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5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v1.4 now with Transfer Script

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Dink said: For some reason every time I leave the campaign page my Macro Quick Bar disappears and I have to reload it every time. Hi, Dink . This issue has been brought up before and is being looked into by the Devs ( a fix may well be on its way ). It's also not specific to certain sheets; Vince offers a trick here that you might find helpful: I was able to get them to appear by adding a macro from My Settings and toggle it on/off, however my drag/drop macros would be gone the next time I loaded the campaign and I would have to toggle on/off on a macro from My Settings to get them to re-appear. Strangely, the problem went away with a system update.
Steve K. said: Joseph B. said: I am experiencing the same issue with vicious mockery. Works fine though when in attacks & spellcasting but not from spell page Make sure on the ATTACKS & SPELLCASTING section of the CORE tab that the attack has its DAMAGE section checkmarked to roll damage. The sheet should be updating that checkbox automatically but it's not, so I'll take a look at why that's happening when manually updating spells. I had a problem with Vicious Mockery as well and I did have the damage box checked. The issue I'm having is it always rolls damage even if I am not wanting it to right away. Is that just how saving throw effects are in this? I'd like to wait to roll the damage until after seeing if the save is successful or not. Couple other questions. While I like how this sheet is almost identical to the official 5e sheet, there is a distinct lack of color compared to the other 5e sheet (not the shaped one). Is there any way to add some color to it, like changing the color of numbers or text? One of my players has a disorder involving black and white text tending to jumble up, and it'd help him a lot. Is there a way to link resources to a specific weapon like say a longbow, so that the long bow's use automatically uses up the arrow resources without us having to manually deduct it? Same with any other resource like spell slots, Rage, etc.
Hi, Sorry for likely a dumb question, but I truly have expended all of my Google-Fu trying to find the answer so I didn't have to embarrass myself by, well not asking this question... We are new to using Roll20, and have started a 5e D&D game where a player is a Barbarian. We are using the OGL character sheet kindly supplied by Roll20 but for the life of us can't find a tick box (or anything) to tick so the AC for the Barbarian is calculated as unarmored - i.e. DEX + CON bonuses. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance, Stefan.
Stephen Koontz
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Stefan said: We are new to using Roll20, and have started a 5e D&D game where a player is a Barbarian. We are using the OGL character sheet kindly supplied by Roll20 but for the life of us can't find a tick box (or anything) to tick so the AC for the Barbarian is calculated as unarmored - i.e. DEX + CON bonuses. Don't be hesitant to ask questions. Roll20 has one of the nicest communities I've ever encountered. I think there are two options. You can add a custom piece of "armor" that weights nothing: You could also add it on the settings tab of the sheet as a "GLOBAL ARMOR CLASS MODIFIER".
I misplaced my mouse and ended up overwriting the perception_prof text box. I am not sure what was there before. Is there a way to reset all the built in calculations / attributes ? 
Stephen Koontz
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Jordo said: I misplaced my mouse and ended up overwriting the perception_prof text box. I am not sure what was there before. Is there a way to reset all the built in calculations / attributes ?  The checkbox next to perception on the CORE tab. If your character is supposed to be proficient check it, otherwise there's nothing to fix.
So, I can use the dynamic references to repeating sections to create a macro that fires the rangers longbow (and plays a cool sound)... Is there anyway to dynamically reference the damage separately?  (So I can play the sound of an arrow hitting!)
Sorry if this has been answered... Is there a way to get a cast spell to display both the attack/save/damage and the spell description? They seem mutually exclusive. Thx!
Steve K. said: Jordo said: I misplaced my mouse and ended up overwriting the perception_prof text box. I am not sure what was there before. Is there a way to reset all the built in calculations / attributes ?  The checkbox next to perception on the CORE tab. If your character is supposed to be proficient check it, otherwise there's nothing to fix. Oh so I guess the built in attributes aren't editable even though you can edit them. Thanks Steve.
One of my players' die rolls always show up in chat as green, even if it's not a critical hit, is this a bug or did we enter something incorrectly? I wasn't sure if this was a sheet-specific problem so I posted it here as well as the Specific Use forum.
