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Character Sheet Requests

June 04 (3 years ago)

Edited June 05 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Requests for New Character Sheets on Roll20

This is a thread for people to post request for character sheets to be added to Roll20's sheet selection menu, primarily for games that don't yet have a roll20 sheet. Roll20 have currently over 800 character sheets available, of which most are created by the community. Roll20 manages directly around a dozen sheets for some publishers, and about 50 sheets are maintained by the game's publisher.

Before posting your request here, read: How to make things easier for Sheet Authors. It will provide suggestions on how to best present/inform of what you want, increase the odds someone picks up the project, and making it as easy as possible for someone who maybe don't know about the system to create it. Paid Requests/Bounty: If you have a monetary bounty for the sheet, clearly state so.

New Sheets: Primarily for asking sheets for new systems/games to be added that don't already have a sheet.

  • If you want to request changes to an existing sheet, make a separate thread and/or contact the sheet author first before posting here.

Translations: Requests to add translation capabilities to sheet can also be posted here.

  • If a sheet already have translation capabilities, you can join CrowdIn, and help update the existing translations yourself.

About Roll20 character sheets:

  • They are created with HTML/CSS/Javascript, along with some roll20-specific code. You need a Pro subscription. Building Character Sheets(documentation)
  • It's not feasible to convert a PDF or a spreadsheet to a roll20 sheet, it's better to create them based on existing sheet code, or templates.

Request Index

Keeping the index updated

If someone creates/notices there exists a sheet for one mentioned on the list, please post in the thread to let me & other know about it. I try to keep tabs on things, but it's inevitable that I miss some updates.

This is a continuation of the previous Sheet Request Thread, Consolidated, mk II and mrk I threads, to better organize existing requests, as well as removing some older requests, to keep the list shorter and more relevant.

The first few replies in the thread will be used for further organizing the list etc.

June 04 (3 years ago)

Edited January 11 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Sheet Request List (Updated Dec 9th, 2021)

Newer Requests (Q3/Q4 2021)

Requests, grouped by System

  • FATE
    • Wearing the Cape | mention March 2021
  • FitD (Forged in the dark)
  • Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) | there exist several PbtA sheet on Roll20 that could be a good start.
  • WoD/nWoD/Storyteller/Storypath

Older Requests ->

June 04 (3 years ago)

Edited December 09 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Sheets with bounty(Updated Dec 9th, 2021)

Character sheets requests that people have promised some for of compensation for. If a request is finished, please PM me so I can remove it.

  • El Linaje de Dayala  100euro, Spanish| info | Sept. 2021
  • Freeform Universal | bounty $300 April 2021
  • Custom, $250, info(Dec2020)
  • Playtest sheet | bonty: contact for details April 2021
  • D&D5e/Mouseguard homebrew | bounty: ask for details April 2021
  • Trinity: Continuum Core and Aberrant | bounty: willing April 2021 | similar to existing Scion sheet
  • Very old requests, likely resolved/no longer relevant:
    • Custom/own system, $300 info(Jan2021)
    • AGAINST THE DARKMASTER | bounty: depends feb 2021
    • Kantai Collection RPGbounty: willing Feb 2021
    • Wolves of God | bounty $50 Nov 2020 | there exist code for a sheet, but it need to be edited to not use <table>, before it can be submitted
    • Chimera: A Fantasy, Modern, & Sci-Fi Roleplaying Engine | more info (Jan2020) | bounty: free copy of rule
    • Ephemeral Beings and NPC sheets | $25 per sheet Feb2021 | Chronicles of Darkness
June 04 (3 years ago)

Edited January 06 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Major Update Requests(Updated Jan. 6th, 2022)

Request to do major updates to existing sheets, such as adding a NPC/Vehicle sheet, updating sheet to be translatable , or to completely redo some older and simplistic sheet. Minor update/fix request can be targeted to the sheet author or make your own thread.

