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Official Pathfinder Character Sheet 1.22

April 05 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Matt S. said:

I didn't find this bug so far in this thread, so if I missed it, I apologize. =)

For the class feature Armor Training, you can move at full speed while wearing Medium armor. When I try to edit the autocalculated speed in the AC Items area, it doesn't reflect any change no matter what I put in those boxes:

The values are @[repeating_acitems_$id_speed20} & @{repeating_acitems_$id_speed30}. Are these changing any values?

Is this a bug? I can set the Type to Misc to clear the bonus but I'd rather not do that if I don't have to. Thanks!

As pointed by Wilrune, and as explained in the wiki, these fields are just for information, reflecting the PF compendium.
The Speed is determined by the type of armor (see the TOTALS line, speed is 20).
The final speed of the character is on the main tab, taking in account armor, encumbrance and race configuration.
Sorry about the confusion :)

April 05 (6 years ago)

Edited April 05 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Is there a way to add a single attack to a macro (highest BAB) to automate a single attack with the main hand to represent haste or a speed weapon?

Since version 1.07, you can set an attack entry with just the maximum value of the BAB, using "BAB Max" in the first dropdown (and STR or DEX or any other relevant stat in the second dropdown).

Is this answering your need? Any feedback / suggestion is welcome :)
April 05 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:


This will be my first post on these forums. I apologize for it being a bit of a wall of text!

So far I have been having a great time using this character sheet when compared to the community Pathfinder Sheet, various PDFs, Excel Spreadsheets. PCGen, and even Fantasy Grounds.

Everything I could want to roll is on one tab (except for spells, which is a beast big enough to deserve its own tab, which it gets.)

All other gear and information is on another tab. Configuration is on its own tab. All easy to find and not cluttered at all.
Hi Willrune.
First of all, thanks for your detailed feedback.
And yes, creating this kind of sheet takes some time ... ;)

1) Delay in click/roll
I must say it seems related to your GM configuration. Perhaps he could temporarily change browser, disable 3D dice?

2) CMD does not appear to include bonuses from AC items
Good point. That should have been included at the same time Dodge and Deflection bonus were added to AC items.
Expect a future update about that.

3) Increase the number of classes for multiclassing
4) Add a tertiary ability modifier for Armor Class under "Configuration"
5) Add notes to GEAR
Noted for later consideration by the Powers That Be.

6) Long AC ITEM notes change the layout of the character sheet
Thanks for reporting this buggy behaviour. It'll be taken care of in a future update. 

7) Add an option for inline monospace text to the forum post editor
Since it's not related to the PF Official sheet, I suggest you should create a topic about that (or vote for an existing one) in the Suggestions & Ideas forum.

April 05 (6 years ago)

Edited April 05 (6 years ago)
Natha said:
Is there a way to add a single attack to a macro (highest BAB) to automate a single attack with the main hand to represent haste or a speed weapon?
Since version 1.07, you can set an attack entry with just the maximum value of the BAB, using "BAB Max" in the first dropdown (and STR or DEX or any other relevant stat in the second dropdown).

Is this answering your need? Any feedback / suggestion is welcome :)

It does, I must admit I was hoping your answer would be something else. I was hoping to reduce duplicate weapon entries.

(Don't worry about the Klar's damage, it is using the Warpriest sacred weapon table instead of its normal value).

As you can see, I have quite a bit of duplication going on, and this doesn't count things like Bless or Haste which are frequently bestowed upon my angry little dwarf, or angry big dwarf if we count Enlarge Person. Accounting for every variation continues to be difficult. I have been making use of the "Query for modifier" to try to alleviate that. This says nothing about the debuffs all the things trying to murder my dwarf put out. It would almost be easier to have the query modifiers as constant text fields in my macro bar or token specific bar. I still have no idea what a reasonable approach to something like Hammer the Gap might look like. Short term temporary fields (separate from mid to long term effects) could exist in a separate tab with status condition handling. Temporary Size would be a field with others. And a clear all button could make resetting after combat quick.

