I believe Roll20 is well aware of all competitors out there... and there are a few more than you mentioned in your post (each with their own strengths and weaknesses depending on the system(s) you want to play)...
Thing with me: I liked to use Roll20, I liked it for the simplicity in VTT, Characters, Handouts etc.; But with every change Roll20 got considerably worse. First UDL vs LDL, the color different color pickers regarding the layer you are on, the vtt dark mode debacle and now this... As mentioned before: there was NO communication, no heads up or anything else regarding this... the "new" video feature seems to be different and it seems they learned their lession at least in this regard as they communicated it prior to release (which should be this week if I read correctly)...
It is not just the forum but the Main Page as well. While logged out, you have the pink top navigation, but every point in sub navigation is black! After signing in EVERYTHING is pink... EXCEPT the user menu on the top right... Those inconsistencies are what is most annoying to me! Or have a look at the editor here in the forum. If you post a reply, there are no pinkish outlines and everything works (buttons turning pink on press with white font is a different matter)... EDIT a Post or write someone a PM and the editor looks different: pinkish outlines. The GOOD thing: If you write someone a PM at least the buttons show when pressed (turning pink etc.). While editing a post, this is not the case... and I could go on and on and on with this... ... ...