bug report, received an unhelpful response explaining the basic function of the elite / weak toggle, and then no response after nearly a weak when I explained that I understand how it is supposed to work. Then I received a notification that the ticket had been closed. Overall I am very unimpressed by the bug report filing system.  I suspect that it has to do with the Jumpgate feature being turned on, because when I tested it in a different game without that feature on, there was no problem.  Please advise.  Nora C. said: darius p. said: I tried switching browsers, and using it both popped in and popped out. I am currently working on a Nightmare from the old bestiary, but I would think that shouldn't make a difference. If I make my own creature I still have this problem. Anyway, thanks for looking into this.  I'm not able to recreate this on my side either. I suggest filing a bug report and include a link to your game, the browser and operating system you're using and any extensions you might be running; our user experience team should be able to help.

Edited 1726769760
Nora C.
Roll20 Team
darius p. said: Hi Nora,  Thanks for the response. I filed a bug report, received an unhelpful response explaining the basic function of the elite / weak toggle, and then no response after nearly a weak when I explained that I understand how it is supposed to work. Then I received a notification that the ticket had been closed. Overall I am very unimpressed by the bug report filing system.  I suspect that it has to do with the Jumpgate feature being turned on, because when I tested it in a different game without that feature on, there was no problem.  Please advise. I'm sorry to hear that! In better news, I have been able to recreate this now. You're correct that it's jumpgate-only, it just didn't work (or rather, it did work) for me the first time I tried in jumpgate. I will raise it with the Tabletop team to look into!

Edited 1727131031
Getting a weird problem with my sheets today. They are being slow to update. For example. if I switch a statistic, the statistic will not calculate, unless I switch to another randomized statistic, and then input the true statistic on the second or third pass. For example: Say I want to switch Strength from 10 to 18. I input 18. The Strength Mod does not update. Then I input 12. The Strength Mod would update. (If I input 18 again, the Strength Mod would not update). Then I finally input 18, and the Strength Mod would update. This is also happening with things like updating training levels on skills, or adding item modifiers. As another example, when I was building a hydra, I had to do this seperately for both the training mod, and for the +1 item bonus to the skill to bring it up to its high perception.  Any clue what is causing this error. The sheet never did this sort of thing before. Welp, guess I gotta save NPC coding for another day though. It's too slowgoing today for me to really get anything done.

Edited 1727131554
Forum Champion
Hi Wolfgang A.,  This is a Roll20 issue please see this thread . 

Edited 1727131939
Sheet Author
Hi Wolfgang, highly likely that a roll20 bug that's popped up recently could be at fault for this; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Basically some sheet attribute changes are failing to trigger events that in-turn, can break a sheet's functionality.&nbsp; Devs are looking into it. what Gauss said. ;-P
To Gauss and Vince, I thank both of you for redirecting me and educating me about this bug promptly.&nbsp;

Edited 1727742784
Yep, it is happening to me and all my players in Pf II and ad hock SFII Playtest games, lets hope it gets fixed ASAP, besides putting out the D&amp;D revised fire Storm going on right now. Kinda happy they have not done anything yet for the (2nd Attempt) remastered PF II sheet and a Starfinder II Playtest sheet, if that might be what we might be facing in 2025.....&nbsp; Sad though for all the games, GM's and players that are effected by this, compared to us few Paizo gamers in all honesty, I feel for you all!! Tom
Roll 20 sent codes for Demiplane unlocks for core material you own, ignoring the material that they upgraded and disregarding anything else you may have purchased here. My personal roll 20 library includes every pathfinder 2E rule book, lost omens book, stand alone module, and many AP's. All of the material with character options should have been in the character builder they initially offered (stealth removed from the product page about a year ago, without announcement), and therefore should be included at Demiplane. Roll 20 has failed again.
If this is the flip side of what Demiplane is doing, according to DP this is a test with these books before moving into fuller libraries. Not sure what you mean by “material that they upgraded?”… Jariath said: Roll 20 sent codes for Demiplane unlocks for core material you own, ignoring the material that they upgraded and disregarding anything else you may have purchased here. My personal roll 20 library includes every pathfinder 2E rule book, lost omens book, stand alone module, and many AP's. All of the material with character options should have been in the character builder they initially offered (stealth removed from the product page about a year ago, without announcement), and therefore should be included at Demiplane. Roll 20 has failed again.

