There were a couple of updates that happened back to back, being tested on the Development server. We're rolling both out simultaneously. Here's what changed: v1.3: Bug fix - Tarrasque imports correctly now Bug fix - AC now correctly rounds down to a whole number Equipment can now be “unequipped” as an option so that it will not conflict with calculations but still be carried in the inventory Inventory weight and encumbrance options and warnings have been added Item as a resource can be toggled on, syncing the quantity in an inventory with the resource section (I.E. arrows) Changed fields that are commonly updated numbers, like HP Hit Dice, and Resources, to be number fields. Spells that generate attacks, items that generate attacks, and items that generate resource sections are now all synced properly. If you update one, it will update it’s partner, if you delete the parent, the child will be deleted as well. Roll buttons changed dramatically in their behind the scenes plumbing. Players shouldn’t see a difference but many fields were removed from repeating sections to help efficiency. There is only one roll button for each section now (IE repeating_attack_id_attack or repeating_npcaction_id_npc_action) Spell save DC tooltip should be cleanly represented now in the player roll template. Higher level spell options/query can be disabled by removing the info from the spell. Higher level spells can now take bonuses per level, specifically for Magic Missile. Custom DC added in attack section for flat saving throws, for magic items. Added a new general option to add character name to player roll template outputs. Global AC modifier for characters. New roll option, a toggle that will appear for manually selecting normal or advantage on the fly. (This is not yet enabled for NPCs) Changing class now auto populates the class resource Revamp of the repeating section buttons to solve cross platform/operating system/resolution issues. Buttons are now always visible and have been styles to match the sheet. NPC description only actions no longer roll for no reason. NPC actions now accept spells. However, due to the way data is structured not everything in the attack is set up perfectly. I.E. no attack bonus for spell attack spells. Changed NPC XP field to be just a number, with the “XP” added purely visually. v1.4: NPCs now have access to the advantage toggle and a bug was fixed where queried CSS wasn't displaying correctly on the NPC roll template. Fixed a bug where changing the name of character broke some roll references. Improved the NPC language and resistances section to better display long lists. Added an NPC reaction section that now imports from the Compendium. Add an NPC spell list that accepts spells from the compendium and functions identically to the player spellbook. Added a flat skill bonus to accommodate archtypes like Champion's Remarkable Athlete or Feats that have flat skill bonuses. There are also some continued refinements of the transfer functionality. Included in this update is a new option to import your Community and Shaped characters. The option to do so is on the settings tab. It is a one time, one way transfer. So, please don’t try this on original content, only test this on copies of characters . Here are notes on the importing process, including what fields don’t translate. Community Some fields will not be copied over at all due to the new sheet's format being different and some things can’t translate: Bonuses/Penalties section Spell Book (the spells can be easily replaced with the new Compendium drag and drop functionality) Class Actions (on the class page) Some fields on the new sheet don't have a matching field, so they will be blank: Background (not the long-text character backstory field, it is a field to put the title of your character's background, like: Acolyte) Character Appearance (this is a new long-text field to put a detailed character description if you want) Allies & Organizations Some fields are combined into a single field on the new sheet: Languages, Weapon Proficiencies, Armor Proficiencies NPC Traits (the new NPC sheet places traits into separate rows, but there is no way to cleanly separate rows out of this text field, so they are all being placed into a single row) Some fields are changing from a free-text to a rowed format, and expect a specific format. If the specific format is not there, all of the text will just be placed into a single row, instead: Tool Proficiencies (the rows assume the list is delimited as such: "tool 1, tool 2, and tool 3". it will work with or without the "and" and the spaces) Shaped Some fields will not be copied over at all due to the new sheet's format being different and some things can’t translate: Bonuses/Penalties section Spell Book (the spells can be easily replaced with the new Compendium drag and drop functionality) Weapons/Weapon Attacks (the way the repeating section was created won't allow me to pull info from it) NPC Actions (same as weapons) Class Actions (on the class page) Some fields on the new sheet don't have a matching field, so they will be blank: Background (not the long-text character backstory field, it is a field to put the title of your character's background, like: Acolyte) Character Appearance (this is a new long-text field to put a detailed character description if you want) Allies & Organizations NPC Armor Type Some fields are combined into a single field on the new sheet: Languages, Weapon Proficiencies, Armor Proficiencies Some fields are changing from a free-text to a rowed format, and expect a specific format. If the specific format is not there, all of the text will just be placed into a single row, instead: Tool Proficiencies (same as other sheet)