Stephen Koontz
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Dustin said: Sorry if this has been answered... Is there a way to get a cast spell to display both the attack/save/damage and the spell description? They seem mutually exclusive. Thx! If you want a description added to an attack spell, you have to open up the attack that gets created on the CORE tab and add it to that attack's description. Face said: So, I can use the dynamic references to repeating sections to create a macro that fires the rangers longbow (and plays a cool sound)... Is there anyway to dynamically reference the damage separately?  (So I can play the sound of an arrow hitting!) You could do so with either a custom character sheet that includes that in the damage roll, or with the API that listens for damage rolls with certain names. Nicolas V. said: One of my players' die rolls always show up in chat as green, even if it's not a critical hit, is this a bug or did we enter something incorrectly? I wasn't sure if this was a sheet-specific problem so I posted it here as well as the Specific Use forum. Sounds like his critical hit threshold go set to very low. Can you screen shot the tool top by hovering over the result and paste it here?
Steve K. said: steamwolf said: Hate to bother everyone with another question, but I can't seem to get the Vicious Mockery cantrip to not roll damage automatically. I don't have the sheet set to roll damage automatically, and if I cast it from the spell page, it doesn't roll any damage. But if I cast it from the attack and spell action box, it rolls it automatically. I'd like the damage to roll similarly to how regular weapon attacks work. Is there a query I could use for this? If you provide a screen shot of the attack-spell I'll take a look. I just now noticed you asked this, my bad! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> So it's rolling the damage automatically despite not being told to do so. That and it's not detecting the appropriate spell save DC. The character's spell save is Charisma 13 and it's detecting 11. I had to use the flat setting and manually set it to 13. Not a big deal, but still pretty aggravating.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I am noticing other spells requiring saving throws just roll the damage automatically. Is this supposed to happen as it is, or is there a way to prevent that? Also, if you (or anyone else) happens to know, what is the best way to handle rage damage? I saw someone made a script for sneak attack but is there for one for rage? As of right now I have the barbarian just using a second damage roll with just a flat 2 damage for now, but some kind of query would be great to avoid confusion or misrolls.
Help: I created a level 2 spell (Melf's Acid Arrow) and manually added it to the character sheet. The spell can be cast at higher levels, so whenever I roll damage the "Spell Level Query" pops up, correctly. However, when I enter a value of "2" --matching the base level for the spell-- into the Query box, the sheet roll is treating that as if I am doing a Higher Level Cast, and it announces the extra damage roll in the chat. I am certain I entered the spell into the Level 2 area of the sheet (it's executed via a macro&nbsp;%{selected|repeating_spell-2_$1_spell}). Did I do something incorrectly? Anyone have thoughts?
Face said: So, I can use the dynamic references to repeating sections to create a macro that fires the rangers longbow (and plays a cool sound)... Is there anyway to dynamically reference the damage separately? &nbsp;(So I can play the sound of an arrow hitting!) You could do so with either a custom character sheet that includes that in the damage roll, or with the API that listens for damage rolls with certain names. I'll be honest... I have no idea how to do that! :)
Marketplace Creator
Oh no. Now it seems that on top of the Medicine rolls not working for our resident Cleric the Stealth skill for the resident Rogue has also stopped reporting the bonuses. What seems to have happened with the Rogue at least was he unticked the stealth check(to show he had a proficiency in it, or in this case expertise) by mistake and then it stopped reporting his +12 bonus to Stealth. No matter what I did it gave a +2 bonus. Something is really up with the new character sheets. And I do not want to go back to the other ones. Please help fix the problem. I have tried the following. Copying the character half a dozen times with no effect. I always have a back up of the game. So I checked in there and that was the same also. I even had an old PRE new character sheet back up which works fine in the old character sheet and when converting it to the new sheets also stopped reporting the stealth bonuses for the Rogue and the Medicine bonuses for the Cleric. This is really odd.&nbsp;
Stephen Koontz
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Kiel T. said: Oh no. Now it seems that on top of the Medicine rolls not working for our resident Cleric the Stealth skill for the resident Rogue has also stopped reporting the bonuses. What seems to have happened with the Rogue at least was he unticked the stealth check(to show he had a proficiency in it, or in this case expertise) by mistake and then it stopped reporting his +12 bonus to Stealth. No matter what I did it gave a +2 bonus. Something is really up with the new character sheets. And I do not want to go back to the other ones. Please help fix the problem. I have tried the following. Copying the character half a dozen times with no effect. I always have a back up of the game. So I checked in there and that was the same also. I even had an old PRE new character sheet back up which works fine in the old character sheet and when converting it to the new sheets also stopped reporting the stealth bonuses for the Rogue and the Medicine bonuses for the Cleric. This is really odd.&nbsp; PM a join link.