Edited 1727741451
Steve W.
Roll20 Team
Correct. Eventually there will be like-for-like title exchanges where titles are available across the platforms. And work is getting started to integrate Demiplane character sheets into Roll20. We'll be releasing a blog post next week with a few more details. RPGeezer said: If this is the flip side of what Demiplane is doing, according to DP this is a test with these books before moving into fuller libraries.&nbsp;
I did not need to purchase the Player or GM Core because I already had the Core Rulebook and Gamemastery guide, they did not provide codes for those two books. My email claimed they were not owned. RPGeezer said: If this is the flip side of what Demiplane is doing, according to DP this is a test with these books before moving into fuller libraries. Not sure what you mean by “material that they upgraded?”… Jariath said: Roll 20 sent codes for Demiplane unlocks for core material you own, ignoring the material that they upgraded and disregarding anything else you may have purchased here. My personal roll 20 library includes every pathfinder 2E rule book, lost omens book, stand alone module, and many AP's. All of the material with character options should have been in the character builder they initially offered (stealth removed from the product page about a year ago, without announcement), and therefore should be included at Demiplane. Roll 20 has failed again.
I wonder if the DP upgrade on those is an ongoing thing and it will be taken care of on that end. Only time will tell…
After 5 years of waiting for a functioning character builder/sheet, I have my doubts and really no desire to give them any more time. I asked if this would be done PRIOR to the initial PF2 release, and they led me to believe shortly after. Notice, despite flaws, 5E 2024 is up day one and actively getting updates, they have quit on the PF2 twice, and now pawned it off. I have bought every rulebook and lost omens they have here, and on herolab. I am very much leaning to dropping my sub and and just running the two in unison... or another VTT with herolab. If they were dragging there feet on this, I would've considered just filling in the gaps of what I have on Demiplane, after the books get ported over, but it has been 4 months, since Demiplane was acquired and as I said, 5+ years since this started. How much more time do they need? Also, Roll 20's communication on this platform is abysmal, and noticed, they responded to you, not the criticism on how they have been handling this product line.
Thanks for alerting. We will investigate this. Jariath said: I did not need to purchase the Player or GM Core because I already had the Core Rulebook and Gamemastery guide, they did not provide codes for those two books. My email claimed they were not owned.

Edited 1727878427
Jariath said: I did not need to purchase the Player or GM Core because I already had the Core Rulebook and Gamemastery guide, they did not provide codes for those two books. My email claimed they were not owned. You're not the only one. I have the Player Core 1&nbsp; and GM Core, but the email I got from Demiplane said I didn't own them even though it showed I own Monster Core. I have yet to get anything about the other books I own though. Edit: I just remembered it told me the code for Player Core 2 wasn't valid either.

Edited 1727882135
I had all 4 core on Demi from the Remaster Program (upgraded from owning originals) and only Player Core and GM Core on Roll20 (also from the Remaster Program).&nbsp; From Demiplane's email, I got all 4 codes for Roll20. From Roll20's email, I got codes for Player Core and GM Core for Demiplane. (Player Core 2 and Monster Core say "not owned" in place of a code, despite redeeming the Demi codes for those two yesterday. As expected.) Just sharing my experience in case it helps clarify for others. Nothing went wrong on my end, as far as I can tell.
A new email this morning provided all 4 codes, I will redeem after work. It would not be a fair comparison to herolab though, as I already have every piece of PF 2 content there, not just the core stuff.&nbsp;