Enough ranting from me for now. It is only because I am excited to see how you improve the sheet over time. I thought I read somewhere that you are looking into how to deal with status conditions. If so, I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

April 05 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Enough ranting from me for now. It is only because I am excited to see how you improve the sheet over time. I thought I read somewhere that you are looking into how to deal with status conditions. If so, I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Your feedback is appreciated.
Be sure that requests are taken into consideration, and that updates to the sheet are in the works.
[BUG?] The title attribute is wrong for the attack Vs field

<select name="attr_atkvs" title="@{atkvs}">
    <option value="ac" selected="selected" data-i18n="ac-u">AC</option>
    <option value="touch" data-i18n="touch">Touch</option>
    <option value="flatfooted" data-i18n="flat-footed">Flat-footed</option>
    <option value="fftouch" data-i18n="ff-touch">FF Touch</option>
    <option value="cmd" data-i18n="cmd-u">CMD</option>
    <option value="cmb" data-i18n="cmb-opposed">CMB (opposed)</option>
    <option value="fortitude" data-i18n="fortitude">Fortitude</option>
    <option value="reflex" data-i18n="reflex">Reflex</option>
    <option value="will" data-i18n="will">Will</option>
    <option value="other" data-i18n="other">Other</option>

@{atkvs} should be @{repeating_attacks_$id_atkvs}
Speaking of $id, if you aren't a web developer who knows how to inspect elements, how are you supposed to get ids for repeating items?

I didn't see it here:
[BUG?] Select boxes returns data value instead of user friendly text

<select class="sheet-underlined sheet-type" name="attr_atktype" title="@{repeating_attacks_$id_atktype}">
    <option value="melee" selected="selected" data-i18n="melee">Melee</option>
    <option value="ranged" data-i18n="ranged">Ranged</option>
    <option value="cmb" data-i18n="cmb-u">CMB</option>
    <option value="bab" data-i18n="bab-full">BAB Full</option>
    <option value="bab_max" data-i18n="bab-max">BAB Max</option>
    <option value="0">-</option>

@{repeating_attacks_$id_atktype} and @{repeating_attacks_$id_atkvs} returns the content of the "value" attribute (bab_max) instead of the user friendly inner text (BAB Max). I'm going to guess this is the case for all SELECT lists.

Keep in mind that using CSS like `text-transform: capitalize;` (such as is used in the Character Alignment field) is not something we can do in templates or macros... that I am aware of.
April 06 (6 years ago)

Edited April 06 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

Speaking of $id, if you aren't a web developer who knows how to inspect elements, how are you supposed to get ids for repeating items?

I didn't see it here:

As said in the wiki:

For repeating section attributes, the tooltip gives the full name of the attribute, including a “$id” that has to be replaced by the number of the item in the repeating section, starting at 0.
For instance, the ammo value from the second Weapon/Attack of a PC would be referenced with “@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkammo}”.

Another way (instead of using the "ordered" ID) is to use the internal repeating section item ID, that can be seen in the name of the macro button when dragging (one of) the item roll(s) in the macro bar:
April 06 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

@{atkvs} should be @{repeating_attacks_$id_atkvs}

Exactly. Thanks.
April 06 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

[BUG?] Select boxes returns data value instead of user friendly text

<select class="sheet-underlined sheet-type" name="attr_atktype" title="@{repeating_attacks_$id_atktype}">
    <option value="melee" selected="selected" data-i18n="melee">Melee</option>
    <option value="ranged" data-i18n="ranged">Ranged</option>
    <option value="cmb" data-i18n="cmb-u">CMB</option>
    <option value="bab" data-i18n="bab-full">BAB Full</option>
    <option value="bab_max" data-i18n="bab-max">BAB Max</option>
    <option value="0">-</option>

@{repeating_attacks_$id_atktype} and @{repeating_attacks_$id_atkvs} returns the content of the "value" attribute (bab_max) instead of the user friendly inner text (BAB Max). I'm going to guess this is the case for all SELECT lists.

That's the standard and normal behaviour for a SELECT element with "value" attributes in its OPTIONs subelements.
The user friendly text is retrieved and set as a display-only information, in the roll calculation, by the sheet worker(s).
The user friendly text can't be used directly as it is subject to transformation by the i18n/translation system.

