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5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v2.0

Playing 5e DND using the OGL sheet. Recently, one of my players accidentally dragged/dropped a monster stat from the compendium instead of an item, onto his character sheet, which made it an NPC sheet, changing his stats and locked him out of it until I logged back in to change it to a player sheet. Just wondering if players should be allowed to do this, or if it's a mistake. Also, is there any way to add "Confirm your a dumb-dumb" pop-up when players drag/drop NPC info into their character sheet, so they don't do this again?
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
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Compendium Curator
Jon. R. said: Playing 5e DND using the OGL sheet. Recently, one of my players accidentally dragged/dropped a monster stat from the compendium instead of an item, onto his character sheet, which made it an NPC sheet, changing his stats and locked him out of it until I logged back in to change it to a player sheet. Just wondering if players should be allowed to do this, or if it's a mistake. Also, is there any way to add "Confirm your a dumb-dumb" pop-up when players drag/drop NPC info into their character sheet, so they don't do this again? The player shouldn't have been locked out of editing the character once it got NPC-a-fied. As for preventing PCs from accidentally turning themselves into monsters by dragging them in from the compendium, I'm not really sure. From a social engineering point of view, there's already a confirm box that pops up when you're dropping in a compendium item. You're asking for some sort of additional toggle before the PC could make the drop that a GM would have to click through every time they wanted to drop an NPC onto an existing sheet?
Steve K. said: Jon. R. said: Playing 5e DND using the OGL sheet. Recently, one of my players accidentally dragged/dropped a monster stat from the compendium instead of an item, onto his character sheet, which made it an NPC sheet, changing his stats and locked him out of it until I logged back in to change it to a player sheet. Just wondering if players should be allowed to do this, or if it's a mistake. Also, is there any way to add "Confirm your a dumb-dumb" pop-up when players drag/drop NPC info into their character sheet, so they don't do this again? The player shouldn't have been locked out of editing the character once it got NPC-a-fied. As for preventing PCs from accidentally turning themselves into monsters by dragging them in from the compendium, I'm not really sure. From a social engineering point of view, there's already a confirm box that pops up when you're dropping in a compendium item. You're asking for some sort of additional toggle before the PC could make the drop that a GM would have to click through every time they wanted to drop an NPC onto an existing sheet? Could it be possible to prevent monsters from being dragged (or a popup occurring) if there is a value in the controlledby field for the character? This would be a solution that would prevent players from accidentally overwriting their character and in my opinion still allows the GM to create NPCs without having to needless click through a dialog. I can't think of a situation in which I would give control of an NPC character sheet to a player without it being fulled completed, but maybe you can.

Edited 1507088168
I am also having the problem with blank NPC sheets. Whenever I drag a token from MM or Volo's, it comes out with a blank sheet. Clearing the cache makes no difference; if I delete & re-drag the monster 10-15 times, it'll work eventually. This is not an acceptable solution. I would love nothing more than to attach a log, but it keeps giving me "PAGE NOT FOUND" when I try to post. Is there a recommended way to do that other than pasting into the text?
Hi, when dragging a npc monster from the Compendium I am getting nothing but a blank Character sheet is this just me?
Thanks Steve K.! Looking over all these responses, and the work they represent, I can't help but be impressed! Good job!
Maybe I'm missing something obvious here. I have my Features and Traits set to Compendium Compatible (and have toggled it back and forth a few times).. I look up a Class Feature (Say... Draconic Resilience) in the compendium. Click-drag, the sheet says 'Accepting Drop From Compendium'. I drop it onto the sheet. Nothing happens. uh...?
EtoileLion said: Maybe I'm missing something obvious here. I have my Features and Traits set to Compendium Compatible (and have toggled it back and forth a few times).. I look up a Class Feature (Say... Draconic Resilience) in the compendium. Click-drag, the sheet says 'Accepting Drop From Compendium'. I drop it onto the sheet. Nothing happens. uh...? That feature is for future implementation. It isn't functional yet. I'm guessing it will go live when they release the PHB.
One thing I just remembered about the blank sheets - something similar happened a couple of times before the update. Never a completely blank sheet, but chunks of it missing, like once it only had str/dex/con and no int/wis/cha, and all the actions were missing. That particular one was a time when some, but not all, of the Roll20 servers were down. I don't remember the others in particular, but I think it was around times when there were connection issues.  But I've run hundreds of hours of games, so 2-3 times is really, really rare. With more experimentation, I've found that I have about a 50/50 chance of getting a filled out token if I clear the cache and reload Roll20 between each drag. Doing either on their own doesn't help. 