Edited 1728292387
When I create a new character, all attribute modifiers for skills, perception, saving throws, and AC default to custom. (Only Stealth still had its Dex component). Spell Attack Rolls and Spell DCs also no longer have a default, though I suppose that one is less important. The sheet updating problem is fixed though for PF2E it seems, which is good. I'm not sure if this new bug is something for your people to address or for Roll20, though. Edit (2024-10-7): As of checking tonight, all seems to be working properly!
STILL WAITING on any news on the Remastered PF II sheet.......&nbsp; Where is the vaunted on twitter and other post "we will be more open" again?? You are losing players and GM's over this....... SIGH Tom :(
I think they were intending to use Demiplane's character sheet for it instead.&nbsp; (Though I think that's stupid as heck.&nbsp; Demiplane's character sheet doesn't do a lot of things and seems pretty much slow as heck.)

Edited 1730384945
With latest of paizo content being just tokens and maps (I guess that is the part I need roll20 to do anyway) I'm kinda confused of how exactly "demiplane drag and drop" is supposed to work and if roll20's intent is just having two browsers open on single screen? I'm not exactly sure how its handier to keep switching tabs to demiplane while running games I've been heavily resistant on changing to foundry or other vtts, but at this point I'm starting to be bit worried of "...Wait, will we ever get remastered pf sheet or SF2e sheet even when its SF2e is released?" because now marketplace is selling products that assume you just use sheets on demiplane and I'm confused how that is going to work, are we just supposed to roll everything manually on roll20? (that said its still nice to get high resolution maps and tokens for AP so I appreciate that, it saves a lot of my time though I do kinda wish it did include bestiary compendium at least x'D)
Is it possible to add buffs like in the pf1 community sheet? If so, how?
Is it possible to add buffs like in the pf1 community sheet? If so, how? Not as far as I'm aware.&nbsp; You can turn on the 'bonus to roll' option to add to rolls manually.&nbsp; And the Strike Modifiers section can be used for things like Bless or Inspire Courage/Courageous Anthem.

Edited 1732052850
&gt;&nbsp; You can turn on the 'bonus to roll' option to add to rolls manually. What is this option? &gt; And the Strike Modifiers section can be used for things like Bless or Inspire Courage/Courageous Anthem. Can those be toggled on/off after being created? Does that also allow for damage like for a barbarian's rage?
The Bonus to Roll (and equivalent Bonus to Damage) option(s) are, unsurprisingly, under the Options tab.&nbsp; You know, where it says Character, Details, Feats, etc?&nbsp; It's a checkbox.&nbsp; If Bonus to Roll is selected, it will pop a dialog box on any d20 roll, no matter whether it's an attack, save, or skill check.&nbsp; (Or, rather, any check off the sheet.) Yes, they can be toggled on and off.&nbsp; You just click on them and the color changes. The one issue with using it for Barbarian Rage is that the additional damage from that does not have a type, and the Strike Modifier only has Circumstance and Status options.&nbsp; That said, there aren't that many effects that add damage directly.&nbsp; Inspire Courage/Courageous Anthem is a Status bonus (and status bonuses are, by far, more common).&nbsp; So just set it as a Circumstance Bonus (which, if you think about it, sounds right -- you're getting the extra damage because you're in a Rage, which is a circumstance).&nbsp; If you are going to have Circumstance and Status bonuses, just add it with the Bonus to Damage option.&nbsp; It's a hassle because you'll have to do it on every roll, but as I said, the situation doesn't come up that often.
How can I modify my weapons to have runes? Specifically potency (just +1 to hit).

