Hi, I'd like to put some contributions to the sheet, but I don't have premium to test, so I'll link my repo with the changes. You guys are free to use whatever modifications i've done. <a href="https://github.com/irecinius/roll20-character-shee" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/irecinius/roll20-character-shee</a>... Mainly I've done was add 3 little functions(normalizeMod,getItemMods,applyItemMods) that let you query any Item Mods, and return into a nice object with the value(if any), that way you can use not only for AC or Saving Throws, but for anything really.. like str, int.. single saving throws, single abilities.. like for example on "setac" function, we'd use: [quote] actotal = actotal + globalacmod + ("ac" in getItemMods?getItemMods['ac'].mod:0); setAttrs({ac: actotal}); [/quote] Here is a Jfiddle how it works <a href="http://jsfiddle.net/weEg9/237/" rel="nofollow">http://jsfiddle.net/weEg9/237/</a> The name of the attribute in the mod, is controled by the function normalizeMods where we can very simply add any variation, and it will fix names, to a single one, i've done few to illustrate. So even if a item has a mod of "ac+1" another "armor + 3" and another "armor class+1" The function will return {ac:5} The thing is that it also recognizes negative numbers, so having a item with negative number(for whatever reason...), will be calculated properly say you have a cursed item with ac-2, but a magic ring with ac+2.. it will properly return ac:0 (or -2 if you don't have the ring) ApplyItemMods, would be a catchall function that will parse all the item mods, and simply update all variables with item mods I thought that using the "_MAX" value of the variable to keep item mods, that way I don't mess with any formula existing on there. what would need to be done is add to the current formula the max value intelligence_save = ((floor((@{intelligence}-10)/2))+0) New intelligence_save = ((floor((@{intelligence}-10)/2))+0) + {@intelligence_save|max} Then if we add, or remove items that alter saving throw, all we need to adjust the max...