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Pathfinder Second Edition by Roll20

January 23 (2 years ago)

Joel F. said:

I'm not sure they really COULD just suddenly put out a charactermancer.  I suspect they've been caught with their pants down, so to speak.  They wouldn't be the only company in that situation.

It has, allegedly, been in development since release. At least, according to the Core Rulebook marketplace page. It is something I originally asked about since before the release of PF2, and was led to believe it would be out shortly after release. 

January 23 (2 years ago)

Jariath said:

Joel F. said:

I'm not sure they really COULD just suddenly put out a charactermancer.  I suspect they've been caught with their pants down, so to speak.  They wouldn't be the only company in that situation.

It has, allegedly, been in development since release. At least, according to the Core Rulebook marketplace page. It is something I originally asked about since before the release of PF2, and was led to believe it would be out shortly after release. 

During last month Q&A, when asked about PF2E Charactermancer Morgan, said:

"I want this so bad, and I'm really sorry that we haven't been able to have a sufficient answer here.  We're committed to Pathfinder 2e and I hope that the Kingmaker release as well as our recent announcement about supporting Pathfinder Infinite content on Roll20 demonstrates that.  We're looking at multiple options to solve this and we're hoping some recent improvements in our charactersheet and charactermancer creation toolset will finally unblock us from proceeding on this as soon as possible." 

It sounds like they have been having difficulty making a Charactermancer though this comment is all we got to go on. 

January 24 (2 years ago)

Yes, I agree, but we are 3 1/2 years into the release of PF2 at this point, and this was announced prior to release. They are late, very late. PF2 players are leaving because of it. They find better support elsewhere. I am reluctant to start another PF2 on this site as I approach the end of one of my campaigns. I have bought every core and setting book, and many of the adventures.

I'm looking at a weapon item that I added to the inventory, and its linked strike. I'd like to adjust the details in the linked strike, but every time I un-equip and re-equip the weapon any changes are lost.

Is there a way to edit the "strike template" that must be part of the inventory item?

One basic solution would be to just manually create the strike details so they never disappear when un-equipped, but it's not ideal.

January 26 (2 years ago)

David M. said:

Any updates on the PF2e charactermancer option? With the OGL fiasco, I'm looking into Pathfinder as an alternative to 5e - and it would really help with character creation for PF2e. 

been asking for it as well and i hope they make it happen 

For those asking about the charactermancer, I requested a refund of my CRB purchase due to the charactermancer that never appeared. They refunded me all but about $15, which I think is fair, since my Paizo account is linked and I did get the free PDF from Paizo with my Roll20 purchase of the CRB.

I'm still considering requesting refunds for other purchases, due to things like skill feats and spells from some books STILL not being drag & drop.

I've spent a fair amount of money on 5e & PF2 purchases here on Roll20, and I don't regret any of the 5e purchases, because they worked immediately when I purchased them. The PF2 purchases on the other hand... there has always been some promised functionality that wasn't actually there.

Do what you want, but as someone mentioned a few posts up, there haven't been any official Roll20 posts here since... I think June of 2021? So regardless of how much they say they "want" to support PF2, they're clearly not prioritizing it.

January 26 (2 years ago)

This was a question I asked shortly before release:

I have little faith at this point. 

Is it really all that bleak? I read the first few posts of this page. It seemed like they were a few kinks away from putting something out.  At this point I'd like anything put out. Broken or not. Let the community see you fix it based on feedback.  Let us see the progress.

February 01 (2 years ago)

As someone who just bought the CRB on Roll20, I would love to see a Charactermancer for Pathfinder 2e. It would definitely incentivize me to buy more books here. If it happens, I would jump on Secrets of Magic and the Advanced Player's Guide right away, and would probably add a couple more books very quickly.

It's probably not news to the developers that we would like to have it, but I figured another voice asking for it may help. And I am 100% serious with what I said, and it would get me to spend more money on Roll20.

