GM Matt said: Hey, Phillip. This is pretty easy to do - I do it a LOT myself for NPCs (who - for most purposes - usually just need to roll initiative and shoot) - but the trick is building the dice pool to go along with the skill roll. Here is how I do it: (1) Click on the button in the character sheet that is needed to roll the appropriate skill (2) With the cursor in the chat window (as if you are about to type something in the window), hit the up arrow key. This will give you the macro code that you need for the roll. Copy or cut that code out of the chat window. (3) Start a new macro on the character sheet, pasting in the code you just pulled out of the chat window. (4) If you know your way around the !eed dice roller, you can actually cut some of the code out that you don't want. But it works fine leaving all the code in (as long as you keep things like the character sheet and GM Dice Pool clear). (5) Add the following to the end of the marco: ?{Dice Pool}. When you roll the macro, it should begin by asking you for anything you want to add to the dice pool ("DicePool"). Type in the number and the first letter of the color of the dice you want. The only exception is that black (setback) dice are "blk" - so.... 1p 1r 2blk 1b ...will roll 1 purple (difficulty), 1 red (challenge), 2 black (setback), and 1 blue (boost) dice. Now, whenever you want to use the attack or skill, you can click on the token macro, enter the dice pool, and you are done. I also did a video tutorial on this, which you can find here . The description of how to set up the macro is toward the end of the tutorial. OMG! This is exactly what I have been looking for, for ever! Thanks so much!