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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20


Edited 1712790192
Forum Champion
Saul,  Nothing on the D&D 5e by Roll20 NPC sheet is calculated, not one single thing. Everything is manually entered onto the sheet.  It is all a reproduction of the book.  Yes, the DM CAN change it from the average. But that is not what is in the book unless the DM takes the option to roll the HP, in which case they have to do it manually, just like if they were playing with physical dice and paper.  hp_max is not the maximum hp from a formula, it is the normal, undamaged hitpoints of the creature, whatever their normal undamaged value is.  Current vs Maximum value .  It is a programming thing, not a game mechanics thing.  Regarding the rules in the book, nothing in them state anything like what you are saying. Here is a quote from the Monster Manual section on HP:  "A monster's hit points are presented both as a die expression and as an average number. For example, a monster with 2d8 hit points has 9 hit points on average (2 x 4 1/2)  A monster's size determines the die used to calculate its hit points, as shown in the Hit Dice by Size table.  A monster's Constitution modifier also affects the number of hit points it has. Its Constitution modifier is multiplied by the number of Hit Dice it possesses, and the result is added to its hit points. For example, if a monster has a Constitution of 12 (+1 modifier) and 2d8 Hit Dice, it has 2d8 + 2 hit points (average 11)." (Note: I did not reproduce the table) The DM either takes the average (presented) or rolls the HP. It does not state a monster gets the maximum possible HP if the DM wants, ergo taking the maximum roll is a house rule.  Ive been on Roll20 since nearly the beginning. Roll20's terminology often means something different from a game's terminology because there are 100s of games that are on Roll20 and Roll20's terminology is often based on programing meanings.  In this case hp_max is a  Roll20 meaning to contrast it from a creatures current HP. In any case, I don't feel like this is going anywhere. This can be summed up as a misunderstanding in the programming term of "hp_max" vs your understanding of "maximum" and a misunderstanding on how the NPC sheet works. Once again, the NPC sheet has no calculations in it. HP is not calculated at all. It is a simple reproduction of the creature in the book.

Edited 1712791279
Forum Champion
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Hi Saul, You are running into a problem with terminology. Every attribute on a Roll20 sheet has a current and max. They are created automatically. You can see this on the Attributes and Abilities page. The name created by the sheet has absolutely nothing to do with any system terminology. It is simply the name for the attribute that holds the value that the current value will return to when re-set. This was true when Roll20 was created, and it is true for any character sheet in any system: D&D, GURPS, FUDGE, Vampire the Masquerade, even systems that do not have a character sheet. It how the attribute field is structured. hp_max has nothing to do with the maximum possible hp on a given creature. This is also true of strength_max, stealth_bonus_max, ac_max or any other regular attribute. It is a function of the way sheets are coded: maximum value and current value. In Roll20, the hp_max value is used to hold the number of hit points a character has when it is returned to full value from the current. We all realize that this is not the same as the maximum possible value created by a hp formula. It is not supposed to be. It is mere happenstance that Roll20 attributes are named that way. Another example where terminology does not mesh is the word "Ability". In D&D, this means one of the six basic descriptive numbers: Strength, Constitution etc. In Roll20, it means a piece of macro code that is resident on a character sheet.
Gauss said: Saul,  Nothing on the D&D 5e by Roll20 NPC sheet is calculated, not one single thing. Everything is manually entered onto the sheet.  It is all a reproduction of the book.  Yes, the DM CAN change it from the average. But that is not what is in the book unless the DM takes the option to roll the HP, in which case they have to do it manually, just like if they were playing with physical dice and paper.  hp_max is not the maximum hp from a formula, it is the normal, undamaged hitpoints of the creature, whatever their normal undamaged value is.  Current vs Maximum value .  It is a programming thing, not a game mechanics thing.  Regarding the rules in the book, nothing in them state anything like what you are saying. Here is a quote from the Monster Manual section on HP:  "A monster's hit points are presented both as a die expression and as an average number. For example, a monster with 2d8 hit points has 9 hit points on average (2 x 4 1/2)  A monster's size determines the die used to calculate its hit points, as shown in the Hit Dice by Size table.  A monster's Constitution modifier also affects the number of hit points it has. Its Constitution modifier is multiplied by the number of Hit Dice it possesses, and the result is added to its hit points. For example, if a monster has a Constitution of 12 (+1 modifier) and 2d8 Hit Dice, it has 2d8 + 2 hit points (average 11)." (Note: I did not reproduce the table) The DM either takes the average (presented) or rolls the HP. It does not state a monster gets the maximum possible HP if the DM wants, ergo taking the maximum roll is a house rule.  Ive been on Roll20 since nearly the beginning. Roll20's terminology often means something different from a game's terminology because there are 100s of games that are on Roll20 and Roll20's terminology is often based on programing meanings.  In this case hp_max is a  Roll20 meaning to contrast it from a creatures current HP. In any case, I don't feel like this is going anywhere. This can be summed up as a misunderstanding in the programming term of "hp_max" vs your understanding of "maximum" and a misunderstanding on how the NPC sheet works. Once again, the NPC sheet has no calculations in it. HP is not calculated at all. It is a simple reproduction of the creature in the book. I think it's funny that I quote the exact same section of the Monster Manual, you tell me I'm wrong, and then you quote the same section to make your point a few messages later. And, yes, there are things on the sheet that are calculated. AC is calculated. Initiative bonus is calculated. Saving throws are calculated. DC is calculated. Etc. And from what you're saying, you really don't understand what I'm saying, or what the rules say. But, you're right, it's pointless to argue this with you any longer.
A new character rolled up in Roll20 Characters using the 5e D&D sheet is showing a 20 Proficiency Bonus when clicking the Weapon Attack.  Even though the Proficiency bonus on the sheet correctly shows 2 and the Attack Bonus in the Weapon section correctly shows +5.  Is this a bug with the default attack macro in the sheet?