Is there any way to prevent the description text on NPC attacks from being shown in the chat when you roll the attack?
Stephen Koontz
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Beaumont S. said: Is there any way to prevent the description text on NPC attacks from being shown in the chat when you roll the attack? Not without removing it, presently.
Hi, I'd like to put some contributions to the sheet, but I don't have premium to test, so I'll link my repo with the changes. You guys are free to use whatever modifications i've done. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Mainly I've done was add 3 little functions(normalizeMod,getItemMods,applyItemMods)&nbsp;that let you query any Item Mods, and return into a nice object with the value(if any), that way you can use not only for AC or Saving Throws, but for anything really.. like str, int.. single saving throws, single abilities.. like for example on "setac" function, we'd use: [quote] actotal = actotal + globalacmod + ("ac" in getItemMods?getItemMods['ac'].mod:0); setAttrs({ac: actotal}); [/quote] Here is a Jfiddle how it works <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The name of the attribute in the mod, is controled by the function normalizeMods where we can very simply add any variation, and it will fix names, to a single one, i've done few to illustrate. So even if a item has a mod of "ac+1" another "armor + 3" and another "armor class+1" The function will return {ac:5} The thing is that it also recognizes negative numbers, so having a item with negative number(for whatever reason...), will be calculated properly say you have a cursed item with ac-2, but a magic ring with ac+2.. it will properly return ac:0 (or -2 if you don't have the ring) ApplyItemMods, would be a catchall function that will parse all the item mods, and simply update all variables with item mods I thought that using the&nbsp;"_MAX" value of the variable to keep item mods, that way I don't mess with any formula existing on there. what would need to be done is add to the current formula the max value intelligence_save =&nbsp;((floor((@{intelligence}-10)/2))+0) New intelligence_save =&nbsp;((floor((@{intelligence}-10)/2))+0) + {@intelligence_save|max} Then if we add, or remove items that alter saving throw, all we need to adjust the max...

Edited 1457741595
Hi everyone. Just ran my first game and here's some feedback from the players: 1 - We love the drag & drop spells, asking advantage, asking what level etc.&nbsp; 2 - The info font tabs on the inventory and attack sections are EXTREMELY small. This was number one issue for everyone, one player actually had to go back to the books to learn about an item she has, cos it was too small for her to read on the character sheet. Should read as big as traits part. &nbsp; Is there a way to customize the sheet? I'd love to get rid of the item weights. Would love to get the middle column (attacks & inventory) larger.&nbsp; 3 - when you roll only damage, the output looks like the lower half of the attack output, which is cool. The issue is, this lower half falls on the name of the player. This is purely cosmetic, but still.&nbsp; Thanks!&nbsp;
Ori said: Hi everyone. Just ran my first game and here's some feedback from the players: Is there a way to customize the sheet? I'd love to get rid of the item weights. Would love to get the middle column (attacks & inventory) larger.&nbsp; The html and css can be found at: &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... I think as a Plus member you can use custom char sheets (not positive). However keep in mind you'll probably want to update it as they come out w/ new versions, which can be a hassle. &nbsp;One of my groups plays 5e D&D, but all rolls are player-facing. &nbsp;So I added an Armor Class roll, and every time they release a new sheet version I have to change the code.
Have the same problem with a Rogue in my game. &nbsp;Stealth stopped adding correctly. &nbsp;Shows 0[STE] even though the bonus should be 6.
How can I roll initiative for NPC? Is the only way through a Dex Check, and then adding it manually?&nbsp;
Click the character name

Edited 1457832014
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I looked through the thread and couldn't see a response to this question. One of my players is having an issue on his sheet where one particular cantrip appears to send an empty block to text but will display a spellcard just fine. has anyone else encountered this or are there any suggestions as how to fix? Edit: The same is true of any new cantrips added also. Edit2: Nevermind, immediately worked it out :) For anyone in the future encountering this issue, you also need to set up the options via the attack section on the CORE tab.
