Hey fatherOfnine, BAR 1 VALUE and BAR 1 LINK both reference values on the sheet - but BAR 1 LINK will continuously update both bar and sheet value as either changes, while BAR 1 VALUE simply takes the sheet value when the default token is created, and does not automatically update either direction. A good example of both kinds of behavior can be found in our usual default settings for these two values. BAR 1 VALUE and BAR 1 MAX are usually set to hit_points_max. This will initialize the token with a full health bar when it's dropped - but if you then click into the circle on the token and modify that value, it will not update the sheet. Similarly, if you lower your current health on the sheet, it won't change the bar. This may seem unusual, but is actually crucial when dealing with multiple enemies of a single type. Say, for instance, your players are beset by a pack of goblins, all of whom share one character sheet. If one goblin takes damage, you'd update its bar on its token. But if that change was relayed to the sheet as well, it would affect all the other goblins too! Thus, the static, non-updating BAR 1 VALUE & BAR 1 MAX solution is best for npc HP. Comparatively, we set BAR 3 LINK by default to armor_class. This doesn't just check for the value once, but keeps an eye out for any changes going forward. Say, for instance, you place all the tokens, get the entire encounter set up - but then decide you'd like to raise all the goblins' AC by 1. Just changing the value in the sheet once would carry this change over to every goblin you've already dropped. There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods, so you can choose which is best for the attribute you'd like to present in each bar. One thing that's important to note is that using BAR 1 LINK will override BAR 1 VALUE and BAR 1 MAX - so you can't try and use both. As TheMarkus mentioned, the Attributes and Abilities tab lists variables you can choose. You can also scroll through the dropdown in a token's settings, under Attribute.