I'm like fairly sure that if you dig there are a few responses from me here in this thread, but I am going to offer again what I do for my 473 and counting pages to keep them even remotely organized. Name them very carefully (ex: 001. Nature: Thick Jungle Road down through things like 038. Story Finale: Necromancer Boss Arena) and then archive them. It's the closest you'll get to organization. Its a super pain in the butt to do if you've already got hundreds of pages, but I assure you one afternoon of opening, renaming and archiving again is better than constantly searching through a super filled up menu. Also you can circumvent your numbers with periods before the numbers (ex: .021) if you want to keep a small selection at the top. I do these for player home bases and our most use market or town areas as well. Keep like maps together. So in my Nature example, those would be all the maps I have that are natural spaces, lakes, forests, deserts, snowy biomes. I also have things like fantasy that are nature areas with obvious magical influences. And then each major city has its own number and the maps are organized within that number. Finally I do screencaps of the whole map zoomed all the way out and then put that on the back most of the map layer hidden under everything else but making sure its the biggest thing on the map so that I can have proper map icons. Images linked.