Edited 1713117182
Forum Champion
Matt M. said: A new character rolled up in Roll20 Characters using the 5e D&D sheet is showing a 20 Proficiency Bonus when clicking the Weapon Attack.  Even though the Proficiency bonus on the sheet correctly shows 2 and the Attack Bonus in the Weapon section correctly shows +5.  Is this a bug with the default attack macro in the sheet? Hi Matt M.,  This is a known issue that appears to be via Roll20 Characters,  here is a thread regarding this issue.  I suggest trying to create your character in a game without using Roll20 Characters. 
Hey everyone! I purchased the Roll20 Tasha's Cauldron of Everything as a gift to my GM in hopes to get the Artificer class features on the 5ed character sheet. Did I purchase the wrong book or how do we go about activating it for our campaign?
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Hey Jeffery! In order for it to be used in the campaign, it has to be owned on the same account as the game creator. If you have purchased it differently, you can file a  Help Center Request  to explain the situation and they should be able to fix you up.
Hi ! Here's my problem[s] with Honor and Sanity, yes there's multiple. - We cannot use Honor nor Sanity as attribute for "Tool Proficiencies & ncies &   Custom Skills" - We cannot use Honor nor Sanity as attribute for "Attacks & Spellcasting" - We cannot use Honor nor Sanity as attribute for the "Spells" page - We cannot use Honor nor Sanity as attribute for "Armor Class Tracking" (Setting Page) - We cannot add manually  Honor nor Sanity as an attribute on a sheet, which means we cannot add Honor nor Sanity to old sheet from the sheet's setting page. Those images bellow are with both Honor & Sanity activated. Tool Proficiencies & Custom Skills Attacks & Spellcasting "Spells" Page

Edited 1716471917
For existing sheets, on the  Attributes & Abilities Page insert
I have a problem with the D&D 5e standard character sheet.   When I roll for Initiative I always come up with D20 + 2[Init}.  My Initiative modifier is 3 (or 3.16 if you use the tiebreaker).   Initiative_Bonus shows as being 3.16 and Initiative_style is @{d20}.  Where should I look to fix this problem?            