Robert Makowsky said: Click the character name I'm feeling so... dumb Thank you!
Forum Champion
John S. said: Hey, Whenever I am manually inputting values for NPC spell cards with the attack option, the attack dice aren't rolling. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks
Figured out the answer for anyone else's reference: I had to make the NPC sheet back into a regular character sheet, check the damage option and then revert it back to an NPC sheet.&nbsp;
Stephen Koontz
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Robert Makowsky said: Have the same problem with a Rogue in my game. &nbsp;Stealth stopped adding correctly. &nbsp;Shows 0[STE] even though the bonus should be 6. I believe it's an issue with the character being transfered from another of the sheets. Go to the Attributes and Abilities tab and find the attribute called stealth_bonus. It will have a 0 in it. Delete that attribute and it should work normally.
I noticed on the previous version of the sheet people had asked about the spell list and missing spells. &nbsp;The answer provided that all spells in the SRD are on the list. &nbsp;By this can I take it that the SRD does not list all the PHB spells as part of it. &nbsp;If this is the case, can spells that are added manually be "saved" separately by a player/dm so if they create a new character and wish to use the spell, they can drag in into the new character, or will it be manual entry each time? &nbsp;Thanks in advance.

Edited 1458018013
I've been having an issue with the "HIGHER LVL CAST DMG" section on the spells. One of my players is a Bard and picked up Dissonant Whispers. Unfortuantely, this spell is not in the compendium so I had to add it in manually. However, the problem I'm running into is that when I use the spell and it asks "Cast at what level?," I don't get a drop down but instead get a field that I have to fill. This wouldn't be an issue normally, but putting a 1 in the field causes an extra damage die to be rolled as if it were cast at 2nd level. Is there any fix to this or did I do something wrong? EDIT: I guess I should add that spells that were added to the character sheet through the compendium do not have this issue that the manually entered spells have.
Stephen Koontz
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Whick K. said: I noticed on the previous version of the sheet people had asked about the spell list and missing spells. &nbsp;The answer provided that all spells in the SRD are on the list. &nbsp;By this can I take it that the SRD does not list all the PHB spells as part of it. &nbsp;If this is the case, can spells that are added manually be "saved" separately by a player/dm so if they create a new character and wish to use the spell, they can drag in into the new character, or will it be manual entry each time? &nbsp;Thanks in advance. This is a feature we're considering for our subscribers. Allowing them to have their own "fork" or "branch" of the compendium to modify as they please. Including adding custom spells, items, and monsters.
Steve K. &nbsp;That would be brilliant, I did notice after posting this that the shaped sheet allows importing from a scan of a hard copy if you own it, which would be sort of what I was thinking about, but that is only open to the Pro subscribers. &nbsp;Would yours require the same level or the Plus subscription be able to access it too? &nbsp;Not being someone that can write scripts or such I have not found the Pro subscription to be appealing, but it if both sheets only offer it to Pro, then I have some thinking to do. :) &nbsp;Thanks again.
Stephen Koontz
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Whick K. said: Steve K. &nbsp;That would be brilliant, I did notice after posting this that the shaped sheet allows importing from a scan of a hard copy if you own it, which would be sort of what I was thinking about, but that is only open to the Pro subscribers. &nbsp;Would yours require the same level or the Plus subscription be able to access it too? &nbsp;Not being someone that can write scripts or such I have not found the Pro subscription to be appealing, but it if both sheets only offer it to Pro, then I have some thinking to do. :) &nbsp;Thanks again. It would likely be a Pro level feature as it would require data storage on our part to facilitate.