Spellcasters from the Volo's Guide to Monsters compendium (evoker, conjurer, etc) do not have their spells loaded. Is this intentional or is there a way to have their spells actually load into the proper spell levels for casting?
Matt M said: Spellcasters from the Volo's Guide to Monsters compendium (evoker, conjurer, etc) do not have their spells loaded. Is this intentional or is there a way to have their spells actually load into the proper spell levels for casting? The devs are working on a patch to put the spells under the proper levels after the fog and function update. You should still have access to the spells (in working conditions) on the character sheet, they are just in the deprecated spell section. For more information, I recommend that you follow this  thread for updates to the WotC content on roll20.
Kyle G. said: Matt M said: Spellcasters from the Volo's Guide to Monsters compendium (evoker, conjurer, etc) do not have their spells loaded. Is this intentional or is there a way to have their spells actually load into the proper spell levels for casting? The devs are working on a patch to put the spells under the proper levels after the fog and function update. You should still have access to the spells (in working conditions) on the character sheet, they are just in the deprecated spell section. For more information, I recommend that you follow this  thread for updates to the WotC content on roll20. Oh this is just fantastic news.  Thank you!

Edited 1507135391
Stephen Koontz
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Compendium Curator
We pushed out an update this morning. For existing issues on sheets with PB, Caster Level, or CR, try toggling those values away and back to see if that resolves the issue. We believe we've put a change in order of operations that should resolve the compendium drop monsters not populating correctly. Please let us know if you're still experiencing this issue after refreshing the app. NPC spell levels should now be updating correctly after the initial drop. This should fix an issue some people were having the Cantrip DMG Dice. Updating PB for NPCs wasn't properly nested and was under a race condition to actually update. This bug should be fixed and should work every time now. Spell slots for casters with partial caster levels Paladin/Ranger/Arcane Fighter/Arcane Rogue should now have their spell slots calculating correctly. We were using floor and not ceil in our rounding in error, causing the levels to be off on boundary levels. Fixed an issues with formatting on certain browsers and O/S where the PB die was causing wrapping issues in the skills section.
You guys ROCK Steve.  Now if I can just figure out how to fix my macros that were calling halfling luck :(
Steve K. said: Ivey said: Is anyone else having the issue where passive perception is miscalulated when using the proficiency die option? I have a PC with a passive of 15 (they're proficient in perception with a +3 mod and +2 from tier 1 bonus) but when I click over to the prof. die option, the sheet changes the passive to 27. How can I fix this? Or is this a dev side issue? This is a bug. Thank you for pointing it out. I'll add it to my list to fix. The issue is it's concatenating the PB die and combining numbers instead of adding them together. (I.E. 1 and 2 become 12 and not 3) Thanks for the quick reply!
Elbuort said: Now if I can just figure out how to fix my macros that were calling halfling luck :( If they are custom macros, you will need to replace any instance of 1d20@{halflingluck} with @{d20}. You can also post the macros here or in a PM and I should be able to help you.
That's interesting. The compendium monsters still come out blank, but they populate after a little while. Still, looks like it's working eventually, so thanks for the fix!
The compendium monsters still come out blank.
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
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Compendium Curator
Aaron G. said: The compendium monsters still come out blank. Can you provide some more information? What's the browser and OS you're using? The name of the game where you had the issue and the name of an NPC that didn't finish coming in?
I am still having trouble with the monsters not getting their bonuses on saving throws or skills from their sheets! 
I think the new sheets are great and most of the bugs seem to be worked out.  However, it would be a lot of work to update all of the sheets for adventures that I have purchased, such as Curse of Strahd.  For example, all of the NPC sheets still use the non-supported spell casting.  Also, I'd like to be able to globally change the NPCs (at least for tokens already on maps) to Query advantage and whisper rolls.   Is there any patch update for the purchased advenutre products to include the updated functionality?  If not, can you help with some API to globally set some parameters?  I realize the latter fix wouldn't help with the spells issue, but it would help with the other problems that I am having. Thanks so much, Mike
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator
Michael A. said: I think the new sheets are great and most of the bugs seem to be worked out.&nbsp; However, it would be a lot of work to update all of the sheets for adventures that I have purchased, such as Curse of Strahd.&nbsp; For example, all of the NPC sheets still use the non-supported spell casting.&nbsp; Also, I'd like to be able to globally change the NPCs (at least for tokens already on maps) to Query advantage and whisper rolls.&nbsp;&nbsp; Is there any patch update for the purchased advenutre products to include the updated functionality?&nbsp; If not, can you help with some API to globally set some parameters?&nbsp; I realize the latter fix wouldn't help with the spells issue, but it would help with the other problems that I am having. Thanks so much, Mike You can mass update your global settings by following the instructions here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Remember to read all the way down the page - once you save your settings outside of the game, you have to apply them inside the game, and it will apply to all assets of the type you are trying to adjust. I'd always make sure to have a backup copy of the game just in case. There is also a thread about the npc spellcasting in modules here, that should give you the most up to date info from the devs about the process of patching:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...