Edited 1718337255
Forum Champion
Hi Gregory D,  Please supply a screenshot of when it rolls your initiative and of your character sheet.  My guess, you are using a macro or something that is rolling initiative or perhaps your GM is using an API Script. 
Here is the Character sheet and what happens when I click on Initiative.   I do not know if the GM has any API scripts in use, I doubt it.
Forum Champion
Could you hover over the Initiative Roll when you make your screenshot? Sorry I was not clear about that. 
Here you go:     

Edited 1718387504
I think that Gauss was referring to hovering over the initiative die roll in the chat: It should look something like this: I'm interested in this issue because  I had something similar happen on one of my player's character sheets (the  D&D 5e by Roll20   sheet), but with a weapon damage roll instead of initiative. Somehow the die roll in the weapon's settings got changed from "1d10" to just "10". I fixed the entry on player's character sheet and it never happened again. This case looks similar, but I believe that the initiative die roll uses the character sheet's "Core Die Roll" setting, but if this was somehow changed, it would effect a lot more than just the initiative roll.
Forum Champion
Thanks Rick, yes that is what I meant, hovering over the roll. :)
Gregory D said: I have a problem with the D&D 5e standard character sheet.   When I roll for Initiative I always come up with D20 + 2[Init}.  My Initiative modifier is 3 (or 3.16 if you use the tiebreaker).   Initiative_Bonus shows as being 3.16 and Initiative_style is @{d20}.  Where should I look to fix this problem?   Gauss said: My guess, you are using a macro or something that is rolling initiative or perhaps your GM is using an API Script.  Another possible issue is having two characters in the Journal with the same name. Is there more than one character in your Journal named Gee?  Also ask your GM if they might have a duplicated 'Gee' character that is controlled by you, but not visible in your Journal. This might be the case if your GM copied your character at some point (such as for a backup). If there are two characters with the same name, then the Initiative Bonus might be getting pulled from the other 'Gee' character.
Marketplace Creator
I use the GroupInitiative API script and I love it. I set up a macro button so I can select all monster tokens and add them to the turn order. I also make the button visible to players so they can use it.
First - I did find a second copy of the character in the game.  It is an old lvl 1 version.  No surprise it's only an Init_Bonus of 2.  So I asked the GM to zap that copy and see if that solves the problem.  Thanks for the help! Second, that API sounds great.  Where do I get it? I am starting to put together my first game on Roll20 and could use all the help I can get.
Gregory D said: First - I did find a second copy of the character in the game.  It is an old lvl 1 version.  No surprise it's only an Init_Bonus of 2.  So I asked the GM to zap that copy and see if that solves the problem.  Thanks for the help! Great!  Second, that API sounds great.  Where do I get it? I am starting to put together my first game on Roll20 and could use all the help I can get. Mod scripts (formerly called API scripts) are only available to games where the game creator has a current Roll20 Pro subscription. If that’s the case, then GroupInitiative is in the one-click repository from the game’s Mod script page. 
is anyone else having this issue to where a number of backgrounds features from like SCAG or BoMT dont show up or are blank Example: SCAG Bounty is missing the option to choose the two skills  Example B: BoMT Reward and Ruined Backgrounds are even bigger mess.

