The users on the forums have quite often devised solutions to common problems or activities by clever or innovative use of the interface. I thought it would be nice to have a thread to share the little tricks we have come up with. Note, this is not necessarily a place to post little-known intended uses of the interface (such as keyboard commands), but less conventional uses, or ways to use common tools with other resources (such as emojis in macro titles). These tricks may or may not require the use of subscriber level resources. If they don't—that's great, everyone can benefit. If they do—that's great too, because free users might see even more benefits to subscription.
Aside: This thread used to be called "Stupid Roll20 Tricks", so if you see a reference to a "Stupid Trick" that's where it comes from. It's not a judgment on anyone's trick. Roll20 asked for the name change several years ago.
NOTE: Please only post a complete trick here. If you want help working out what might become a trick, start it it in its own thread and please post here when complete. If you just wish to express thanks to someone who just solved a great mystery for you, that's fine—people need recognition for contributing Cool Stuff. Also, feel free to point out refinements or warnings about existing tricks. Every little bit helps. If your post is strong enough, I'll link it to the same line as the referenced post in the index. Just don't clutter the thread with too many thanks and especially long strings of quoted text and images. Help keep this thread clean, organized, and easy to read. — Thanks!
Stupid Trick Directory
Tokens and Graphics
Black Aura Token for Night - lordmage
Party Sight Token - Marius
Mood Lighting Tokens - keithcurtis — (Video by Nick O, timestamp)
Flying Tokens - Arthur B
Quick and Dirty Invisible Token Tracking Using Basic Fog of War - keithcurtis — (Video by Nick O, timestamp)
Put building Interiors on Token Layer with AFoW - Taran
Pre-Linked Tokens - Blue64
Droppable Torch Token - Gimblejam
Auras as Token Outlines - Noon (includes bonus script)
Using Characters/Tokens to represent Conditions - Robert S.
Make Large Creatures Look More Threatening - keithcurtis
Placeable Light Sources & Spell Radii - Blue64
Open Chests via Token Actions - Jordan J
Using Tokens to Show Dynamic Data - Martijn S
Tracking Token Attacks with Name of Token - Myrrh
Token Setup Map - Kraynic
Separating Token Actions in Prefab Modules - Bob H
Tracking Lair Action and Legendary Actions with Tokens - Jim M
Creating Padded (Tiny) Tokens in Paint3D - Scott
Easy Rotation of Spell and Special Effect Tokens - Rick A
Making Embossed Tokens with PowerPoint - Rein P
Spell and AoE Templates - Melvin the Mediocre
Invisible Tokens -wiki page
Invisible Tokens - keithcurtis — (Video by Nick O)
Invisible Tokens - The Notes Token -keithcurtis — (Video by Nick O)
Invisible Tokens - The Notes Token (API version) - keithcurtis
Invisible Tokens - The Control Token - keithcurtis
Invisible Tokens - The Door Control - keithcurtis
Invisible Tokens - Invisible Creatures - keithcurtis — (Video by Nick O, timestamp)
Invisible Tokens - Invisible PC or NPC - Rabulais
Hide Token with Map Assets - Anton Palikhov
Invisible Tokens - Hidden Light Source - El Gato of de Churros and others
Wheeling Formations for Rank-and-File Wargames - Khoa P
Character/Character Sheet
Inventory Container Sheet - keithcurtis — (Alternate method)
Finding Attributes on Characters - Jeremy R. — (More info - Loren the GM, and even more - Gargamond)
Hidden Stats, Attributes, and Abilities - Blue64
Use a Macro to Report on Obscure Character Abilities and Rules - PapaWhiskey11
Tracking Spell Points as ammo on D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet - Beady G
Managing Equipment Weight and Containers - keithcurtis
Improved Spiritual Weapon - Patrick
Using CSS for Art - Randall S.
Reversing Values of two digits (ex. WFR) - James K
Use Emoji to Clarify Sheet Actions - Loren the GM
Interactive Tables as Handouts - Jeremy R.