June 04 (3 years ago)

Edited January 06 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Fulfilled Requests (updated Dec 9th 2021)

Sheet Request fulfilled in 2020-2021:

  • The One Ring 2nd Edition - update beta sheet to full edition req1 , req2 | Update close | Update submitted (Jan 4th 2022)
  • Dishonored 2d20 -  done Dec 2021 
  • Rolemaster Unified - done June 2021
  • Avatar: Last Airbender RPG - Autumn 2021
  • Best Left Buried - done 2020
  • World Wide Wrestling 2E - done June 2021
  • S.L.A. Industries 2nd Edition - done April 2021
  • Mazes - done Nov 2020
  • Unwritten (FATE) - done Jan 2021
  • Infinity RPG - sheet exists(old)
  • BESM 4E (Big Eyes, Small Mouth RPG) | added november 2021
  • Fallout 2d20 |  Added May 2021
  • Mythic D6 | Added May 2021
  • Doctor Who RPG: (Tradis & TTC device sheets) | info | request to add Tardis/TCC templates to the existing sheet done
  • D&D 5e based
    • Esper Genesis | original request | game based on D&D5E OGL Added May 2020
    • Pugmire 5E | more info | based on DnD5E Added Sept 2020
  • AGE System(Modern AGE, Lazarus, Threefold Added) | Likely fairly simple to integrate into existing AGE System sheet, taking example of how "The Expanse" was added
    • Expanse RPG by Green Ronin | more than once | Tips: Could be worked into the AGE Sheet Added to AGE Sheet
June 04 (3 years ago)

Edited June 04 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author


  • remove really old request from the list(pre-2020), to keep it more compact & relevant
  • re-arrange list of sheet bounties by date
  • update links to the thread in various places wiki done
June 04 (3 years ago)

Edited June 04 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

reserved post

June 04 (3 years ago)

Edited February 09 (3 years ago)
Sheet Author

I am contemplating putting together something for Classified/James Bond 007

As of 9th Dec. 2021 this sheet is progressing.

Edit: 9th Feb. 2022.  The sheet has been completed and released.

I know this is on the list and it keeps coming up, but I would like to recommend Worlds Without Number as well. I'm not a programmer, but it shouldn't be too hard to do a conversion of the SWN sheet, since they use the same ruleset, especially if you could make it so that the WWN / SWN sheet are interchangeable in the settings.

I wanted to bring this up because it was brought up quite a bit in the last thread, but it's new and it has no bounty and so I'm afraid it'll be overlooked.

Thank you for reading!

June 16 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

I know this is on the list and it keeps coming up, but I would like to recommend Worlds Without Number as wel

The list is really long atm, and I've meant to make it shorter, by removing really old requests, i.e those that haven't been mentioned in like a year or so. Repeating your interest in an existing sheet request confirms there are still people who want it, and makes it more likely to be made.

June 17 (3 years ago)

Not sure if this is the place I am supposed to ask.  I am looking for character books/sheets for MASHed (PbtA).  It is a really great port to the Powered by the Apocalypse rules set and it would be great to be able to play it via roll20.


June 27 (3 years ago)

Hello Andreas,

do you knoe if there are any progress of "Fall of delta green character sheet creation"?


Andreas J. said:

Sheet Request List (Updated June 17th, 2021)

June 27 (3 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

AFAIK, nobody is working on it.

(Quoting a massive list is pretty pointless and just clogs up the thread btw)


I've recently picked up the TTRPG "Esoterica", which is based on the OpenD6 system, but the game itself has a specific character sheet that comes with it, as it's a uniquely themed RPG. I am providing photo copies of the basic char sheet provided at the back of the published book for reference as well.

If anyone is willing to take this on, I can say that a basic sheet such as this is cool and all, but if you're willing to put a little more flair into it, I'm willing to throw $50 your way!

July 05 (3 years ago)
Jonnes Derik
Sheet Author

Hey people,

My brother and I are working on character sheets for Trinity Continuum in Roll 20. It's time to test the features. Thus, I created a room in row 20, with the current version of the Sheet. If you are interested in testing and giving feedback, you are Welcome! So far, the form is able to generate:

    Psions and Proxies
    *Inspired ((embora esse não possa sair na versão até o livro tenha plenamente entregue)

It would be great to have your help!

