Craven said:
Keith let me know what you come up with and post some screenshot. Like to see how this works.keithcurtis said:
Craven said:
So i could have a floor token and under that a pit trap and use the macro to change the floor to trap on the map layer without going to that layer?
That's a very good idea! You could even have a menu macro for a particular page that handles any number of object images. Pit traps, doors, cave-ins, and so on.
Multisided tokens are useful also for lycanthropes and other shapeshifters, similar tokens that are kitted differently (goblin archers, v. goblin swordsmen), and mimics. I use one that has spell effects on different sides (fireball, darkness, etc.) With one command it changes the size and face of the token to duplicate the effect and area of the spell.
How about a video and some code, instead? :)