Edited 1507179460
Steve K. said: Hel said: So this bug stopped happening a couple days ago, but only to start to happen again by the time we were gaming. =] I believe this should be fixed. If after clearing your cache you're still getting this problem can you please provide the name of your game and character that's having this issue and I'll investigate. I just cleaned my browser data and nothing changed. How can I send you that information?
Things are going a bit better this week. These two issues remain: About half of a character named Hazel's sorcerer's spells print this error message when cast: No attribute was found for @{Hazel|spellname_base}. Her spell cards also mention "spellname_base" instead of an actual value. My game name is "Monks and Friends Got To Strahd" My browser (Firefox 55.0.3 56.0) crashes when I have roll20 up. It doesn't crash when roll20 is closed. Any chance these two can get cleaned up before next Thursday's session? ;)
Eric C. said: About half of a character named Hazel's sorcerer's spells print this error message when cast: No attribute was found for @{Hazel|spellname_base}. Her spell cards also mention "spellname_base" instead of an actual value. My game name is "Monks and Friends Got To Strahd" Is spellname_base supposed to be the name of the spell because I believe the attribute is now just spellname?
Kyle said: Eric C. said: About half of a character named Hazel's sorcerer's spells print this error message when cast: No attribute was found for @{Hazel|spellname_base}. Her spell cards also mention "spellname_base" instead of an actual value. My game name is "Monks and Friends Got To Strahd" Is spellname_base supposed to be the name of the spell because I believe the attribute is now just spellname? Previously we had two attributes for a spell's name, spellname_base was the one that could actually be modified and spellname was the one that was displayed when the edit mode for the spell was off. Since the update removed a lot of redundant attributes, spellname_base was removed. If this is a compendium spell, I would recommend simply removing the old spell and re-adding it. If it's a manually added spell, most likely the roll content is corrupted. Try editing a value in the broken spells, for example changing the name to something else, to try to trigger the sheet workers to update the roll content for the spell. If that doesn't work try removing and manually re-adding the spell. If that doesn't work, there have been instances where individual character sheets have been corrupted and the only fix we have seen is to create a new character.
Stephen Koontz
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API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Brian A. said: I am still having trouble with the monsters not getting their bonuses on saving throws or skills from their sheets!&nbsp; Please provide the name of the game and name of NPCs you're having issues with.
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
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Compendium Curator
Eric C. said: Things are going a bit better this week. These two issues remain: About half of a character named Hazel's sorcerer's spells print this error message when cast: No attribute was found for @{Hazel|spellname_base}. Her spell cards also mention "spellname_base" instead of an actual value. My game name is "Monks and Friends Got To Strahd" My browser (Firefox 55.0.3 56.0) crashes when I have roll20 up. It doesn't crash when roll20 is closed. Any chance these two can get cleaned up before next Thursday's session? ;) If you toggle the spell's OUTPUT to/from SPELLCARD/ATTACK and back does that resolve the issue? It sounds like something is broken in the associated attack that caused the upgrade to not succeed. Does this browser crash say the reason? Are you running out of memory? Is the game you're playing in quite large. I'm imagining so if it's a Curse of Strahd module. Does this issue happen with Chrome too, or only Firefox?

Edited 1507226018
Brian A. said: Hey steve! Here is the link to my game. You can click on any monster and use the save or skill macros and see that the bonuses are not being used from their sheet. Just curious, are these custom macros or do they simply call the sheet's rolls.

Edited 1507226203
Brian A. , I hid your post to protect your Game's join link from being used by others. The Devs can still view your post and access your Game (titled 5e D&D Adventure ).