Edited 1720952378
New Compendium (Bestiary) is now missing the option to filter by Character Type. The option is still there on the Old Compendium view. This extends to all games I currently have created.
@Kyle K I also am missing that option on all of my games compendiums. I have also noticed I am no longer able to drag and drop 5e spells into NPC stat blocks automatically. Is there something currently going on with the compendium?
Forum Champion
@Garrett D.,  The search options are an issue with the New Compendium, while it is an issue I suggest using the Old Compendium.  Regarding dragging and dropping 5e spells onto the NPC stat blocks, please make sure they are enabled in the NPC settings. 
So, I just found the vehicle sheet option in the attribute editor, can someone post a link to an explanation for the different stats I'm seeing? Some are self-explanatory, others though, I need some explanations on. I've tried googling it, but it just leads me back to this mega-thread over and over without highlighting a certain reply.
Which ones do you need explanations on?  The big caveat I'll give you to any answer is that  vehicles  are not  currently supported  in any meaningful way on the 'D&D (2014)' sheet.  The 'Vehicle' tab was added along with the Spelljammer release, and most of the functionality is geared towards that expansion, not towards seafaring vessels from the DMG or Ghosts of Saltmarch, or to other land vehicles such as wagons.  At this point I'm assuming the sheet is not ever going to be updated, as the focus will be on the 'D&D (2024)' sheet.
FEATURE REQUEST Brief Description Would it be possible to add a "Not Proficient" option to the Tools and Proficiencies box? We can currently add proficiency bonus, jack of all trades, or expertise, but we cannot create a tool or skill that a character is not proficient with.  There are many third party that use alternative skills. There is also an official variant rule in 5e that allows you to roll for skills with different attributes. But the way the OGL sheet is set, it is impossible to roll for a different tool or skill that you are not proficient in. If I wanted to ask a player to roll a Constitution (Athletics) check, and they were not proficient, they would have to create the skill in the tool, and manually add a penalty to their roll equal to their proficiency. A simply option of not adding proficiency bonus to the roll would solve that. 
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André D. said: FEATURE REQUEST Brief Description Would it be possible to add a "Not Proficient" option to the Tools and Proficiencies box? We can currently add proficiency bonus, jack of all trades, or expertise, but we cannot create a tool or skill that a character is not proficient with.  There are many third party that use alternative skills. There is also an official variant rule in 5e that allows you to roll for skills with different attributes. But the way the OGL sheet is set, it is impossible to roll for a different tool or skill that you are not proficient in. If I wanted to ask a player to roll a Constitution (Athletics) check, and they were not proficient, they would have to create the skill in the tool, and manually add a penalty to their roll equal to their proficiency. A simply option of not adding proficiency bonus to the roll would solve that.  In such a case, why not just ask them to roll a vanilla Constitution check?
Its true, you could just roll an ability check. But I feel its easier for players in general to have their proper skills to roll. Seeing a skill in your sheet, along with its modifier, reminds you that you are or are not proficient in. Being asked to roll a certain skill, you immediatly move your cursor over to it, instead of thinking what attribute is it tied to and going for an attribute checks. At least with the players I'm playing with, they instinctively click athletics when I ask them to roll an athletics check, even though they could have click strength.  Not that there aren't other solutions to having new skills that players are not proficient with, such as manually adding a negative modifier equal to their proficiency and updating it whenever the proficiency bonus increases.  But for people who play with homebrew or 3rd party products, there are so many settings that introduce new skills that I just find it odd that the OGL sheet does not support having a new skill that you are not proficient in. 

Edited 1723998509
So I'm having issue with the current D&D 5e Sheet by Roll20 (what they now list as the D&D 5e 2014 sheet), and I haven't encountered an issue like this in the past. I have a level 10 Arcane Trickster Rogue with a Constitution of 14 whose Con Modifier is come out as 50k+ after dragging and dropping abilities from the compendium or using the charactermancer for leveling up. Ability rolls and such are even coming up wrong with this as well.

Edited 1724000044
Forum Champion
Hi Huntress, It is probably an equipment issue. Please disable all of your equipment (uncheckmark the gear) until you find which one is causing the problem.  If none of the equipment is causing the problem please send me an invite to your game so I can come take a look at the character.
Forum Champion
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Hi Huntress! You most likely have a piece of equipment with a malformed mod code. If this is a recent issue, try toggling your equipment items off one-by-one, starting with the most recent. With any luck you'll find the offender. If you don't know how to form the mod codes, post what is in the mod field for that item and we'll try to give you a hand.

Edited 1724005173
Okay so it looks like both the Nine Lives Stealer, and the Dagger of Venom which were drag and dropped to the sheet are what is effecting it, cause if we have either one or both selected it causes the issue. The Dagger is straight up unchanged from the Compendium's stats, so I don't know why that would be having a issue. The Nine Lives Stealer was adjusted by me though to fit the properties of a rapier so the rogue's dex could be used instead of strength (made it a finesse weapon), and for whatever reason the drag and drop had not added the item's +2 enchantment so I had to manually put that in. I put in the code on the mod like So: Item Type: Melee Weapon, Damage: 1d8, Damage Type: Piercing,  Melee Attacks +2, Melee Damage +2, Attack Description: If you score a critical hit against a creature that has fewer than 100 Hit Points it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be slain instantly as the sword tears its life force from its body (a Construct or an Undead is immune).
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Change the mods on a standard dagger of venom to: Item Type: Weapon, Damage: 1d4, Damage Type: piercing, Range: 20/60, Attack, Melee Attacks +1, Melee Damage +1 I'm not sure what the Description field is doing in the mods. I'd suggest filing a  Help Center Request  which will create a ticket to have the item reviewed. The description field in the mods section seem to be what is causing it to wig out. Likewise, remove the description from your homebrewed Nine Lives Stealer: Item Type: Melee Weapon, Damage: 1d8, Damage Type: Piercing,  Melee Attacks +2, Melee Damage +2, Attack