February 01 (2 years ago)

Seeing as there are more than a few complaints about it in here, I've gone ahead and added a request for it in the suggestion forums. Please go vote it up. If enough vote, the Orr group can't ignore it.

February 01 (2 years ago)

Edited February 01 (2 years ago)

Joel F. said:

I'm not sure they really COULD just suddenly put out a charactermancer.  I suspect they've been caught with their pants down, so to speak.  They wouldn't be the only company in that situation.

They've had their pants down in terms on this situation for over 3 years, going onto 4. At this point, they really need to just redo a lot of their implementation of the PF2E system and character sheet, 'cause otherwise there's little-to-no reason to use Roll20's content VS their competitors.

Still can't use APG content from the Compendium.

March 03 (2 years ago)

Are they going to publish Treasure Vault and other recent releases? 

Jared E. said:

Are they going to publish Treasure Vault and other recent releases? 

Probably. In order to make more money for themselves. But for us it will just be more stuff added to an already broken compendium and character sheet with no charactermancer.

March 04 (2 years ago)

Man, sure would be nice to hear something on these issues. Just a quick glance, I see it has been added to the core system file at another VTT (guessing we can guess which one), and another has it up for sale on theirs.

March 06 (2 years ago)

Hey, they actually made a small update, Athletics and spells have the 1st, 2nd and 3rd attacks.  Thats a nice thing to see.

Other than that, a big nothing for Pathfinder and Starfinder sadly for anything else.  

SIGH, interest is so much higher in Roll20 since the OGL disaster and it has done nothing for the company who gained a lot of interest, but it won't last forever Roll20.

Please break your Paizo Code of Silence as it can only benefit you, still can't beleave you don't realize this yet,  


Tom and 72 players


March 08 (2 years ago)
Roll20 Team
Hello Pathfinders!

I’m Patrice, the Product Manager for our Sheet Development team here at Roll20. I wanted to take a moment to provide an update on Pathfinder and address some of the common concerns flagged on the forums.

I hear many of you saying that it is difficult to create characters directly in the sheet, especially when helping new players. I also hear that it is frustrating to manually add content to your character sheet, particularly after having purchased the Roll20 compendium. We need to make it easier to create and edit your character.

We realize that we’ve failed to deliver on our promises to solve these problems in a timely manner. We’re sorry.

Our Sheet Development team has started work on new improvements to the Pathfinder 2e by Roll20 sheet which will allow you to drag and drop more character creation options onto the sheet: specifically ancestries, backgrounds, and classes.

We know this first project doesn’t solve all your Pathfinder on Roll20 needs, but we’re hoping it’s the first step to making character creation easier. We chose this first because it’s the way to deliver the most useful added features in the fastest time possible. We do not intend to stop there, though. 

We have assembled a team dedicated to the Pathfinder experience, and you’ll continue to see updates beyond this initial drag and drop project. You’ll also be hearing from us more often - expect an update here in about a month's time on drag and drop progress and also more information about what’s coming next. In the meantime, if there’s feedback you want to provide directly, please feel free to to schedule some time here:


Thank you, Patrice! That is great news!

March 08 (2 years ago)

Thanks Patrice this is VERY good to hear and look forward to a monthly dialogue on what your working on, hoping for conditions for the NPC sheets and maybe some work on Starfinder to please??

Also can you update the title thread as it is 2023, not 2021, LOL



Tom said:

Thanks Patrice this is VERY good to hear and look forward to a monthly dialogue on what your working on, hoping for conditions for the NPC sheets and maybe some work on Starfinder to please??

Also, if you could add the Starfinder conditions system to the PF2 sheets, it would be fantastic <3

I managed to destroy my character sheet by adding the frightened condition and adding and removing levels very quickly.... 

March 08 (2 years ago)

Edited March 09 (2 years ago)

Hi Patrice, and thank you for opening up communication on the sheet. I really appreciate it, and I'm sure others appreciate it as well.

