The air, still just a moment before, stirs, swirling the trash littering the truck stop parking lot. Electricity arcs between parked semi trailers, climbing like the elder dead who feel the bonds of their graves weakening. A hole forms in the air, expanding outward and slicing through the trailers, through the pavement, a laser scalpel through flesh. Sphere and electricity vanish. The air hangs. A massive figure rises from the steaming blacktop. I find myself needing your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle for some reason. B^| Hey, JP... Aaron gave you the explanation of why the call doesn't work -- that it's a matter of timing. By using a meta script, you can get the value of that repeating field after Roll20 updates the attribute on the sheet but before token-mod gets involved to set the bar's value. You can get the repeating field with a Fetch construction (Fetch is a meta-script that's available in the one-click). I'm not sure what system you're playing (to know what the sub-attributes are), but let's assume that items in the repeating list "classfeature" have a sub-attribute named "featurename" that holds the name of the list item as it would appear on your character sheet. Let's also assume that the name of the list item you want to work with (the list item represented by the row ID -lgkxvjxvyxnubmbhux5) is named "T800 Luck". The "uses" sub-attribute is 30 before you activate your ability, and 25 after. In that case, your Fetch construction would look like: *(Gromgar Three-Scars.classfeature.[featurename="T800 Luck"].uses) So the full token-mod call would be: !token-mod --set bar3_value|=*(Gromgar Three-Scars.classfeature.[featurename="T800 Luck"].uses) ( Scripts Required : Fetch) (Fetch will run with or without ZeroFrame , and in this case you won't need ZF... but ZF does enhance the overall effect of all of the meta-scripts as you start to need to do more with them. ZeroFrame is also in the one-click.) EDIT: fixed minor typo in my code, above.