Advanced Compendium Sharing Currently, game creators are able to share their compendium purchases within their games with a set number of players via Compendium Sharing . This is great, but the in-game Compendium does not give quite the same experience as reading through the book section by section, like the creator can do in the external Compendium. This trick improves the in-game experience, and can even help users find specific information if they know where it is in the print edition, but are having trouble using the in-game find function. This tip uses D&D 5e as an example, but should work for any game system with a compendium page. Step 1 Go to the 5e Compendium page. Select the content and copy. You may get too much, but you can delete whatever you don't want in the next step. Step 2 Launch your game, create a handout and paste your copied material. You should see a reasonably similar result to the Compendium page. You probably have links to things you don't own there, but you can delete those. If you click on them, they will take you to the marketplace page for purchase, same as if you had done it externally. Save. Step 3 If you want your players to have access to the material, share the handout with them. They can only access things that you have shared in the game, according to your sharing choices. For this reason, you may want to exclude modules, monster books, etc. Season to your liking and comfort level. If you leave in a link to a module and you have personal access, it should still work, but players will not be able to open it. For instance, I own the Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica , but don't want to use it in my regular vanilla game. Ravnica material won't appear in the Compendium Sidebar, and players cannot open the book link in the handout, but I can do it normally. In short, this tip makes the shared content more accessible and readable, but does not change the rules for Compendium Sharing. Screen shots Base Handout: Linked page from clicking on link in book (this is a DMG page): Marketplace page from unowned or unshared book (tried to open the Monster Manual from my Dummy Account in an unshared campaign): Bonus tip: If you want to share part of a book, you can click on any book in the external compendium and make a handout from its table of contents page. You can then delete table of contents links to any sections you do not want players to have access to. for these cases, you will probably want to remove the full book link from your base handout. Note that this will not keep your players from seeing any cross-linked content. Example (Eberron handout with campaign and character creation links, but none of the adventure running sections):