This was simple enough to do, can't believe I didn't think of this. But I still would ask these to be officially added. They don't need to be on the "main" character sheet page, but the Options page would be fine. FYI, here is what I used to create the fields and just selected all of the characters. !setattr --sel --npc_resistances| !setattr --sel --npc_immunities| Now, I can manipulate these manually or by scripts and reference them in macros. Thanks Keith! keithcurtis said: The advantage of what Matt is talking about would be the ability to call up @{playercharacter|immunities} and have it return a simple value that could be acted upon by scripts and macros, rather than parsing through all the traits and extracting the relevant immunity, which would absolutely require a script. There is nothing to prevent a user from creating any such attributes on the attributes and abilities tab. The number of player characters in a typical game is small enough that this could be done manually, or if you wish, using ChatSetAttr. It would probably be best to duplicate the attribute names created for NPCs, though, to simplify macro writing. Those do not exist on WotC character sheets as released by Wizards of the Coast, and only appear in NPC statblocks. I don't think Roll20 has the agency to make such a change on the displayed sheet itself, since they deal with licensed material. That being said, there is a lot of stuff on the settings tab to allow characters to follow various rules, like custom AC formulae, or Jack of Trades. It might be worth petitioning the Powers That Be to put it there, though my suspicion would be that, given the architecture of the sheet, they would not share attribute names with NPCs. In the meantime, the above method should work.