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Allow the GM to delete a line in the chat text

+1, How is this not a feature yet?
another +1, just had another issue of clicking a button and somehow sent my private GM note to public chat and had to quickly wipe the entire chat history or ruin the upcoming session.
Deborah S. said: +1. Also accidentally put an NPC's spell in the chat window while setting up for a next-day game.  THIS!!! I JUST DID THIS! PLEASE ROLL20, this is simple stuff... +1

Edited 1607732168
Still haven't made this a thing? Chat logs are over 5 years old and so many people want this!! Please help!
I accidentally send things to chat on a not-infrequent basis, forcing me to wipe the whole chat history to avoid revealing stuff to my players. Roll20, give GMs the power to delete sections of chat, please!
And just when I was googling for this exact answer, shame 5 years later and still no option for it.
I agree with this suggestion. As a keeper in Call of Cthulhu i create a lot of character sheets for NPCs and like to test their weapons to make sure its rolling correctly and the damage is calculated. If I accidentally forget to click the whisper to keeper, the PCs can see NPCs value in the chat log the next time they log in. Not that big of a deal, but it seems like a very easy fix.
I will add my support for getting this done, ASAP. Just revealed the build of a key NPC in chat and no way to remove it. Learning of the 'talktomyself' option is nifty, but there needs to be GM ability to get rid of mistakes and needless clutter from the game record.
Craig J. said: I will add my support for getting this done, ASAP. Just revealed the build of a key NPC in chat and no way to remove it. Learning of the 'talktomyself' option is nifty, but there needs to be GM ability to get rid of mistakes and needless clutter from the game record. Indeed. And as much as I like and use TTM, it has limitations, in that it disables the API, so I can't test API-based macros or scripts without cluttering up the chat window with a bunch of crap I know I'll need to delete.
Delete is enough.
It's really not. The fact that this hasn't already been integrated is baffling. 
I agree with the sentiment of the posts I have read above.  As a new GM to Roll 20, I accidentally added attacks from NPCs to the chat in my ignorance of how that worked at the time.  I was able to figure out a work around before session one, but it would have been easier to just delete it.
Pretty amazing that this has been asked for for over 6 years and Roll20 still hasn't added it. What am I paying for?
Between this, printing character sheets and most importantly for my games - ability to organize maps - I stopped paying 2 years ago, and stopping using R20 almost 3 years ago. I kept the sub, hoping they'd improve core functions vs the extra bells & whistles of things like improved dynamic lighting.  From what I hear their competitors doing from my BFF who runs or plays games on R20 & 2 other sites, as soon as those go system agnostic, R20 is doomed.  Orion F. said: Pretty amazing that this has been asked for for over 6 years and Roll20 still hasn't added it. What am I paying for?
Please Roll20
+1 for delete single post in chat by DM
+1. Incredible that such a basic feature is not there yet. I have accidentally revealed information the players shouldn't have, and it should be simple to simply delete it.

Edited 1611336410
+1 The lack of this feature and also the inconsistency with feats and spells having different on click behavior has caused more than a few players I've played with second guessing using roll20 or suggesting alternatives. Can we just have the ability to delete a single message or at the very least set that message to gm only after the fact? The lack of this feature actually makes it harder to convince people to use roll20. Edit: I'd also like to take a moment to appreciate that the forums *do* have the ability to edit and delete your message without deleting the whole thread; not really something I should have to stand back and appreciate.
Ability to change visibility from GM/All as Nick said, would be better than nothing at the moment and at least seems achievable. We can all only assume the code is such a gigantic mess that this feature is not possible?
+1. Such a basic feature, it cannot be too expensive to develop