This is probably a really dumb question but is there any way we could edit the OGL 5th edition character sheet to better integrate with custom API scripts? :) I'd like to have the character sheet itself call events on certain dice rolls.
Soul said: This is probably a really dumb question but is there any way we could edit the OGL 5th edition character sheet to better integrate with custom API scripts? :) I'd like to have the character sheet itself call events on certain dice rolls. If you mean add new buttons to the character sheet, you would need to grab the code from the github and use it to make a custom character sheet. If you mean to react &nbsp;to rolls from the character sheet, of course. Take a look at the Companion script on github, specifically with how the script tracks ammo and spells.
Thanks Kyle! Yes they are custom macros. I started a thread on how to fix them called "What am i doing wrong?" I still don't have a resolution. I did have several macros that i have tried though and all of them are not getting the bonuses from the monsters sheets.
Brian A. said: Thanks Kyle! Yes they are custom macros. I started a thread on how to fix them called "What am i doing wrong?" I still don't have a resolution. I did have several macros that i have tried though and all of them are not getting the bonuses from the monsters sheets. Ahh ok, I remember that thread. I'll take a look and see if I can give you a better answer today.
Steve K. said: Aaron G. said: The compendium monsters still come out blank. Can you provide some more information? What's the browser and OS you're using? The name of the game where you had the issue and the name of an NPC that didn't finish coming in? None of the npc monsters stats are populating.&nbsp; After multiple restarts. I am using Chrome on a win10 OS <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I am trying to get ready for a game tonight. I had to rebuild my wife's Cleric. I created a brand new sheet so I could forgo any lingering issues from the previous versions. I compendium-dropped all her level 1 and level 2 spells (she is currently level 4). When I click on the spells to cast, it gives me the error:&nbsp;SPELL SLOT LEVEL 1ALL SLOTS EXPENDED even though it says 4 slots remaining. It does the same thing with her level 2 spells.
Steve can you add to the !npchp API command? Please add that it change the max HP to the same number when first used. Is there a way we can see the roll? what are the drop_ attributes for? I have the monster no stat issue and have a post in the Monster Manual Official bug thread. I see a lot of people are post here for it. The issue is intermittent and usually if I delete the token and remove the it from the journal ( that an important step ) and drag it out again I get the stats. Firefox 56.0
Stephen Koontz
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Brian A. said: Hey steve! Here is the link to my game. You can click on any monster and use the save or skill macros and see that the bonuses are not being used from their sheet. I'm not seeing anything not working. Can you be more specific?
Stephen Koontz
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Aaron G. said: None of the npc monsters stats are populating.&nbsp; After multiple restarts. I am using Chrome on a win10 OS <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'm not having any issues in your game, using Chrome on Windows 10. So, something else is going on that is local to your computer. Can you try hard clearing your cache and seeing if that makes a difference. If it doesn't can you provide&nbsp; Chrome's developer console log ?
Stephen Koontz
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Compendium Curator
Theodore S. said: I am trying to get ready for a game tonight. I had to rebuild my wife's Cleric. I created a brand new sheet so I could forgo any lingering issues from the previous versions. I compendium-dropped all her level 1 and level 2 spells (she is currently level 4). When I click on the spells to cast, it gives me the error:&nbsp;SPELL SLOT LEVEL 1ALL SLOTS EXPENDED even though it says 4 slots remaining. It does the same thing with her level 2 spells. In this update I switched the way spell slots increment/decrement. Instead of counting up like it suggests on the official WotC sheet, lots and lots of people asked for it to count down to 0. Is that your issue?
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
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API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Craven said: Steve can you add to the !npchp API command? Please add that it change the max HP to the same number when first used. Is there a way we can see the roll? what are the drop_ attributes for? I have the monster no stat issue and have a post in the Monster Manual Official bug thread. I see a lot of people are post here for it. The issue is intermittent and usually if I delete the token and remove the it from the journal ( that an important step ) and drag it out again I get the stats. Firefox 56.0 1) Yeah that probably makes sense to make the hp_max match the new value. I'll add that to my list. As for seeing the roll, the first feedback I got was very negative because they didn't want players seeing the results and for large groups they said it was spammy. I'm open to being convinced if you can think of different use cases where those wouldn't be issues? 2) The drop_ attributes are where all compendium entires go when dropped on the sheet. It's how I'm making it so you can drop anything anywhere and the sheet puts it in the right place, unlike before where you had to create a blank repeating section and drop in that. 3) Can you try hard clearing your cache and telling me if the issue persists. If so, can I get a console log.