However, I'll be upfront and say that I'm very much in a "I'll believe it when I see it" position. Communication was done before about the sheet, and some 3 1/2 years later, we are no closer to the Charactermancer being done, having the Bestiary tokens reflect the actual creatures and not duplicates of unrelated creatures, of fixing major bugs in the character sheet, etc.

I'll make the effort to tune in to the updates, and check out the sheet as it gets better. But I hope I make it clear that simply telling us things are being done isn't enough anymore to reassure us. It'll take a long time and a lot of effort from y'all before I, at least, and perhaps others, reconsider playing PF2E on Roll20 on a regular basis.

I think this is way too little way to late. It feels to me like roll20 is lacking clear vision on a path forward and has no love for gaming and gamers in general. They have put PF2e players on hold for years and now they see a financial benefit in finally reacting to players requests and cashing in on the current gaming atmosphere. If there is a "team" working on this I don't really see why this can't happen in a week or two instead of once again holding our breath for updates. 

March 11 (2 years ago)
Thanks Patrice, looking forward to a 2e sheet.

Can you please, please, PLEASE fix the Alchemy tab on the character sheet so that my player can throw multiple bombs in a turn without having to do math after the fact for multiple attack penalty? You’ve added “2nd” and “3rd” attack buttons to the spell page, now please do bombs!

a lot of the tables inside need to be pullable from inside with mutaple boxes

Here's another couple suggestions:

1) You've included options for 'turning off' the Alchemy sheet.  Include ones to turn off other sheets too, such as spells.

2) Include multiple options for Class and Spell DCs.  Multiclass Archetypes can change which attribute DCs depend on.

March 25 (1 year ago)

Hi Patrice, is there any news on when the Pathfinder 2E sheet is going to have the Printable function added as announced by Roll 20 back in December? I run characters in OP online and F2F so it would be useful to be able to have the same character sheet available for both. Also is there a way to be able to add pdfs (or even images) to character sheets so that the Chronicle sheets from OP can be kept online as well as on paper?

March 25 (1 year ago)

I quickly made friends with the PF2 character sheet in Roll20 by just copy/pasting from the Archives of Nethys, open in another browser. There was a bit of a learning curve, but I can now create a character from scratch in about 5 minutes. More drag and drop would certainly be welcome, though. Happy to see it coming.

The two biggest things I'd like to see are:

  1. Support for multiclass characters, especially spellcasters. The ability to manually add sections to the Spell screen for alternate DC's, spell tables, and spell categories would probably solve that.
  2. A toggle to allow the GM to manually enter dice roll results, for those of us that like to use Roll20 for the mapping function, visuals, and campaign management, but still play face-to-face and roll real dice. This is a nice feature that FGII provides. (ie: Click on an attack, a dialog asks for the dice roll result which, when entered, applies the appropriate modifiers and completes the roll.)
March 27 (1 year ago)

Edited March 27 (1 year ago)

And the official annoucement by E-Mail

"Our Sheet Development team has started work on new improvements to the Pathfinder 2e by Roll20 sheet which will allow you to drag and drop more character creation options onto the sheet: specifically ancestries, backgrounds, and classes.
We have assembled a team dedicated to the Pathfinder experience, and you’ll continue to see updates beyond this initial drag and drop project. You’ll also be hearing from us more often - expect an update in about a month's time on drag and drop progress and also more information about what’s coming next."

For me number one thing is getting the conditions on the NPC sheet just like the players, thats HUGE for me.

Tom :)

March 27 (1 year ago)
Saw that on Facebook, and it is basically the same announcement as what, 3 weeks ago? Still nothing new. I agree on that being what is needed as well though Tom.
March 29 (1 year ago)

Yep the announcement post here in this thread, Facebook and to those who subscribe to the Roll20 news letter they got an E-mail like this as well.  One can't have enough coverage when it was all 5th Ed 27/7 for so long :)

Hoping this will include new and old PF II products, especially when all Paizo will be doing now is 3 part adventure paths, no more 6 parters sadly.  Though exceptions will be make as the upcoming Tean-shaw Oriental AP is a 4 parter , 1 mod for each season spent in the "Haunted/Cursed" villlage.