My schedule looks like this:

    Working on the rolling system
    Possibly Psiads and Superiors

I created around 20 characters for testing. You can use them...if you need more, just talk.

...and I think we will need a communication channel. I don't even know if it can be around here. I accept suggestions.

The room link is:

July 05 (3 years ago)


could it be possible to add an Esoterrorists option to the automated Gumshoe character sheet that already exists (Trail of Chtulhu/NBA). There are enough elements that would require some changes to the existing one (like no sanity, different skills, no magic, etc).

The game was recently re-released localy and it would be great to have it.


Please make a sheet for Warlock! It’s a rules light system so it wouldn’t be very hard. I just don’t know coding.

July 08 (3 years ago)

The Between, a new PBTA game

Could someone please make a sheet for the Liminal RPG by Modiphius.  Thanks.

July 16 (3 years ago)
Christine C.
Sheet Author

I've added a translation file for Never Going Home and will follow that up with an English translation soon, so that it's available in English.

July 19 (3 years ago)

Hello there!

I'm looking to have a sheet made for The Mecha Hack.

The sheet can be found via direct download here:

Or for free on their website here:

It's a very simple OSR d20 game, though the goal is to roll under your stats in order to succeed at the game's various actions. I am willing to work in detail with anyone who has the time to make this happen.



I am unsure how this works exactly but here goes.

I have my own system; I am the sole creator.

Now My game utilizes nine basic stats and several secondary, trinary, and tertiary stats based on the primary basic stats through a table I created for the game using advanced algebra.

For the Job, I need eleven types of Character sheets made. My bounty is two hundred dollars US. Once the first one is designed the only difference will be through hit locations.

One sheet is different than the other six because it is for a Ginn (ultra sentient Dragons).

Roll20 has its own roll-up per character through the game compendium, so character generation will be impossible for my game system unless I am able to place my code (generation of a character through my roll-up table* I used Basic to build it, my cousin Kevin redesigned everything to be in Bubble Basic) on your website. My game is predesigned for digital in mind when I wrote it, and is not designed by an insurance salesman (Gary Gygax) it is designed by an electronics engineer major out of the early 70s, my computer coding engineer MS degree cousin Kevin and Me.

I am wondering if someone is willing to do a sheet for Reclaim the Wild. It is a free fan game and the Google Drive for it can be found here. The game is relatively simple, using 2d6 + modifiers and occassionally division.

July 24 (3 years ago)
Sheet Author

Andreas J. I did the updates to the Who sheet and the requestor seemed satisfied.

  • Doctor Who RPG: (Tradis & TTC device sheets) | info | request to add Tardis/TCC templates to the existing sheet

I'm looking for someone to add a The Heroes Journey 2e character sheet.


I am looking to see if anyone can make a Cybergeneration character sheet. The game was based on the same rules as Cyberpunk 2020 (1d10+(stat+skill total) vs TN (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc...), so that sheet could probably be used as a base. Here are some images (though personally, i don't think it needs all the extra stuff, like the "Police Line - Do Not Cross" bit):

A simple sheet for Everyone is John would be nice, wouldn't be too hard I don't think

Character sheet for Amber Diceless RPG and an Official Tag for the game in the listings would be great. There's already those for Lords of Gossamer and Shadow, but Amber is the original. Thanks.

July 28 (3 years ago)

I don't see a Forged in the Dark category for Blades in the Dark style games, but I know there are a few.  I have just found and fallen hard for 5 Minutes to Midnight and I'd really love it if someone could modify one of the existing sets for this game.

Would love to see a character sheet for ICON, the new game by Massif Press. It's in playtesting, so things may change, but it would be nice to have for playtesting at the least.