Steve K. said: Aaron G. said: None of the npc monsters stats are populating.&nbsp; After multiple restarts. I am using Chrome on a win10 OS <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'm not having any issues in your game, using Chrome on Windows 10. So, something else is going on that is local to your computer. Can you try hard clearing your cache and seeing if that makes a difference. If it doesn't can you provide&nbsp; Chrome's developer console log ?
Bernd S. said: Eugene said: Steve K. said: Bernd S. said: Really nice. I just had a look into it. But there is a tiny little flaw in it: the spells don't work anymore in my NPC sheets.&nbsp; This shouldn't be the case any longer. Please refresh and re-open the NPCs. If that doesn't solve the issue please let us know the name of the game and the name of a NPC that's affected and we'll take a look. Hi, Steve K. Unfortunately, my Spellcasting NPCs are still broken. First off, my custom built NPCs using the previous version of the OGL sheet, that I had made by dragging spells from the compendium onto the spell slots, must be rebuilt. but what's worse is that my purchased content also has broken Spellcasters. So for example, I bought Tales from the Yawning Portal and added several adventures in it to my Homebrew campaign. Now all Spellcasters within it are broken! All of those Red Thayan Wizards from Dead in Thay, for example, would need to be rebuilt manually.&nbsp; Can you assist? Here's some info that may help: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> In the Journal, look in the Doomvault folder (about ten folders down, after the individual sheets). Then look in the NPCs folder and, finally, the Red Wizards folder. But that's just the beginning. There are literally dozens of NPCs that are broken now. Help! Sincerely, Eugene PS Thanks for the work you are doing, though! This issue aside, the new sheets are MAGIC. PPS OH SHIT.&nbsp; I just checked my other two campaigns. ALL of my Spellcasters are broken in the purchased Storm King's Thunder and Tomb of Annihilation modules I have purchased! ALL of them! Ahhhhhh!!!&nbsp; ** runs around with Grover Arms** I already gave up any chance that the old spells (deprecated area) are working again and therefore started to add all (which means in my case hundreds for all spellcasting NPCs) spells new again. The most horrible thing seems to be that the proficiency bonus (which simply depends on the CR) is complete crap. For high level spell casters it is always wrong (try the archmage, CR 12 =&gt; prof should be 4). Changing the CR back and forth yields constantly changing results always avoiding the only correct value of 4. And of course the damage dice of the cantrips is also wrong, usually it stays 1. I would really appreciate having this fixed soon. My next session is on Friday. Concerning this whole update : the intention was good, there are nice new features. BUT: it should have been tested carefully. There is no way back because attributes have changed, I guess. But all the work on spellcasters is lost. And if you can't rely on correctly calculated attack boni and damage you constantly have to check every single roll. What a nightmare this is! UPDATE: Shocking Grasp seems to be not working at all. The spellcasting ability is not revognized for any of my NPCs. In the attack only the proficiency is added. For some NPCs especially the cantrips still doesn't work. E.g.: Aerisi Kalinoth in Prines of the Apocalypse. Shocking Grasp or Ray of Frost always roll 1d8 as damage die (2d8 would be correct). I even entered 2d8 as damage in the spell description and it still rolls 1d8. Not to mention that I changed CR etc. back and forth. :-(
Steve K. said: Craven said: Steve can you add to the !npchp API command? Please add that it change the max HP to the same number when first used. Is there a way we can see the roll? what are the drop_ attributes for? I have the monster no stat issue and have a post in the Monster Manual Official bug thread. I see a lot of people are post here for it. The issue is intermittent and usually if I delete the token and remove the it from the journal ( that an important step ) and drag it out again I get the stats. Firefox 56.0 1) Yeah that probably makes sense to make the hp_max match the new value. I'll add that to my list. As for seeing the roll, the first feedback I got was very negative because they didn't want players seeing the results and for large groups they said it was spammy. I'm open to being convinced if you can think of different use cases where those wouldn't be issues? 2) The drop_ attributes are where all compendium entires go when dropped on the sheet. It's how I'm making it so you can drop anything anywhere and the sheet puts it in the right place, unlike before where you had to create a blank repeating section and drop in that. 3) Can you try hard clearing your cache and telling me if the issue persists. If so, can I get a console log. I see the point of not seeing the roll. Could be made to whisper the GM i guess it not that important I just like see it to make sure everything is working they way it should.&nbsp; I have cleared all cache and cookies Below is a fresh log of dragging a monster to the game Body drop!&nbsp; app.js:48:18598 drop on upper canvas&nbsp; app.js:47:30874 Compendium item dropped onto canvas!&nbsp; app.js:48:3453 "<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>"&nbsp; app.js:48:3548 Show Character View Dialog!&nbsp; app.js:39:22010 DELAY RENDER FOR ATTRIBUTES!&nbsp; app.js:39:8422 139&nbsp; app.js:33:32427 Do refresh link cache!&nbsp; app.js:34:9816 --- RENDER CHARACTIVE VIEW ----&nbsp; app.js:39:8532 Redoing charsheet html&nbsp; app.js:39:10620 131ms to end of html&nbsp; app.js:39:11280 Loading mixed (insecure) display content “<a href="”" rel="nofollow">”</a> on a secure page[Learn More]&nbsp; jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2:67936 Loading mixed (insecure) display content “<a href="”" rel="nofollow">”</a> on a secure page[Learn More]&nbsp; jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2:67936 Loading mixed (insecure) display content “<a href="”" rel="nofollow">”</a> on a secure page[Learn More]&nbsp; jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2:67936 Refresh Journal List!&nbsp; app.js:46:6234 Search took 196ms&nbsp; app.js:46:5086 Really updating character sheet values&nbsp; app.js:39:11411 Setting up repeating sections took until 18ms&nbsp; app.js:39:13535 Updating ALL VALUES&nbsp; app.js:39:14508 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 19ms&nbsp; app.js:39:14712 Querytest took until 22ms&nbsp; app.js:39:15071 Attribute cache compliation took until 23ms&nbsp; app.js:39:15281 Set values (including auto-calcuating variables) took until 80ms&nbsp; app.js:39:17549 Appending to screen took until 94ms&nbsp; app.js:39:17742 Took 98ms&nbsp; app.js:39:17988 Triggering for sheet:opened&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 DOING UPDATE_ATTACKS: all&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:1880:9 Really updating character sheet values&nbsp; app.js:39:11411 Setting up repeating sections took until 19ms&nbsp; app.js:39:13535 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 53ms&nbsp; app.js:39:14712 Querytest took until 65ms&nbsp; app.js:39:15071 Attribute cache compliation took until 70ms&nbsp; app.js:39:15281 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_category&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_name&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_content&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_ac&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_speed&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_str&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_dex&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_con&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_int&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_wis&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_cha&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_resistances&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_immunities&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_languages&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_challenge_rating&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_size&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_type&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_alignment&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_hp&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_saving_throws&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_senses&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_passive_perception&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 