Hi, everyone, your elusive Guild Master here. From now on, rather than making a separate thread for each instance of requesting a session or game at a specific day/time, you can just post in this thread, in addition to asking DMs in the Guild Discord. This will help to keep the forum clutter to a minimum and will give all the DMs somewhere to check to see when there is demand for more sessions. Don't forget to check the Upcoming Sessions channel in Discord to see when people are already planning on running games! Feel free to post in this thread with a time that you would like a DM to run, especially if your schedule is a bit wonky and doesn't allow for you to make it for many sessions. If you already play 3-4 times a week, you probably don't need to request a(nother) specific time to suit your schedule. In order to request a session from the DMs, you should first get together a group of at least four players who are all available at a specific day/time. Then, you can ping @DM in Discord, following the format below and/or post here for the DMs to see. Please do not request games with less than 48 hours notice as they are very unlikely to get filled via this method. @DM Formal Game Request: Session: (Name of Session or adventure requested along with AL requested if any. If you just are looking for something in a specific AL, that works too) Time (EST) and Date Confirmed Players: List of players who have committed to this adventure request. There must be at least 4 names here you to have a formal request. Example: @DM
Formal Game Request: Session: Godless 2: Shifting Sands Saturday March 10th 7pm EST Confirmed Players: LNG257, Jason R, Cory L, Alex C, Fuum Q, Swami Monsoon And that's it! Thanks for adventuring with the Guild!