Stephen Koontz
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Max P. said: I've been having an issue with the "HIGHER LVL CAST DMG" section on the spells. One of my players is a Bard and picked up Dissonant Whispers. Unfortuantely, this spell is not in the compendium so I had to add it in manually. However, the problem I'm running into is that when I use the spell and it asks "Cast at what level?," I don't get a drop down but instead get a field that I have to fill. This wouldn't be an issue normally, but putting a 1 in the field causes an extra damage die to be rolled as if it were cast at 2nd level. Is there any fix to this or did I do something wrong? EDIT: I guess I should add that spells that were added to the character sheet through the compendium do not have this issue that the manually entered spells have. I found the issue. It had to due with a bug while updating manually entered spells. I've fixed it and the fix is being tested on the development server.
Steve K. said: Max P. said: I've been having an issue with the "HIGHER LVL CAST DMG" section on the spells. One of my players is a Bard and picked up Dissonant Whispers. Unfortuantely, this spell is not in the compendium so I had to add it in manually. However, the problem I'm running into is that when I use the spell and it asks "Cast at what level?," I don't get a drop down but instead get a field that I have to fill. This wouldn't be an issue normally, but putting a 1 in the field causes an extra damage die to be rolled as if it were cast at 2nd level. Is there any fix to this or did I do something wrong? EDIT: I guess I should add that spells that were added to the character sheet through the compendium do not have this issue that the manually entered spells have. I found the issue. It had to due with a bug while updating manually entered spells. I've fixed it and the fix is being tested on the development server. Thanks for looking into this! I found a work around for the issue by taking a spell that is mechanically similar, dragging it from the compendium into the spell list, and then manually changing it from there.
On more quick one for you guys, I have noticed that on some sheets you get to, on the edit token page, select an attribute to show in the bar. &nbsp;I cannot seem to get this option on the edit token with this sheet. &nbsp;Am I missing something or is it not active on this sheet? &nbsp;Have included a screen shot of what I am talking about. &nbsp;(The boxes on the far right next to the Bar entries.) &nbsp;Thanks. &nbsp;
Whick K. said: On more quick one for you guys, I have noticed that on some sheets you get to, on the edit token page, select an attribute to show in the bar. &nbsp;I cannot seem to get this option on the edit token with this sheet. &nbsp;Am I missing something or is it not active on this sheet? &nbsp;Have included a screen shot of what I am talking about. &nbsp;(The boxes on the far right next to the Bar entries.) &nbsp;Thanks. &nbsp; The boxes on the far right are the max values, many attributes do not have a MAX so that field will not be populated. If you click on the token then you will see the first number(base value) in the bubble but you won't get a bar at the top of the token unless the attribute has a max value.
Ed S. said: Whick K. said: On more quick one for you guys, I have noticed that on some sheets you get to, on the edit token page, select an attribute to show in the bar. &nbsp;I cannot seem to get this option on the edit token with this sheet. &nbsp;Am I missing something or is it not active on this sheet? &nbsp;Have included a screen shot of what I am talking about. &nbsp;(The boxes on the far right next to the Bar entries.) &nbsp;Thanks. &nbsp; The boxes on the far right are the max values, many attributes do not have a MAX so that field will not be populated. If you click on the token then you will see the first number(base value) in the bubble but you won't get a bar at the top of the token unless the attribute has a max value. Ed S. &nbsp;Thanks, but that is not quite what I was asking about. &nbsp;Not so much the appearance of the Bar, but the ability to add the values from the drop down box instead of manually into the first box of the Bar information. &nbsp;The SRD sheet does not appear to have the drop down box on it that I can see, whether I have a single value entered, min/max or nothing at all. &nbsp;I was wondering if the SRD sheet does have the drop down box, and I have missed something, or if the SRD does not have the dropdown box programmed at present.

Edited 1458164973
Forum Champion
Whick K. , you'll want to check out the last paragraph of the Bars section of the Token Features page of the Roll20 Wiki: Bars This is where you can set whether any of the three bar elements are either visible and/or editable to the players. The green heart, blue bolt and red cardiograph icons for the bars are there for identifying purposes only. They do not have to represent anything in particular in your game. You can also input numerical values for the Bar Bubbles directly from the Edit Token window. There are two input fields available for each Bar. The first field is for the Bar's current value and is what's featured in the Token's corresponding Bar Value Bubble. The second field is for the Bar's total value. If it's supplied, Roll20 will use the comparison between the two numbers to render how full or empty that corresponding Bar appears on the Tabletop. The fill will reflect whatever the Player plugs into their Bar Value Bubble while in-game. Also note that if the Token Represents a Character (as chosen in the field above), you can choose to link each bar to a specific Character Attribute. If you change the value in the bar (via the Token settings, radial bubbles, or in the Character settings) the value will update automatically.