[observer] Willrune said:

Matt S. said:

I didn't find this bug so far in this thread, so if I missed it, I apologize. =)

For the class feature Armor Training, you can move at full speed while wearing Medium armor. When I try to edit the autocalculated speed in the AC Items area, it doesn't reflect any change no matter what I put in those boxes:

The values are @[repeating_acitems_$id_speed20} & @{repeating_acitems_$id_speed30}. Are these changing any values?

Is this a bug? I can set the Type to Misc to clear the bonus but I'd rather not do that if I don't have to. Thanks!

I don't know if this is relevant to you, but in playing a dwarf, I have Speed: Never modified by armor or encumbrance checked in the CONFIGURATION tab. The AC ITEMS reflect the lower speed (15) and run of the armor, but it shows correctly on the MAIN tab (20). If you aren't a dwarf, you can't use this as a work around since (I think?) encumbrance beyond the armor's own weight and bulk still applies to you with a Fighter's Armor Training.

@{repeating_acitems_$id_run_factor} doesn't appear to do anything either.

For now another work around could be add 10 to your speed (if you normally move at 30) in the CONFIGURATION tab, add 5 if your speed is normally 20. I think your using Misc instead of light/medium/heavy is likely safer against future updates.
Only Shield seems to matter in that it tracks it as a shield bonus instead of an armor bonus.

You could hedge your bets a little and use Light instead of Misc

Note the “Speed 20 ft.”, “Speed 30 Ft.”, and “Run x” informations in the option subsection of the AC item are only there for informational purpose. The Type of armor only has influence on the Character’s Speed calculations.


Great feedback. Thanks!

Natha said:

Simon said:

I am mostly waiting for content from Pathfinder Unchained to be implemented (mainly Wound Thresholds and Background Skills).

As for Background skills, using the upcoming options to show/hide individual skills, combined with the custom skill repeating section, should do the trick?

What I was hoping for was one of the following:
  1. The skill section split into two sections, they being Adventuring Skills and Background Skills.
  2. Having Adventuring skills and Background skills use different color font, or have an icon denoting their category.
I would also like an option for ranks in Background skills to be tracked separately (because all characters gain 2 free ranks each level in Background Skills regardless of Int or class).

Natha said:

As said in the wiki:

For repeating section attributes, the tooltip gives the full name of the attribute, including a “$id” that has to be replaced by the number of the item in the repeating section, starting at 0.
For instance, the ammo value from the second Weapon/Attack of a PC would be referenced with “@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkammo}”.

I'm afraid that is not what I am seeing, perhaps I am misinterpreting something.

<div class="sheet-weapon">
    <button class="sheet-myrol btn ui-draggable" style="width: 100%" type="roll" name="roll_fullattack" data-i18n-title="full-attack-damage-roll" title="Full Attack & Damage roll" value="@{rollbase}">
        <span class="sheet-pseudoattr sheet-greybg sheet-underlined" style="width: 100%" name="attr_atkname">Longsword</span>
I don't see what you are describing anywhere in the title attribute. It just says "Full Attack & Damage roll".

The same can be said for ATK and both DMG, but AMMO appears to function as described. Should I was expecting $id to be replaced in the tooltip with $0, $1, $2, etc. Is it more correct to assume that it is up to the user to replace the $id, and if they change the order for any reason, they need to update the macro themselves?

That said, I didn't know you could drag them onto the macrobar like that. The internal repeating id is what I've been finding by inspecting the HTML DOM and it has been working as expected in most cases (more to come that isn't related to this comment).
<input class="sheet-pseudocheck" type="checkbox" name="attr_dmgflag" value="{{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}}" title="@{dmgflag}" checked="checked">

This is the checkbox next to "Damage" when you expand the attack cog wheel on a weapon attack. Is the title supposed to read "@{repeating_attacks_$id_dmgflag}"

Damage 2 appears to be correct.