Edited 1611587557
Nick  said: The lack of this feature and also the inconsistency with feats and spells having different on click behavior has caused more than a few players I've played with second guessing using roll20 or suggesting alternatives.  This ^ +1 It's been 5 years, do you even have a developer left in the team?
+1. Why can't we do this yet?
+1, I'm in that situation now, and 6 years after someone asked for this - it's still not around =\
They haven't given it to us by now, pretty sure it's never coming for whatever reason...
+ for the ability as GM to delete a message from the chat. At least I've learned now about /talktomyself reading the prior posts.
+1 this seems like a very reasonable thing to include.
Disappointed the choice is delete EVERYTHING, or deal with it Would enjoy either a way to change visiblity or a way to delete single chat messages 
Please - sooooon?  +1
+1 !
+1 and waiting I mean, how is this so hard to add? its time for a few updates to the whole platform.
I was sighing at yet another typo I made while typing to my players, and thinking to myself "why can't I just edit that?"  I can do this in Discord and on Google Chat and it would be nice to able to do it in roll20 chat.  +1 for chat editing, please!
+1, it's extremely an extremely basic and necessary feature.
+1 This is sorely needed!
8 Months later and still no delete function. 
+1 I think what most people are looking for is a quick and easy way to delete one message at a time, be it text, any kind of dice roll, a reference to D&D Beyond, or otherwise. Allowing GMs to delete one message at a time is a simple function that could be utilized piecemeal - hardly at all or to an extensive degree, depending on the needs of the GM for their game. Perhaps it is not a simple addition concerning the chat log's current coding. If that is the case, perhaps a wider overhaul of chat functions. I think looking at something like Discord would provide a number of quick and easy ideas. Deleting messages, replying to messages, pinning messages, etc. Otherwise, I offer a basic endorsement of a delete function.
I need this ability right now, I just accidentally posted a character's secret goal in the chat preparing for game, I was trying to click the arrow to make the box bigger and instead it got sent to chat. If I don't clear it, or the entire chat now, the players will see that character's secret goal. I could change it, but this still gives issues. I can tell the players to ignore it, and they're generally good at not meta-gaming, but it takes something out of the game. It spoils it. And, I don't want to clear the entire chat.. but that's probably what I'm going to end up doing now. :-/
4 pages (and counting) of this feature being requested! Now I have the same issue. Please let DMs delete lines from the chat!
+1 Seriously, what on earth, Roll20? I'm beginning to rethink paying for my sub if basic suggestions like this aren't even RESPONDED to. 
+1, it's been 3 years
+ 1

Edited 1617183395
+1 Here too. However, I did find a rough workaround... IF YOU ARE A DM AND YOU NEED TO HIDE SOMETHING YOU ACCIDENTALLY LINKED IN CHAT Spam your chat window with dice rolls until it rolls off the screen. Worked for me. Edit: Be sure to relog as a player to check visibility.

Edited 1617185210
Adam N. said: +1 Here too. However, I did find a rough workaround... IF YOU ARE A DM AND YOU NEED TO HIDE SOMETHING YOU ACCIDENTALLY LINKED IN CHAT Spam your chat window with dice rolls until it rolls off the screen. Worked for me. Edit: Be sure to relog as a player to check visibility. Do be mindful that the huge log of dice rolls can lag older systems to the point of becoming non responsive when they try to log into the session. (Had this happen to me in a campaign and I had to nuke the entire chat log so one of my players could log in again.)   Also the post will remain in the chat log should any curiously players decide to review the entirety of the chat history, something to be aware of in case you accidentally post some kind of massive campaign changing spoiler, or personal info you need to ensure disappears completely.
Silveressa said: Also the post will remain in the chat log should any curiously players decide to review the entirety of the chat history, something to be aware of in case you accidentally post some kind of massive campaign changing spoiler, or personal info you need to ensure disappears completely. I checked my chat history, and I can only see blank entries in chat history for most things except typed words and raw dice rolls. I don't know what causes it but that's what led me to assume you could hide it in this way. DM should just be allowed to directly delete individual entries in the log. Very frustrating that this is not a feature!
I agree. I just accidentally clicked on a link that gave away an upcoming creature to players. I want to delete that chat