Update v0.8.42 -- Added relative scaling for Units, the Grid, or the Scale of the Measure Units. (Thanks Joe ): You can follow a number by one of u , g , or s to adjust the scale that the number is applied in. Use u to use a number based on Roll20 Units, which are 70 pixels at 100% zoom. This will set a graphic to 280x140. !token-mod --set width|4u height|2u Use g to use a number based on the current grid size. This will set a token to the middle of the 8th column, 4rd row grid. (.5 offset for half the center) !token-mod --set left|7.5g top|3.5g Use s to use a number based on the current unit if measure. (ft, m, mi, etc) This will set a token to be 25ft by 35ft (assuming ft are the unit of measure) !token-mod --set width|25s height|35s Currently, you can also use any of the default units of measure as alternatives to s : ft , m , km , mi , in , cm , un , hex , sq !token-mod --set width|25ft height|35ft You can use that with light_radius, light_dimradius, light_multiplier, aura1_radius, aura2_radius, left, top, width, height, and scale. Additionally, I added a pseudo field Scale : scale is a pseudo field which adjusts both width and height with the same operation. This will scale a token to twice it's current size. !token-mod --set scale|*2