Edited 1734588991
What I usually do is open up the gear icon under the weapon on the front page of the character sheet, add +1 to the name,&nbsp; and change the number under Item of the attack section from 0 to 1.&nbsp; That is how the sheet seems designed to handle it.&nbsp;&nbsp; In the inventory tab, you can also change the name and cost of the item, but that won't affect how it rolls from the sheet.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Pantsu Goblin said: Jariath said: I did not need to purchase the Player or GM Core because I already had the Core Rulebook and Gamemastery guide, they did not provide codes for those two books. My email claimed they were not owned. You're not the only one. I have the Player Core 1&nbsp; and GM Core, but the email I got from Demiplane said I didn't own them even though it showed I own Monster Core. I have yet to get anything about the other books I own though. Edit: I just remembered it told me the code for Player Core 2 wasn't valid either. Wait we were supposed to get codes for Demiplane for stuff we own here? I never got anything.
Do we have any ETA for when we can use Demiplane Character sheets on Roll20 for Pathfinder 2e? or how that will work for GMs that have books on Roill20 but no on Demiplane? My groups and its GM were really looking forward to the new PF2e sheet before the whole Demiplane event, and now we are wondering when we will get a new sheet for PF2e because the current one is suboptimal at best.
Sonic said: Pantsu Goblin said: Jariath said: I did not need to purchase the Player or GM Core because I already had the Core Rulebook and Gamemastery guide, they did not provide codes for those two books. My email claimed they were not owned. You're not the only one. I have the Player Core 1&nbsp; and GM Core, but the email I got from Demiplane said I didn't own them even though it showed I own Monster Core. I have yet to get anything about the other books I own though. Edit: I just remembered it told me the code for Player Core 2 wasn't valid either. Wait we were supposed to get codes for Demiplane for stuff we own here? I never got anything. The codes were only for the 4 core remaster books. As for everything else, still in the works with no updates on any platform. A few weeks ago, we were supposed to get some sort of update or announcement, it didn't happen. Communication is the weakest part of Roll 20, followed by any sort of follow through on what they say they will do.
Sonic said: Wait we were supposed to get codes for Demiplane for stuff we own here? I never got anything. You were! If it's not in your email, you can open a ticket and our User Experience team will get you those codes ASAP! Sonic said: Do we have any ETA for when we can use Demiplane Character sheets on Roll20 for Pathfinder 2e? or how that will work for GMs that have books on Roill20 but no on Demiplane? My groups and its GM were really looking forward to the new PF2e sheet before the whole Demiplane event, and now we are wondering when we will get a new sheet for PF2e because the current one is suboptimal at best. It will be ready later this year! We're working hard to get y'all the demiplane sheet as soon as possible. Keep an eye out for an announcement with more details.
Hi everyone, I'm just getting started with PF2e sheet, is anyone aware of a "targeting" issue with this sheet? @{target|character_name} For istance, this simple code won't work. Any attempt to use "target" will get no actual result. As a further example with scriptcards !script{{ --INeed more infos;Click|t;MyNewTarget;Target --#targetToken|[&amp;MyNewTarget] --+DEBUG ttoken|[&amp;MyNewTarget] --+DEBUG Target id|[*T:character_id] --+DEBUG Target name|[*T:character_name] }} If I run this simple script, let's say, in PF1 (community) I get this as expected. But if I run the very same script in PF2e I get this instead The ID here is always the same, no matter which token I target. If I try restarting the game I get a new ID. Can anybody help? Thanks

Edited 1736040213
Sheet Author
Hi Valerio, for what it's worth... I used your SC macro last night and was able to get the proper id's in both PF1e Community as well the PF2e Official.&nbsp; I tried in legacy and jumpgate.&nbsp; Both worked on multiple linked tokens. Have you tried with a different PF2e game? Also, were these characters created in-game or using Roll20 Characters? Transmogrified or duplicated? Just spitballing.
So, as a free user, I can't help with anything regarding scripts.&nbsp; However, any time I have targeting issues, one of the first things I do is add something to the character name (usually a numeric level), and see if that makes a difference.&nbsp; Roll20 doesn't deal well with two characters with the same name.&nbsp; If that's not it, not much I can help with, I'm afraid.
I'm trying to recreate a character I have on Demiplane, but I'm running into background issues.&nbsp; We're playing Outlaws of Alkenstar, and the backgrounds for that adventure path (and the adventure path itself) are all missing from Roll20. Are any of the player guide backgrounds for any of the adventure paths available for character creation on Roll20?
I don't know if they are available, since I don't buy anything unless I have to, but they aren't really needed.&nbsp; Use Demiplane (or AoN) as the source for copy and paste.