Managing Magic Items With Handouts - The Aaron
Aligning Images in Handouts - keithcurtis (More info by Noon)
Live Handouts - Noon
Simple Way to have a "Handout" without a Journal Entry or Actually Making a Handout - Kastion
Moving a Journal Quickly Up and Down the Journal Tab - keithcurtis
Macros/Text Chat
Chat Menus - keithcurtis (See below for list of Chat Menu generators) [WIKI]
Macro Character Sheet - keithcurtis — (More info - gui8312) — Giving Players Limited Access - Kyle.G [WIKI]
Drop Down Nester - Scott C.
Use Modular Macros to Simplify Parsing - Aranador
Use /talktomyself to Temporarily Bypass API - keithcurtis
DM Whisper With No Breaks - Muckbuckle
Tooltip Hack in Chat Display - Aranador
Styled HTML in Roll20 Text Fields - Noobsauce ***NOTE: May no longer work.***
Use Images in the Default Template - The Aaron (More info by Blue64)
Spaces in Macro Names - Jeremy (read further posts for cautions)
Monster Images in Chat - Kirsty
Use a "Placeholder" Character(s) to Handle In-Game Languages - Vince --- Elaboration
Bypass Blank Ability Call Math - Blue64
Summing Success Rolls - Bryan P.
Variable Numbers of Targets in an AoE Attack - Gen Kitty
Character and Token ID Lookup Macro - Andreas J
Using Token Bar Fields to Hold Multiple Variables - Pete K.
Hypertext Macro to Open a Linked Character Sheet - Vince
Auto calculating level specific buffs. (Basic IF/THEN statement, no API) - Greg S.
Sneak Attack Query for Rogues (D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet) - Musabi
Using Images as Links - Oosh
Catering for 'Missing Attributes' When Summing Values - Ziechael
Overwriting Template Fields in Macros - Oosh
Comparing Numbers, Greater Than Or Equal To - Mike deBoston (followup by Epsi)
Multi-Line Rolls Without a Template - Oosh
Macro Overloading for per-player behaviour (eg. whisper self or GM-only whisper) - RainbowEncoder
5e by Roll20 'Red Line Divider' - Jarren K
Exploding Doubles - Dave Mattingly
Blind Roll (requires Stylus for GM) - Oosh
Using Macros to Map Discrete Points - Phillip S
HTML Styles in Chat - Oosh (More info for styling images - G.M. Joe)
Conditional Results (ex. Savage Worlds) - Mike deBoston
Tooltips for Links, Roll Buttons, etc. - RainbowEncoder
Fake Crits Using Math Instead of Dice - Noon
Dynamic Multitarget Roll without API - Barakka
Keep Crits/Fumbles from Display on Attack Rolls - Scott C.
Query Ordering Without Affecting Functionality - Ziechael
Use Emojis in Macro Buttons - keithcurtis
Custom Success/Failure Outcome Messages - Ziechael
Example of Structured Abilities: The XP Macro - Ed S.
Prefix Trick to Variably Call Attributes - Kyle G.
Use Compendium Links for Magic Item Descriptions - keithcurtis
Stagger the Timer for Multiple Page FX - Kastion
Rolling HP at New Level - Jerry F.
