I'm not sure this is properly described as a bug, but it may trip up players using the Compendium--especially for those of us who sometimes just set up an NPC and use the "Duplicate" feature to create a bunch of monsters with built-in macros. Situation: I created a character sheet, toggled it to NPC. Then I dropped in a monster (say an Adult Black Dragon), which happens to have "Traits" or several Actions. If you then go back to the Compendium and drag another Monster into the sheet (as if to replace the first), the sheet will accept the new stats, overwriting any stat type they have in common. However, if the new monster (say a Goblin) is simpler and has fewer slots/rows of data (e.g. has no Traits), the sheet does not empty the data from the original monster. Now the sheet has all the info for the new monster, except with the added details of the original that were not emptied. For example, an Amphibious Goblin who has a sweet Tail attack. Consideration: In my case, I just didn't realize this was happening. So it may be good enough for the sheet to flush all the data when overwriting with a new Compendium item. However, I think it would be useful if there was a trashcan on the NPC sheet, or some method where you can reset the sheet to its default settings or flush any stats entered onto the Character Sheet tab. Really love the new sheet. I am amazed at how much it adds to the Roll20 experience, especially for GMs who are looking to cut back on time spent in administration. Thanks!