AllixHD said: Hi there. I have a feature request for this sheet. Hope you find it interesting. As a DM, when asking new players (and often experienced players) to do some interaction with the sheet, directing them to the correct place on the sheet can be an onerous chore. As the sheet's state is shared real time - including the charactermancer and which 'tab' is active - it would be useful to have a small 'highlight toggle widget' in the corner of each page section that when activated highlights that section (and possibly a 'scroll to') for the player to find. I think, for most, this would save a LOT of time trying to verbally explain repeatedly in front of the whole group 'no, above that, yes, the bit that says Saving Throws at the bottom'. I have one player that I have to explain that saves and ability rolls are in different places EVERY TIME. Thanks in advance for your consideration. As a workaround, the way I guide players to part of the sheet is by clicking things on and off. They will see the checkbox flashing. AllixHD said: Hi there! I also have a small issue with the sheet that I want to raise in the hope of a resolution. The 'drop from compendium' tool is awesome, and often works really well. I am particularly fond of the the interpretation of 'versatile' that creates two attacks. However, as a DM that creates a lot of bespoke magic items and weapons, adding or editing items does not update attached elements as effectively, which suggests that the function that effects these changes is different to the 'drop from compendium' update action. Recent case of mine - modifying a Spear +2 to have additional properties: change broke the 'versatile' element so that it only created one 'attack' element (although that may be because the Spear +2 Modifiers was using 'Secondary Damage' instead of 'Alternative Damage - but fixing it did not update attacks properly). Magic damage is intermittently applied in attack elements created. Adding in or editing 'Attack Description' doesn't make the change, but it does work when attack element is created with 'drop from compendium' I don't know how the code works and can only infer from behaviour, but I suggest that it could be addressed by attaching the sheet update functionality from 'delete item' and 'drop from compendium' to an 'update' call-to-action in the item edit subview, or just attached to the item's '(i) info icon) edit toggle actions, or even just the 'close' version. Thanks for your consideration. PS: Related minor questions/issues: why do weapon items have an '(i) info icon' toggle to show/edit properties, while almost everywhere else it is a 'gear/cog' toggle? quite a few 'versatile' weapons have 'Secondary Damage' where it seems that they should be using 'Alternative Damage' - is there anywhere to post these tiny data issues to enable changes? (See also 'Weapon Attacks +2' vs 'Melee Attacks +2') can we change the 'versatile' attack labels from 'Weapon Name (One-Handed)' to '(1H) Weapon Name' please? With longer item names, the salient detail gets pushed off the end of the line, and editing it breaks the link back to the item. editing Modifiers tends to end up with multiple 'Critical Range: 20' values being added in - normally at the end, but not always. Regarding editing the item, rather than editing the item directly, I suggest editing the attack(s). Editing the item can be tricky if you are not certain of what you are doing, and even then it can be problematic. It is a good starting point, not the main point to edit. Not sure what you mean by secondary vs alternative damage. 5e by Roll20's attack design is to have two damage fields so that people with a second damage ability, such as fire, poison, etc. can apply that to their weapon. My players use the second field all the time. I have not experienced intermittent magic damage modifiers. Could you provide a screenshot of that occurring and a screenshot of the attack while it is being edited? To reiterate, in general do not edit the weapon entry, it is far more difficult to get that correct than it is to edit the attack.