Edited 1724009682
The description was put there by the compendium when the item was dragged and dropped, like it does with all magic items. It's because the item has an effect that has to be shown in the chat and is circumstantial. Removing it has no effect on the problem. Particularly of note, the Dagger of Venom that I mentioned also is causing the same problem is the same way, the compendium adds a Attack Description for it as it does with all such special magic items.
Forum Champion
Huntress said: The description was put there by the compendium when the item was dragged and dropped, like it does with all magic items. It's because the item has an effect that has to be shown in the chat and is circumstantial. Removing it has no effect on the problem. Particularly of note, the Dagger of Venom that I mentioned also is causing the same problem is the same way, the compendium adds a Attack Description for it as it does with all such special magic items. There is no need for these things to be in the item itself. I suggest just deleting the item from the equipment and putting in handwritten versions without all the mods etc.  Then just create the attacks from scratch in the attack section.  It is the "automation" of the equipment mods that gets corrupted from time to time although I remember that Dagger of Venom has had this issue for a long time now. 
Will the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet continue to be regularly updated?  I have no interest in buying D&D 5.5 or One or 2024 or whatever it is called.

Edited 1724199955
Forum Champion
Albert R. said: Will the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet continue to be regularly updated?  I have no interest in buying D&D 5.5 or One or 2024 or whatever it is called. Hi Albert,  The Devs have not stated what their plans for the D&D 5e (2014) sheet  are  (formerly called the D&D 5e by Roll20 sheet). As for the D&D 5e (2024) sheet, it is not something you buy, you can use it for free, and it supposed to be backwards compatible with D&D 5e 2014 content. 
Gauss said: Albert R. said: Will the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet continue to be regularly updated?  I have no interest in buying D&D 5.5 or One or 2024 or whatever it is called. Hi Albert,  The Devs have not stated what their plans for the D&D 5e (2014) sheet  are  (formerly called the D&D 5e by Roll20 sheet). As for the D&D 5e (2024) sheet, it is not something you buy, you can use it for free, and it supposed to be backwards compatible with D&D 5e 2014 content.  If only that were true. It is not compatible with popular API's that I currently use.
Forum Champion
Albert R. said: Gauss said: Albert R. said: Will the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet continue to be regularly updated?  I have no interest in buying D&D 5.5 or One or 2024 or whatever it is called. Hi Albert,  The Devs have not stated what their plans for the D&D 5e (2014) sheet  are  (formerly called the D&D 5e by Roll20 sheet). As for the D&D 5e (2024) sheet, it is not something you buy, you can use it for free, and it supposed to be backwards compatible with D&D 5e 2014 content.  If only that were true. It is not compatible with popular API's that I currently use. I think there may be some confusion regarding terminology. APIs are not content. But, my understanding is that they are not ignoring API Scripts.  The word is that the D&D 5e 2024 sheet that you see at the moment is not the released version. 
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API Scripter
Gauss said: ... I think there may be some confusion regarding terminology. APIs are not content. But, my understanding is that they are not ignoring API Scripts.  The word is that the D&D 5e 2024 sheet that you see at the moment is not the released version.  It is my suspicion that some scripts will not interact well with a Beacon sheet. ChatSetAttr comes to mind. Eventually, there will likely be new mechanisms to affect character sheet attributes, but I don't think I have seen anything to indicate there will be a method out of the gate.
Huntress said: The description was put there by the compendium when the item was dragged and dropped, like it does with all magic items. It's because the item has an effect that has to be shown in the chat and is circumstantial. Removing it has no effect on the problem. Particularly of note, the Dagger of Venom that I mentioned also is causing the same problem is the same way, the compendium adds a Attack Description for it as it does with all such special magic items. Interestingly I just found Giant Slayer sword did similar to my Strength score.  Set it to 22131302.  lol.  Who needs their wheaties when giant slayer sword sets your strength score to over 22 million amirite.  <3  high five! 
I see DnDBeyond will replace all 2014 PHB spells with 2024 versions.  Is that going to happen on Roll 20? If it is to keep our campaign from being changed part way through we will have to copy everything into homebrew spells and that will be a lot easier while we still have access to the 2014 spells on Roll 20.