Natha said:

[observer] Willrune said:

[BUG?] Select boxes returns data value instead of user friendly text

<select class="sheet-underlined sheet-type" name="attr_atktype" title="@{repeating_attacks_$id_atktype}">
    <option value="melee" selected="selected" data-i18n="melee">Melee</option>
    <option value="ranged" data-i18n="ranged">Ranged</option>
    <option value="cmb" data-i18n="cmb-u">CMB</option>
    <option value="bab" data-i18n="bab-full">BAB Full</option>
    <option value="bab_max" data-i18n="bab-max">BAB Max</option>
    <option value="0">-</option>

@{repeating_attacks_$id_atktype} and @{repeating_attacks_$id_atkvs} returns the content of the "value" attribute (bab_max) instead of the user friendly inner text (BAB Max). I'm going to guess this is the case for all SELECT lists.

That's the standard and normal behaviour for a SELECT element with "value" attributes in its OPTIONs subelements.
The user friendly text is retrieved and set as a display-only information, in the roll calculation, by the sheet worker(s).
The user friendly text can't be used directly as it is subject to transformation by the i18n/translation system.
Internationalization and Localization. Now that is a quite the beast in its own right that could probably be its own thread or its own forum... let's not go there! :D

Is there a way that I can use the display only text? What lead me to this is that I am trying to manually set up a macro that duplicates a full attack. So far I've only partially got it working. Atk vs is one of the parts that are working correctly, just not as I expected. It includes this:

{{atkvs=(@{repeating_attacks_$0_atktype} vs @{repeating_attacks_$0_atkvs})}}
And as you can image that gives me something like "(bab_max vs ac)" instead of "(BAB Max vs AC)". Am I missing something again?
April 06 (6 years ago)

Edited April 06 (6 years ago)
Correction. Not a full attack, so much as a single attack and damage roll.

Our good friend Valeros has agreed to help.

&{template:pc} {{type=attackdamage}} {{showchar=[[1]]}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} {{name=@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkname}}} {{atkvs=(@{repeating_attacks_$1_atktype} vs @{repeating_attacks_$1_atkvs})}} {{attack=1}} {{roll=[[1d20cs>@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkcritrange}cf<1+@{melee_mod}[Melee]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_attack}[BONUS]]]}} {{critconfirm=[[1d20cs>@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkcritrange}cf<1+@{melee_mod}[Melee]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_attack}[BONUS]]]}} {{rolldmg1=[[@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase}+@{strength_mod}[STR]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS]]]}} {{rolldmg1crit=[[(@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase}+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase})+((@{strength_mod}[STR]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS])*2)]]}} {{rolldmg1type=@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgtype}}}
[BUG?] rolldmg1, rolldmg1crit, and rolldmg1type do nothing, even with attack and roll present.
This macro does not display damage. I've tried variations on rolldmg1rolldmg1crit, and rolldmg1type with no luck ("dmg", "rolldmg" and "rolldmg0")

As described by the wiki adding the following (as a part of a single line) shouldn't work, but it looks like it does: 
{{dmg1flag=1}}  {{dmg1=[[@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase}+@{strength_mod}[STR]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS]]]}}

[BUG?] It also looks like the wiki lists dmg1dmg1crit, and dmg1type a second time where I am guessing it meant dmg2, dmg2crit, and dmg2type. The description appears to be accurate, just not the field.

April 07 (6 years ago)

Edited April 07 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
{{atkvs=(@{repeating_attacks_$0_atktype} vs @{repeating_attacks_$0_atkvs})}}
And as you can image that gives me something like "(bab_max vs ac)" instead of "(BAB Max vs AC)". Am I missing something again?

As said previously and AFAIK, you can not get the translated text (even if the "translation" is the original english) in a macro. The "vs" text is computed by a sheet worker (using getTranslationByKey() function) when a change is made to the attack, and stored in the roll formula directly. 
April 07 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

&{template:pc} {{type=attackdamage}} {{showchar=[[1]]}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} {{name=@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkname}}} {{atkvs=(@{repeating_attacks_$1_atktype} vs @{repeating_attacks_$1_atkvs})}} {{attack=1}} {{roll=[[1d20cs>@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkcritrange}cf<1+@{melee_mod}[Melee]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_attack}[BONUS]]]}} {{critconfirm=[[1d20cs>@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkcritrange}cf<1+@{melee_mod}[Melee]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_attack}[BONUS]]]}} {{rolldmg1=[[@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase}+@{strength_mod}[STR]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS]]]}} {{rolldmg1crit=[[(@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase}+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase})+((@{strength_mod}[STR]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS])*2)]]}} {{rolldmg1type=@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgtype}}}
[BUG?] rolldmg1, rolldmg1crit, and rolldmg1type do nothing, even with attack and roll present.
This macro does not display damage. I've tried variations on rolldmg1rolldmg1crit, and rolldmg1type with no luck ("dmg", "rolldmg" and "rolldmg0")

