Hi, Peter. I'm not impressed that your team has been partially able to implement basic features that Pathbuilder's solo developer implemented years ago. Nor that you've discovered how to stream incredibly small amounts of data across websites and devices. All I care about is being able to play my games with my online friends on a reliable and functional website while having reliable and functional character sheets, preferably ones we can use just as freely as a paper sheet. Instead, I have to wait for this corporate paywall slog to be slowly and painfully implemented while the rest of the Roll20 team exclusively shills for WotC. I'm not impressed that you're going to start alpha testing integration of a single beta test system's character sheet this month and might eventually have mostly-working sheets for other systems, months or years from now. I'm playing games NOW, I need working sheets NOW. Aside from Pathfinder 2e, I'm also playing systems that aren't even supported on Demiplane, so they will never be integrated, yet their development has ceased as well. Nothing you say will impress me because you effective took away all the free, fresh food from the cafeteria and replaced it with a junk food vending machine that's not even functional, and will be expensive and severely under-stocked if it ever is. Act as cheerful and friendly as you want in your updates, but you are not our friend. You are a wolf in cheap sheep's clothing. I'm not saying these things to be mean, I'm saying them as honest criticisms in the hope that things can improve. My friend groups and I have been using and enjoying Roll20 for over a decade, but I expect we will be moving away from Roll20 by the end of the year. The downsides are just increasingly outweighing the benefits. Nothing seems to work anymore, nothing is being fixed or improved, every promised "improvement" or "feature" is months or years off, though mostly just dead in the water. The priorities are all wrong. Everything has been sacrificed on the golden alters of Demiplane and WotC.