Forum Champion
Carl M. said: I see DnDBeyond will replace all 2014 PHB spells with 2024 versions.  Is that going to happen on Roll 20? If it is to keep our campaign from being changed part way through we will have to copy everything into homebrew spells and that will be a lot easier while we still have access to the 2014 spells on Roll 20. No, there will be no changes to Roll20's 2014 content. See this post . 
Gauss, if I understood you correctly, you asked me to repost this suggestion here, so here goes:  It would be nice to have a subsection under the "Item Name" section, that would represent the character's backpack. If toggled all the items in the backpack would be added to the total weight. If untoggled all of the items in the backpack would not be counted towards the total weight. In this manner players could "drop" their backpacks before going into combat and reduce their encumbrance. I realize that many of your players probably do not play the game using encumbrance or that they rules allow for 5-10x ST in pounds to be carried by the PCs, but hopefully there are some players out there, who want a bit more realism and have reduce the max-carry weight to 2 x ST in kg (2.2lbs) which is a more realistic albeit still quite fantastic burden.  Who would this change benefit? 1.) Players playing with the old D&D 5e Character sheet, who enjoy playing with more realistic encumbrance rules.  2.) Players, who for whatever reason would like a backpack that they can toggle on/off and have the contents of the backpack not add to the total weight carried by the character when the backpack is toggled off.  I hope I found the right place to post this for you?                                                                            -  Oliver M.   
I would add that the sheet (whether it's the new sheet or the old sheet) should support "containers" in the inventory list. This would allow not only for ordinary backpacks or bags but for handling items like a Bag of Holding or a Quiver of Ehlonna. A lot of DMs use the encumbrance rules (I do). A lot don't. The sheet should be flexible enough to support both styles of gameplay, and having "containers" in the inventory list support that, especially for things like a Bag of Holding where the items inside don't add a lot of weight or encumbrance.  Oliver M. said: Gauss, if I understood you correctly, you asked me to repost this suggestion here, so here goes:  It would be nice to have a subsection under the "Item Name" section, that would represent the character's backpack. If toggled all the items in the backpack would be added to the total weight. If untoggled all of the items in the backpack would not be counted towards the total weight. In this manner players could "drop" their backpacks before going into combat and reduce their encumbrance. I realize that many of your players probably do not play the game using encumbrance or that they rules allow for 5-10x ST in pounds to be carried by the PCs, but hopefully there are some players out there, who want a bit more realism and have reduce the max-carry weight to 2 x ST in kg (2.2lbs) which is a more realistic albeit still quite fantastic burden.  Who would this change benefit? 1.) Players playing with the old D&D 5e Character sheet, who enjoy playing with more realistic encumbrance rules.  2.) Players, who for whatever reason would like a backpack that they can toggle on/off and have the contents of the backpack not add to the total weight carried by the character when the backpack is toggled off.  I hope I found the right place to post this for you?                                                                            -  Oliver M.   
I agree with Oliver M. and Saul J. We should have support for "containers" in the character sheet. Also the Character sheet for Ships should be more customizable to include other types of containers.
Recently I'm noticing a strange bug with a particular player's 5e sheet. When editing damage dice and damage bonus, the fields would snap back to '1', from '1d8', '1d6' etc. Only way to fix it seems to drag a new weapon. But the problem returns when trying to add new damage bonus. Anyone else experienced this, and if yes how did you fix it?
Forum Champion
Erudo said: Recently I'm noticing a strange bug with a particular player's 5e sheet. When editing damage dice and damage bonus, the fields would snap back to '1', from '1d8', '1d6' etc. Only way to fix it seems to drag a new weapon. But the problem returns when trying to add new damage bonus. Anyone else experienced this, and if yes how did you fix it? This is a known bug, the equipment mod line can get corrupted. The solution is not to use it unless you have to, which in the case of attacks you don't have to.  Edit the equipment, remove the checkmark for attack. Manually re-create the attack.