As described by the wiki adding the following (as a part of a single line) shouldn't work, but it looks like it does: 
{{dmg1flag=1}}  {{dmg1=[[@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase}+@{strength_mod}[STR]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS]]]}}

[BUG?] It also looks like the wiki lists dmg1dmg1crit, and dmg1type a second time where I am guessing it meant dmg2, dmg2crit, and dmg2type. The description appears to be accurate, just not the field.

See this post for an answer and an example about that.
You may also set an attack the wait you want on a character, roll it, and then place your cursor in the chat and hit the up arrow key, to see and copy/paste/modifiy the roll code in a macro.
April 07 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

<input class="sheet-pseudocheck" type="checkbox" name="attr_dmgflag" value="{{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}}" title="@{dmgflag}" checked="checked">

This is the checkbox next to "Damage" when you expand the attack cog wheel on a weapon attack. Is the title supposed to read "@{repeating_attacks_$id_dmgflag}"

Damage 2 appears to be correct.
Noted, thanks!

April 07 (6 years ago)

Edited April 07 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

I'm afraid that is not what I am seeing, perhaps I am misinterpreting something.

The $id and internal ID for repeating section items are standard Roll20 "background/backend" behaviour (you'd have to ask the dev team for a more thorough answer).
All I know is that the $id is in fact an automatic ordered number based on the position of the item in the repeating section, and the internal id is the real unique identifier of the item. So, yes, the order ID ($n) will change if you reorder the items in the repeating section.
If you inspect the source HTML in your browser, you'll see both IDs at the begining of the repeating section item:

April 07 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Natha said:

{{atkvs=(@{repeating_attacks_$0_atktype} vs @{repeating_attacks_$0_atkvs})}}
And as you can image that gives me something like "(bab_max vs ac)" instead of "(BAB Max vs AC)". Am I missing something again?

As said previously and AFAIK, you can not get the translated text (even if the "translation" is the original english) in a macro. The "vs" text is computed by a sheet worker (using getTranslationByKey() function) when a change is made to the attack, and stored in the roll formula directly. 
I think that
{{atkvs=(^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atktype}} vs ^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkvs}})}}
would do the trick.
April 07 (6 years ago)

Edited April 07 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Jakob said:

I think that
{{atkvs=(^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atktype}} vs ^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkvs}})}}
would do the trick.

Oh yes, of course. Thank you Jakob!
The worst is that I do use this in some rolls ...
I was stuck thinking about the whole phrase "A vs B" instead of "A" "vs" "B".

I've been able to pull out most things for individual macros, such as Perception, copied below, but is there any field I can put in to change the color of the output?

&{template:pc} {{name=^{perception}}} {{type=feat}}{{showchar=@{rollshowchar}}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} {{roll=[[1d20+@{perception}+?{Modifier|0}]]}} {{shownotes=@{rollnotes_ability}}} {{notes=Darkvision 30}}

As an additional question, are the any icon types I can put in other than attack, attackdamage, save, skill, feat, initiative, and spell?
April 07 (6 years ago)

Edited April 07 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Natha said:

Jakob said:

I think that
{{atkvs=(^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atktype}} vs ^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkvs}})}}
would do the trick.

Oh yes, of course. Thank you Jakob!
The worst is that I do use this in some rolls ...
I was stuck thinking about the whole phrase "A vs B" instead of "A" "vs" "B".

Won't quite work with the sheet as is due to this:

<select class="sheet-underlined sheet-type" name="attr_atktype" title="@{repeating_attacks_$id_atktype}">
    <option value="melee" selected="selected" data-i18n="melee">Melee</option>
    <option value="ranged" data-i18n="ranged">Ranged</option>
    <option value="cmb" data-i18n="cmb-u">CMB</option>
    <option value="bab" data-i18n="bab-full">BAB Full</option>
    <option value="bab_max" data-i18n="bab-max">BAB Max</option>
    <option value="0">-</option>
If the values were the same as the i18n keys, then you could.
April 07 (6 years ago)

Edited April 07 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Christopher P. said:

I've been able to pull out most things for individual macros, such as Perception, copied below, but is there any field I can put in to change the color of the output?