Inject Any Number of Attributes to a Roll Template - Peter B
Chat Menu Buttons and /w gm - Kraynic
Inserting a new line into chat - Kyle E (More info - keithcurtis)
Inline Roll inside a Tooltip - Andreas J
Displaying Images Based On Roll Results - Fnux
Roll Queries -- Advanced Usage for 4th Edition - Akakemushi
Keep Nth; Select from Sequence - Rainbow Encoder
Gatekeeper Dice, Crit/Fumble Colouring - Rainbow Encoder
Wrapping Multiline Chat Messages in Brackets - keithcurtis
Making Whispered Messages Less Detectable - Bill (Do Not Kill), Persephone
All-in-one Attack Macro Template - Sean
Forum Post Formatting - Display Roll20 Symbols & Buttons - Andreas
Macro for Rolling Physical or Digital Dice - DM Eddie (see also by Jarren)
Rolling multiples of dice plus modifier (eg 1d4 lots of 1d6+1) - RainbowEncoder
Comparing numbers, greater than or equal to, and return only one of two dice rolls - Epsie (followup to this tip), (extra by RainbowEncode)
Calculating 3d Range with Pythagorean Theorem - Grobag
Holding Macro Variable in Token Bubbles - Kyle F
Inverse Overwrite Or how to show a single template row and hide many with a single determiner - Tuo
Divided By Zero Line Kill - Tuo
Turn Tracker
Storing and Reading Values for Macros using the Turn Tracker - Pat
"Concatenate" Tracker Values to Build Complex Dynamic Abilities - Barakka
Using Tracker For Planned/Sequenced Actions And Hiding Characters - Mel C
Using Values Stored in Initiative Tracker as Pointers - Michael L
Using the Initiative Tracker to keep track of action points (APs) using the Mythras character sheet. - Khoa P
Reusing Rolls Wiki page Re-using Rolls - Scott S. (More info: Reordering Rows - GiGs)
Using the Turn Tracker For Storing Last Roll - GiGs
Reusing Rolls—Two Roll Results With No Doubles - Persephone
Reusing Rolls - Rolltemplate Helper functions - GiGs (for character sheet creation)
Reusing Rolls (Advanced) - Gibli
Computed Rolls and Order Independence - RainbowEncoder
Reusing rolls to get additional crit damage - Spencer, Blue64
Roll Table Tricks
Use Rollable Tables to Spice up Flavor Text - godthedj
Quickly Populating with Rollable Tables - Mik Holmes
Simplified Hour/Day/Night System With Rollable Tables - Dwarf
Rollable Encounter Images - Blue64
Nestable Rollable Tables (Free User Version) - Blue64
Using Rollable Tables and Custom Handouts for Character Cards - Drew
Conditional Text - Mike deBoston
Inline Rolls in Rollable Tables - Eric B (plus followup posts)
Using Tables to Speak Messages in Other Languages - Mike deBoston
Interpolation Between Rollable Tables and Dice Rolls - Shinin Light
Skill Check with Text Result - ... ..
Rotating Battle Cries - Melvin the Mediocre
Random NPC Tokens - Liam
Make Doors on DL Layer Clear to Players - godthedj
Map Pins - keithcurtis (More info - Airsickhydra) (More info - Matthew T)
Precautions to Take With Very Large Maps - keithcurtis
Landing Pages - keithcurtis - [WIKI]
Using tints for art compatibility (high level map design) - gui8312
Fine Tune 'Snap to Grid' Dynamic Lighting - Ziechael
Battle Maps Rollable Table - Barakka (best if used with Concatenate Tracker Values-trick)
Combination of a few Tricks/Hints to better set up Traps, Locked Doors or both - Robert S
Elevator Music Map - Kraynic (for moving players across many maps)
Map Library for Free Accounts - Kraynic
Noises in the Dark - Devin S.
Use Negative Numbers for Very Dim Lighting - Souls
Easy Area Markers / Room Numbering - The Aaron
Environmental Effects (download link) - Kirsty
Player Dashboard - Spell/Resource/Sheet management direct from the map page - Ziechael
Light Crumbs - keithcurtis
Aura Effect to Reveal Hidden Objects or Markings - reported by Gold (Stephen S.'s original thread) (video - Nick O.)