FILLED IN A DEFAULT VALUE FOR drop_token_size&nbsp; app.js:39:17488 Set values (including auto-calcuating variables) took until 117ms&nbsp; app.js:39:17549 Took 119ms&nbsp; app.js:39:17988 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 FIREBASE WARNING: Exception was thrown by user callback. r/&lt;/&lt;/&lt;/&lt;@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> _getLatestBlob/&lt;@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> h.Zb/&lt;@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> gc@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> cc@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> dc@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> af/&lt;@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Uh/&lt;@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> h.Ld@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Eh.prototype.Ld@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Gh/&lt;@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> yh@<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; firebase.2.4.0.js:45:446 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v2.0&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:3437:17 Triggering for change:charname_output&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:charname_output_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammotracking_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar1_l_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_v_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar2_m_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_v_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_m_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:cd_bar3_l_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dndstyling_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_category&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_category_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_name&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_name_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_content&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_content_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_ac&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_ac_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_speed&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_speed_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_str&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_str_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_dex&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_dex_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_con&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_con_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_int&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_int_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_wis&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_wis_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_cha&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_cha_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_resistances&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_resistances_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_immunities&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_immunities_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_languages&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_languages_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_challenge_rating&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_challenge_rating_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_size&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_size_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_type&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_type_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_alignment&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_alignment_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_hp&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_hp_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_saving_throws&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_saving_throws_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_senses&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_senses_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_passive_perception&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_passive_perception_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_token_size&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_token_size_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_weight&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_weight_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_properties&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_properties_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_modifiers&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_modifiers_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_itemtype&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_itemtype_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_damage&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_damage_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_damagetype&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_damagetype_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_range&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_range_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_attack_type&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_attack_type_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_damage2&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_damage2_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_damagetype2&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_damagetype2_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellritualflag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellritualflag_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellschool&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellschool_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellcastingtime&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellcastingtime_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spelltarget&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spelltarget_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellcomp&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellcomp_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellcomp_materials&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellcomp_materials_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellconcentrationflag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellconcentrationflag_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellduration&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellduration_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellhealing&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellhealing_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spelldmgmod&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spelldmgmod_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellsave&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellsave_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellsavesuccess&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellsavesuccess_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellhldie&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellhldie_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellhldietype&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellhldietype_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellhlbonus&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spellhlbonus_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spelllevel&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spelllevel_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spell_damage_progression&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_spell_damage_progression_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_vulnerabilities&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_vulnerabilities_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_condition_immunities&