Yes, you could use the Firearms skill for crossbows. It's in the 7e rules (p. 64 Keeper's Handbook). Under the definition of the Firearms specialization, it says: "Covers all manner of firearms, as well as bows and crossbows. So, that would not be homebrew.
"Homebrew" is defined as using any rule that is not in the official source book. So, if you use a rule from the 6E Call of Cthulhu in your 7E game, you are using a homebrew rule. The question you have to ask is, why was it not in the 7E rules? The answer, in most cases, is that the design team did not want to include it for one reason or another. But, if you choose to include it, you can. It just counts as "homebrew".
This forum is for discussion of the 7E sheet. No more. No less. The official word from Roll20 that I got some time ago is that they won't add homebrew rules to the official sheet.
I don't have any of the non-1920s modules (like Reign of Terror) so I don't know what sheet they use. All of the modules I have are 7E modules based in the 1920s so the official sheet is just right.
I'm not actively trying to not make things better. I'm pointing out a number of things: (1) discussions of anything other than the 7E sheet is out of place here; (2) adding things that are not part of 7E to the sheet may help *you* but not anyone who is playing 7E who doesn't use the same homebrew rules; (3) adding things to a sheet can bog things down...a lot and make the sheet more complex to maintain. The official 5E D&D sheet is in that category - there's so much that's been added that it's hard to maintain, and for a lot of people, hard to figure out how to use.
As for making things better, I've been consistently filing bug reports and technical issues, etc. when I find them to Roll20. I've been trying to make the 7E CoC sheet work correctly, and be usable for 7E games as it was intended. There are still bugs in it, and I've reported them. You just may not be aware of it.
Note that I do not speak for Roll20. I'm just voicing my opinion. I have been playing CoC since 1st edition, btw.
The Keeper said:
I believe I have read that you can use Firearms as crossbows and things of that nature. It could be relevant to your game in the dark ages and not completely worthless. You would have to bump up/modify to the rule set for Dark Ages. I did contact Dustin Wright at Chaosium and ask him why some of the rulesets are inconsistent within the games. Dustin told me that Runequest was out before 7e was released then they brought it back in to the game. Stormbringer and Hawkwind were out of print by this time. I just bought Dark Ages and haven't gone through it and Reign of Terror I am still waiting on for them to mail me. I am trying to find a decently priced copy for Cthulhu Invictus and I haven't bought Cthulhu Apocolypse/ or Cthulhu Now and Cthulhu Achtung. I am working my way thru the time periods.
If you need or want a player for your Dark Ages let me know, I would be interested. On one hand I understand that from roll20s pov they don't have Dark Ages for sale on their website so they won't make the sheet any more current. I will be curious to see what they have left off from Reign of Terror since they are selling its ruleset. Once I get that, and possibly find things missing. We will have traction to get things fixed because if they sell you the rules, then shouldn't they provide you with an accurate sheet ?
One a Side note, I believe you can play different generations of Cthulhu when you first set up your game. Do all the Cthulhu games listed have 7e sheet if its not 7e or are they specific to that time periods sheet ? I feel like the people that reply in this forum are more active to not make things better and like to argue about things then getting a positive result.
My hangup on all this is- someone always saying something is Homebrew because any game system keeps updating their system to get suckers like you and me to keep buying their books/pdfs. I feel like anything I have brought up that was in previous systems should have their place on a sheet. I do feel that me creating my own magic items for Cthulhu or me stealing spell ideas from other games IS homebrew. What I have been told is homebrew according to the critics isn't when the main system omits one thing and releases an "update". That just their marketing machine generating revenue for their employed people.