&{template:pc} {{name=^{perception}}} {{type=feat}}{{showchar=@{rollshowchar}}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} {{roll=[[1d20+@{perception}+?{Modifier|0}]]}} {{shownotes=@{rollnotes_ability}}} {{notes=Darkvision 30}}

As an additional question, are the any icon types I can put in other than attack, attackdamage, save, skill, feat, initiative, and spell?

Sorry, no. There's no color options in the roll templates (except using the ncp template), and all the icons possibilities are documented in the wiki.
April 07 (6 years ago)

Edited April 07 (6 years ago)

Natha said:

Jakob said:

I think that
{{atkvs=(^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atktype}} vs ^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkvs}})}}
would do the trick.

Oh yes, of course. Thank you Jakob!
The worst is that I do use this in some rolls ...
I was stuck thinking about the whole phrase "A vs B" instead of "A" "vs" "B".

Thanks Jakob! That has almost done the trick. The atktype looks as expected, but atkvs becomes enclosed in square brackets and turns red.

What does ^{} do?

UPDATE: tried some other settings and got this:

April 07 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
^{} looks for the content wrapped by it in the translation file and replaces it with the translated text.
April 07 (6 years ago)
Too many dice!

Using the roll function from the sheet for attack/damage rolls it is using too many dice for damage.  Example: When clicking on the character's light crossbow the program is rolling 2d20 (to hit and to confirm, so far so good) but it's rolling 3d8 for damage (1d8 for damage +2d8 if confirmed) and that's not right.  The crossbow's critical modifier is x2 therefore the program should only be rolling one extra die for critical damage not two (which would be triple damage, not double).

Michael L. said:

Too many dice!

Using the roll function from the sheet for attack/damage rolls it is using too many dice for damage.  Example: When clicking on the character's light crossbow the program is rolling 2d20 (to hit and to confirm, so far so good) but it's rolling 3d8 for damage (1d8 for damage +2d8 if confirmed) and that's not right.  The crossbow's critical modifier is x2 therefore the program should only be rolling one extra die for critical damage not two (which would be triple damage, not double).

The template is currently doing something like this:

But you could create a template that just duplicates the normal roll, then it would be up to you to add the normal result to the crit result manually:

But that also means whom ever is reading the dice would have to know that that is what is going on and that it is different from the norm.

Keep in mind, you can mouse over the inline rolls to see how the numbers came together, and if you really wanted to, you could use the normal damage roll in place of the second damage roll.

Natha said:

[observer] Willrune said:

&{template:pc} {{type=attackdamage}} {{showchar=[[1]]}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} {{name=@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkname}}} {{atkvs=(@{repeating_attacks_$1_atktype} vs @{repeating_attacks_$1_atkvs})}} {{attack=1}} {{roll=[[1d20cs>@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkcritrange}cf<1+@{melee_mod}[Melee]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_attack}[BONUS]]]}} {{critconfirm=[[1d20cs>@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkcritrange}cf<1+@{melee_mod}[Melee]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_atkmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_attack}[BONUS]]]}} {{rolldmg1=[[@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase}+@{strength_mod}[STR]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS]]]}} {{rolldmg1crit=[[(@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase}+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase})+((@{strength_mod}[STR]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS])*2)]]}} {{rolldmg1type=@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgtype}}}
[BUG?] rolldmg1, rolldmg1crit, and rolldmg1type do nothing, even with attack and roll present.
This macro does not display damage. I've tried variations on rolldmg1rolldmg1crit, and rolldmg1type with no luck ("dmg", "rolldmg" and "rolldmg0")

As described by the wiki adding the following (as a part of a single line) shouldn't work, but it looks like it does: 
{{dmg1flag=1}}  {{dmg1=[[@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgbase}+@{strength_mod}[STR]+@{repeating_attacks_$1_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS]]]}}

[BUG?] It also looks like the wiki lists dmg1dmg1crit, and dmg1type a second time where I am guessing it meant dmg2, dmg2crit, and dmg2type. The description appears to be accurate, just not the field.