There's a change log that details the updates to roll20

It doesn't look like they have changed anything since March 13. The "team" they have assigned to work on it must be on break.

I would love to see an option to use the Stamina rules, those look fairly interesting to me & not as user friendly if I wanted to try it out at this moment

April 03 (1 year ago)

Just noted the conditions in the character sheet are broken as even when you deselect them they still effect the sheet and you have to manually change back all your stats from the condition, hope this gets fixed REAL SOON PLEASE!!


April 03 (1 year ago)
Bronson H.
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author

Tom said:

Just noted the conditions in the character sheet are broken as even when you deselect them they still effect the sheet and you have to manually change back all your stats from the condition, hope this gets fixed REAL SOON PLEASE!!


Hey Tom,

Having some trouble duplicating the issue, could you provide some further details on this?   Is this happening for all PC sheets?  Are any specific conditions or modifications to stats not being removed?  Are any console errors being thrown?

April 04 (1 year ago)

Thanks Bronsen, I just rechecked my 2 games that had that problem and it seems to have gone away, weird stuff!!  But if it happens again I'll post up.

The players who had that issue said there was nothing out of the ordinary  they noted besides getting a condition worked when checked but when condition was gone and they unclicked it and changed the level down to 0, it was still as if they had the condition checked off as still having the condition and level.

Thanks again for the speedy response, thats a big help and quite refreshing!!


April 07 (1 year ago)


Just adding my voice to the other pf2 players who are finding the lack of character mancer is making playing very challenging. 

I really will appreciate any progression on the sheet and compendium issues


Well, if they do improve the compendium use a third party tool can be used to build the character. If the compendium is useful it would be a simple task to just drag in the various feats, spells and whatnot from there.

Sure, it'd be very nice to be able to do that in roll20 directly. But until then this seems like a decent first step for improving usability.

This is my personal favorite tool, Pathbuilder2e

April 17 (1 year ago)

@Patrice from Roll20

Any updates yet, it is over a month now?



April 17 (1 year ago)

Was going to post this same thing this coming Friday.

Tom said:

@Patrice from Roll20

Any updates yet, it is over a month now?



April 18 (1 year ago)

I just noticed that every NPC sheet in all my games now have an AC of 0? (Both homebrew & bought adventures)

That's not the update I was looking for!

Is there a way to correct that globally?

April 18 (1 year ago)

I can see that the attributes for HP and AC have been moved to new npc_armor_class and npc_hit_points but the display part of the sheet is still looking at the old attributes.

April 18 (1 year ago)

Henry A. said:

I can see that the attributes for HP and AC have been moved to new npc_armor_class and npc_hit_points but the display part of the sheet is still looking at the old attributes.

Yeah, I was very confused last night. Fortunately the tokens I set up had the proper values, but this is a really bizarre error.

April 19 (1 year ago)

Yep, I had that happen as well with HP and AC from some games I set up weeks ago as well, I guess they are doing "something" unknown at least?

Wait and see I guess to see if they will keep their word on giving us monthly updates from now on, starting from last month when Roll20 posted this.


April 19 (1 year ago)

Aaaaaand... they're back!

AC and HP have been put back in the original attributes and are showing on my NPC sheets again.

It would be nice to know what that was all about, but I'll not hold my breath.

April 19 (1 year ago)
Bronson H.
Roll20 Team
Hey all,

Just a small update on the AC/HP display bug that came up yesterday, and similar bugs over the past week or two - these were the byproducts of some lingering fixes for the new Elite/Weak NPC toggle we've implemented. (If you'd like to try it out, it can be found in your NPC settings)  The automation for this switch affects most of the sheet's attributes, so there were some versioning hiccups bringing old NPCs into the fold.  These should now be smoothed out, but please update here if you notice any odd behavior with your NPC sheets going forward.  I'll be monitoring to get these fixed ASAP.  
