Gorthalin said: Gorthalin said: Gorthalin said: Requesting an AL 6-8 game at any time on Friday July 28th. Calcryn (5S) will be rollimg to join If other players are interested please post your character info and say preferred time with timezone. This will help any potential DM to decide if they can run a game and what time. I am literally available for any hour of that day in any time zone. So whoever else signs up will help narrow that time down. Post updated. Who can play next Friday? Update: Preference is for game to be played between 11 am - 8 pm EDT (per end request of Jay and start request of Saladful) Current Players: Gorthalin (Calcryn 5S) Damien H Jay R LNG257 Saladful (Steiner 5D) I can play this