Links to the rules and materials can be found for free here:

July 29 (3 years ago)

Edited July 29 (3 years ago)
Sheet Author

Andy B. said:

Would love to see a character sheet for ICON, the new game by Massif Press. It's in playtesting, so things may change, but it would be nice to have for playtesting at the least.

Links to the rules and materials can be found for free here:

The problem with this is that creating sheets for games that are not even published can cause difficulties when things get changed in later playtest versions and with the released product.   People will setup campaigns based on what ever version of the sheet is available when they set the campaign up  and  expect sheet authors to support it.  

July 31 (3 years ago)

David said:

I am contemplating putting together something for Classified/James Bond 007

I'm curious about the possibility of having a sheet that would be compatible for either game.  They're so close to being identical that I have a hard time deciding which one to play.  It would be nice to be able to go back and forth, if that's possible.  Otherwise, I'd be happy to go with whichever one would be easiest to put together (although admittedly Classified is probably the most accessible for the most people).

July 31 (3 years ago)

I am going to be running a game of Happiest Apocalypse on Earth (powered by the apocalypse) on my twitch channel coming up in September. It would be great if there was a character sheet for this game! Thanks!

July 31 (3 years ago)

Edited July 31 (3 years ago)
Sheet Author

Mark M. said:

David said:

I am contemplating putting together something for Classified/James Bond 007

I'm curious about the possibility of having a sheet that would be compatible for either game.  They're so close to being identical that I have a hard time deciding which one to play.  It would be nice to be able to go back and forth, if that's possible.  Otherwise, I'd be happy to go with whichever one would be easiest to put together (although admittedly Classified is probably the most accessible for the most people).

Classified has renamed a few things and has added languages and removed photography. Playing 007 with it should not be a problem  unless a player can't handled the name changes.  The sheet is currently stalled as I am working on other things. 


I'd like to add my request on for GURPS 3E, as there is a line of books I want to use that isn't available for 4E.

I'd like to request for the Roll20 5e DnD sheet to include a section for temporary reductions in maximum hit points.

August 03 (3 years ago)
Christine C.
Sheet Author

Grant H. said:

The Between, a new PBTA game

I'm working on a sheet for The Between now, using my Brindlewood Bay sheet as a base.

August 03 (3 years ago)

David said:

Mark M. said:

David said:

I am contemplating putting together something for Classified/James Bond 007

I'm curious about the possibility of having a sheet that would be compatible for either game.  They're so close to being identical that I have a hard time deciding which one to play.  It would be nice to be able to go back and forth, if that's possible.  Otherwise, I'd be happy to go with whichever one would be easiest to put together (although admittedly Classified is probably the most accessible for the most people).

Classified has renamed a few things and has added languages and removed photography. Playing 007 with it should not be a problem  unless a player can't handled the name changes.  The sheet is currently stalled as I am working on other things. 


WOW!  That looks beautiful!  I sure hope you can get back to it soon.

System: Free from the Yoke. A Legacy PBTA game. There is already an existing set of Legacy sheets, but not one dedicated to Free from the Yoke. Here is the game.

Side Request: The Legacy sheets with fillable options (for Homebrew Houses and characters)

Side Tabs/ Sheets: for Quick characters Boxes and or fillable side sheets

Thanks too anyone that takes up this challenge! if you have questions on the system or needs basic Sheets/ Information Feel free to DM me. 

Shout out too: Sherm who is also looking for this format 

As One of the people whos has Run this game on Roll20, I would love to have the ease and simplicity that "Life Among the Ruins" has.  

August 06 (3 years ago)

Edited August 06 (3 years ago)

System: Infected!

Mechanics: This game is a 2d10 system wherein tests are made using two separate rolls; 1d10 + Attribute and 1d10 + Skill, with a DC of 11. Meeting or surpassing this number on either die will grant you degrees of success.