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_condition_immunities_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_skills&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:drop_skills_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-npc&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:options-flag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellname&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellprepared&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellschool&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellritual&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellcastingtime&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellrange&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spelltarget&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellcomp&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellcomp_v&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellcomp_s&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellcomp_m&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellcomp_materials&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellconcentration&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellduration&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spelloutput&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellattack&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spelldamage&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spelldamagetype&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spelldamage2&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spelldamagetype2&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellhealing&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spelldmgmod&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellsave&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellsavesuccess&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellhldie&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellhldietype&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellhlbonus&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:includedesc&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spelldescription&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellathigherlevels&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellattackid&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spelllevel&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:rollbase&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:rollcontent&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-cantrip&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spell_damage_progression&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-1&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-2&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-3&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-4&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-5&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-6&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-7&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-8&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:repeating_spell-9&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:npc_options-flag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:name&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_flag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_type&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_range&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_tohit&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_target&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:damage_flag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_damage&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_damagetype&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_crit&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_damage2&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_damagetype2&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_crit2&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:show_desc&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:description&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_tohitrange&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:attack_onhit&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atkname&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atkflag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atkattr_base&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atkmod&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atkprofflag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atkrange&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atkmagic&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atkcritrange&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmgflag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmgbase&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmgattr&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmgmod&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmgtype&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmgcustcrit&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmg2flag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmg2base&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmg2attr&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmg2mod&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmg2type&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:dmg2custcrit&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:saveflag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:saveattr&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:savedc&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:saveflat&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:saveeffect&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:ammo&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atk_desc&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atkbonus&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:atkdmgtype&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:rollbase_dmg&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:rollbase_crit&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:hldmg&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:itemid&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:spellid&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for sheet:compendium-drop&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Really updating character sheet values&nbsp; app.js:39:11411 Setting up repeating sections took until 10ms&nbsp; app.js:39:13535 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 10ms&nbsp; app.js:39:14712 Querytest took until 12ms&nbsp; app.js:39:15071 Attribute cache compliation took until 13ms&nbsp; app.js:39:15281 Set values (including auto-calcuating variables) took until 16ms&nbsp; app.js:39:17549 Took 17ms&nbsp; app.js:39:17988 Do refresh link cache!&nbsp; app.js:34:9816 Triggering for change:npcspell_flag&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:npcspell_flag_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:missing_info&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Triggering for change:missing_info_max&nbsp; sheetsandboxworker.js:67:3 Refresh Journal List!&nbsp; app.js:46:6234 Search took 143ms&nbsp; app.js:46:5086 Reorder by ZORDER&nbsp; app.js:35:24459
I just had the weirdest thing... is my game corrupted? I had a player that when they refreshed, somehow their character sheet got changed to the adult copper dragon NPC sheet.&nbsp; The only way to resolve it was to do a rollback of the game.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
Thanks Steve for taking the time to look into my problem. I suspect that i had already fixed the scripts when you looked at it. I fixed my macros with a lot of help from Kyle to get it working properly! Thank You for all the help and support!
Apologies if this has been acknowledged before, I've not seen it in the thread so far. Custom classes that are 3rd level casters, specifically the artificer, don't have the spellslots working. I can attach screenshots if necessary, but if in custom class 'Spell Slots' are set to 'THIRD (Arcane Fighter/Rogue' then the spellslot page has 0 slots total for every level.&nbsp;
A checkbox to populate the game with a high quality GM seems to be missing . . . a&nbsp;lot of newbie players could really benefit from that functionality!&nbsp; ;-) Thank you to everyone who's helping to get the CS in good shape!