Stephen Koontz
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Whick K. said: Ed S. &nbsp;Thanks, but that is not quite what I was asking about. &nbsp;Not so much the appearance of the Bar, but the ability to add the values from the drop down box instead of manually into the first box of the Bar information. &nbsp;The SRD sheet does not appear to have the drop down box on it that I can see, whether I have a single value entered, min/max or nothing at all. &nbsp;I was wondering if the SRD sheet does have the drop down box, and I have missed something, or if the SRD does not have the dropdown box programmed at present. The drop down box only appears if the token is set to represent a character. If it's not appearing that is likely the reason.
Silvyre / Steve K. &nbsp; Thanks heaps, I must admit I did not read the help section on Bars properly when I read it, as I would have had the answer if I did. &nbsp;I had not selected who the token was representing in the game I am using the SRD sheet in, unlike in the screen shot previously posted which isfrom a different game where the character is selected. &nbsp;Even flicking between the two I missed that difference. Thanks again.

Edited 1458271348
I'm having issues with the SRD5 character sheet. Whenever I roll directly from the sheet (like clicking Strength, Initiative or one of the sheet's skills) it tries to roll a d2013 instead of a d20. What gives? This is the only sheet that seems to be having this problem. Is there a way to fix the sheet or should I just make a new one? Edit: When I say 'this sheet' I don't mean the SRD5 type of sheet, I mean it's isolated to a single character sheet I use that's using SRD5. All the other ones using SRD5 work beautifully.

Edited 1458272251
Forum Champion
Joseph K. , just to clarify—you're using the 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Character Sheet and only one of the Characters within your game is experiencing this issue? Try looking for an Attribute (on the Attributes & Abilities Tab ) of the affected Character named halflingluck and delete it. If this fails to solve the issue, please post a screenshot of the tooltip of an inline dice roll displaying the issue.
Silvyre said: Joseph K. , just to clarify—you're using the 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Character Sheet and only one of the Characters within your game is experiencing this issue? Try looking for an Attribute (on the Attributes & Abilities Tab ) of the affected Character named halflingluck and delete it. Correct, it's the one character having the issue. Deleting halflingluck fixed the issue! Thank you. Any idea what caused it?
Hi! When do you think the database will be complete? I notice you're missing a substantial amount of feats for example. Cheers!
The SRD is not equivalent to the Player's Handbook . Wizards of the Coast did not include everything in the SRD. The Compendium includes everything in the SRD. (Maybe there should be a blurb to this effect at the top of the main Compendium page?)
Forum Champion
Andrew M. said: When do you think the database will be complete? I notice you're missing a substantial amount of feats for example. Rabulias is correct. The 5th Edition SRD Compendium can only contain information (such as race and class options, feats, spells, treasure, monsters, etc.) that is located within WoTC's recently-released SRD . If WoTC releases more SRD content under an Open Gaming License, you can count on that being added to the Compendium.
Sorry again folks, on the 5E community contributed sheet, in the class tab --&gt; class action section I had a macro set for the colossus slayer for a ranger. &nbsp;Damage: [[ (1d8 * [[ (@{target|Enemy?|bar1|max}-@{target|Enemy?|bar1})d1kl1 ]] [Colossus Slayer]) ]] &nbsp;just wondering where I add this on the OGL roll20 sheet as I can't seem to find anywhere. &nbsp;Thanks in advance again.
Whick K. said: Sorry again folks, on the 5E community contributed sheet, in the class tab --&gt; class action section I had a macro set for the colossus slayer for a ranger. &nbsp;Damage: [[ (1d8 * [[ (@{target|Enemy?|bar1|max}-@{target|Enemy?|bar1})d1kl1 ]] [Colossus Slayer]) ]] &nbsp;just wondering where I add this on the OGL roll20 sheet as I can't seem to find anywhere. &nbsp;Thanks in advance again. Click the gear icon next to your weapon attacks and add the die roll as Damage2 or something there.