The Aaron said: You need to set it's radius at a minimum, and likely want to set it's color: !token-mod --set aura1_radius|25ft aura1_color|rgb(0.5,0.25,1.0) Hello, I'm trying to set a multi-option scrolldown menu with this. I'm kinda new to it obviously and I'm a bit lost, I have to replace the " | " with # otherwise the menu will be messed up, but if I do the colors don't apply. Any idea how I could fix it? This is what I currently have: !token-mod --set ?{AoE|6m Radius, aura1_radius#6m aura1_color#rgb(0.5,0.25,0.5)|9m Radius, aura1_radius#9m aura1_color#rgb(0.5,0.25,0.5)} (Sorry I don't know how to format it properly on the forums)