This game already has a sheet on Roll20, but it is incredibly basic and lacks a few features that would be nice to have for actually running the game. I am requesting that someone edit the sheet to:

- Add an Equipment section (It could just be a literal text-box but this sheet does not have one for some reason).
- Add an Add/Modify feature for the weapon listings. Most RPG sheets on this site allow players to add as many weapon listings as they want, but this sheet has two entries for each and no more.
- Add an Add/Modify feature for the Circumstances and Advantages & Disadvantages sections. Again, these have a fixed amount of entries, and once you run out, there's nowhere else to put them except for the generic "Notes" tab that everything else uses.
    - If you could separate Advantages and Disadvantages as well, that'd be nice.
- Maybe allow players to have more than one language/knowledge skill as well?
- Finally, tweak the rolls so that when the d10 is rolled, it actually adds the roll to the base number and automatically gives you the total. It doesn't need to show Degrees of Success, but just adding the two numbers together would be nice.

Most of these changes are just adding an Add/Modify feature that is common on most sheets. However, this sheet does not have any and I find that sheets fill up very fast, leaving players to continue their character on sheets of paper IRL or Handouts. If someone who is decent at making/editing sheets could please take a look at this, I'd be grateful.

A link to the free rules can be found here:

Thank you for reading, and have a nice day!

August 06 (3 years ago)

System: Avatar the legends

It's currently on kickstart and has over 3 mil already within a week. 

August 07 (3 years ago)

Deadlands Hell on Earth Classic (with updated Aptitudes and Arcane Archetypes)
Deadlands Lost Colony Classic (same)

August 11 (3 years ago)

Edited August 11 (3 years ago)

Bounty for the D&Z sheet with a npc functionality the amount I'm willing to pay is up for debate but i think a starting pay of $100 is reasonable because the majority of it is just text boxes that have no other function. the only things that will have a function will be everything within these images and they would work just like the roll 20 d&d 5e character sheet.

 Here is a google docs of the sheet for referance.


August 13 (3 years ago)

Andreas J.

I have finished this one and given the github link to Randall T. He is happy with the sheet.

Cybergeneration V2. Github link

Thank you Randall T. for giving me the chance to make another sheet in the Cyberpunk Universe,

Randall T. said:

I am looking to see if anyone can make a Cybergeneration character sheet. The game was based on the same rules as Cyberpunk 2020 (1d10+(stat+skill total) vs TN (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc...), so that sheet could probably be used as a base. Here are some images (though personally, i don't think it needs all the extra stuff, like the "Police Line - Do Not Cross" bit):

The Doctor Who RPG second edition?  There's a first edition sheet available on Roll20, but the new edition makes a couple minor changes.

August 17 (3 years ago)

How's it going!? I am currently working on a western cultivation game tabletop RPG system of my own. I'm just needing for someone to turn my design into a character sheet that I can use in my playtesting game. I found the D20 modern sheet to be pretty close to what i need.  Here is the link to the google doc of the character sheet. . If interested let me know, if not thanks for taking the time to read this.

August 17 (3 years ago)
Christine C.
Sheet Author

I've finished the sheet for The Between - it's just waiting for approval in GitHub (the new sheet approvals seem kind of backed up at the moment). 

Christine C. said:

Grant H. said:

The Between, a new PBTA game

I'm working on a sheet for The Between now, using my Brindlewood Bay sheet as a base.

Hi there

it seems that a char sheet for 

  • WoD/nWoD/Storyteller/Storypath [Dark Ages Vampire/Werewolf/Mage/Inquisition (aka humans)/Fae] doesnt exist, i am right ?
  • if not i am requesting one (vampire first, inquisitor eventually second)
  • thanks
August 18 (3 years ago)
Sheet Author

twilighttempura said:

Hi there

it seems that a char sheet for 

  • WoD/nWoD/Storyteller/Storypath [Dark Ages Vampire/Werewolf/Mage/Inquisition (aka humans)/Fae] doesnt exist, i am right ?
  • if not i am requesting one (vampire first, inquisitor eventually second)
  • thanks

There is a mass of World of Darkness character sheets. Create a new game and in the  Optional: Choose a Character Sheet type story .