Trap and Room Markers sans character sheet or API - Scott C. (More Info - Barakka)
Darkness Spell Orb - Avi
Quick and Dirty Slide Show and Image Display - keithcurtis
Dynamic Lighting "Windows" (UDL only) - Andreas J
Leveraging Advanced Fog of War (Explorer Mode) to prep Dynamic Lighting Nicholas F. (More info - Jarren)
Music and Audio
Quick Play: Room Specific Music - Ye'Olde DM
Tracking Time and Countdown Aid (with Jukebox Tracks) - Mel C
Layered Soundscapes - Scott C
5e by Roll20 Sheet
PC Token Action to Roll Initiative - Jeremy D&D
How to manipulate Attack Actions - Jeremy
Mirror Image Macros - William B
Saving Throw Command Button in Spell Output - Jordan C
Headers and Dividers for Inventory - Liam
Using 2024 Exhaustion Rules on 2014 sheet - Patrick M. (he/him), and posts below
Extra Space (Attributes) on D&D 5e (2014) Sheet - Aruhurr
Sneak Attack Damage Formula - Level2Gamers
Use Manual/In-Person Rolls Within Roll20 (D&D 5E) - Jarren (see also by DM Eddie)
Shaped Sheet
see Macro Generators, below
Other Systems
Pathfinder 2 Macros for common actions - Dr DM
Mythras character sheet variant Macros - Khoa P
FFG Warhammer style dice resolution (with reversible digits) - Tuo
Where to Find Scripts - keithcurtis
2 column API buttons in Default Roll Template - Bryan P
Exploration Mode (TokenMod API) - Mik Holmes (Updated version)
Caveman Math (debugging API errors) (uses API) - Noon
Using TokenMod and ChatSetAttr to Set Up Druid Wild Shapes - KC
More interactive world - every npc is a character mook - gui8312
Recharging Abilities with GM Reminder - Taylor B
Verbose API message debugging script - Fluffy5789
Hiding multiple query calls on an empty link - Arumeda, Jarren
Switching Familiar Sight with Token Mod Macro - keithcurtis (more info - Mauro D)
Full-screen your browser for more room - Gold
GM Disable WebRTC if you use other chat program - Gold
Creating a Dummy Account (and why) - keithcurtis
Player Vault pages/ UI Pages (to manage cards & equipment) - GUI8312
Archive Characters, and Other Assets Into A Library Campaign - keithcurtis [WIKI]
Popout sheets/handouts into tabs (Chrome) - Mik Holmes (More info by Malachi and Blue 64)
Record Session in External Window - Elvin (More info by keithcurtis)
Launch Game in Player/GM Mode - Blue64
Expanded graphical tools - gui8312
Using the 3D Dice as Overlay in a Stream - Philipp S
Keyboard Macro Shortcuts - keithcurtis
Launch Roll20 in Application Mode (Windows Chrome) - Gabryel
Improved Forum Checking - keithcurtis (More info - Jarren)
Forum Searching... But Better - Ziechael
Responding to an Old Thread in the Forums - Blue64
Save Sorted Marketplace Searches — Free or Newest - Mike deBoston
Easily Repeatable Game Searches - Gen Kitty
Private Forum Posts to Keep Notes In - Jarren K
Posting Code to Roll20 Forums - GiGs
Deck of Cards to Track Player Resources - Gozer the Gozerian
Use Resources From free Master's Vault Intro Game - Gold
Yet another Spell Tracker (with no extra tokens) - Barakka
Draw From a Pouch - Barakka
Mobile workaround to "delete" drawings - Lucio Bragagnolo
Using Card Decks as Visual Counters - Michael L
Advanced Compendium Sharing - keithcurtis
Useful sources of other Stupid Tricks
The Tips and Tricks Wiki Page - maintained by the community.
Show off Your Style 3: Third Time is the Charm - A continuation of the continuation of the thread above
Keith's Chat Macro Generators
Soundboard - API
5e Class Feature writer - API, Shaped Sheet, Requires user data input to preserve licensed IP
5e Spellbook Manager - API, Shaped Sheet
Scenes Macro for Theater of the Mind - API
NPC Directory and Slideshow
OGL Sheet Inventory Writer - API