See this post for an answer and an example about that.
You may also set an attack the wait you want on a character, roll it, and then place your cursor in the chat and hit the up arrow key, to see and copy/paste/modifiy the roll code in a macro.

Looks like that did the trick! I'll use hard coded values to make the template easier to follow.

A single attack:
&{template:pc} {{type=attackdamage}} {{showchar=[[1]]}} {{charname=Val}} {{name=Single Sword}} {{atkvs=(Foo vs Bar)}} {{attack=1}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{roll=[[1d20cs>19+4[Melee]]]}} {{critconfirm=[[1d20cs>19+4[Melee]]]}} {{dmg1=[[1d8+3[STR]]]}} {{dmg1crit=[[(1d8+1d8)+((3[STR])*2)]]}} {{dmg1type=Slashing}}

An attack with the main hand and the off hand:
&{template:pc} {{type=attackdamage}} {{showchar=[[1]]}} {{charname=Val}} {{name=Long & Short Swords}} {{atkvs=(Lorem vs Ipsum)}} {{attack=1}} {{roll=[[1d20cs>19+4[Melee]-2[TWF]]]}} {{critconfirm=[[1d20cs>19+4[Melee]-2[TWF]]]}} {{rolldmg1=[[1d8+3[STR]]]}} {{rolldmg1crit=[[(1d8+1d8)+((3[STR])*2)]]}} {{rolldmg1type=Long Slashy}} {{roll1=[[1d20cs>19+4[Melee]-2[TWF]]]}} {{critconfirm1=[[1d20cs>19+4[Melee]-2[TWF]]]}} {{roll1dmg1=[[1d6+floor(3*0.5)[HALF STR]]]}} {{roll1dmg1crit=[[(1d6+1d6)+((floor(3*0.5)[HALF STR])*2)]]}} {{roll1dmg1type=Short Slashy}}

[BUG?]:  There is no documentation for critconfirm1 (or 2 or 3), it is not "roll1critconfirm". I had to figure it out by process of elimination.
April 07 (6 years ago)

Edited April 07 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Michael L. said:

Too many dice!

Using the roll function from the sheet for attack/damage rolls it is using too many dice for damage.  Example: When clicking on the character's light crossbow the program is rolling 2d20 (to hit and to confirm, so far so good) but it's rolling 3d8 for damage (1d8 for damage +2d8 if confirmed) and that's not right.  The crossbow's critical modifier is x2 therefore the program should only be rolling one extra die for critical damage not two (which would be triple damage, not double).

As it's not possible to reuse the result of a dice roll in a roll template, the damage is rolled, and the complete critical damage (so 2 or 3 times the dice) is also rolled.
The design choice was to NOT have to the player do the math, but use the normal OR the critical damage roll.
April 07 (6 years ago)

Edited April 07 (6 years ago)

Natha said:

[observer] Willrune said:

I'm afraid that is not what I am seeing, perhaps I am misinterpreting something.

The $id and internal ID for repeating section items are standard Roll20 "background/backend" behaviour (you'd have to ask the dev team for a more thorough answer).
All I know is that the $id is in fact an automatic ordered number based on the position of the item in the repeating section, and the internal id is the real unique identifier of the item. So, yes, the order ID ($n) will change if you reorder the items in the repeating section.
If you inspect the source HTML in your browser, you'll see both IDs at the begining of the repeating section item:

I think I may have had my wires crossed. I've done some additional reading:

I'm learning that Abilities (Dynamic Roll References?), Macros, and Attributes are 3x different things. 
(Ignore the Atk vs CMB, thats an error)

I was expecting each of the items in red to have something in them aside from plain text.

Normally when you see @{thing_name_here}, that is an attribute, where what I have in red are Abilities. IF they were to have a tool tip, it would start with a % (percent sign) instead of an @ (at sign). Also, unlike attributes, abilities can't auto resolve their context so you would need %{Valeros|MyActionName}, %{selected|MyActionName}, or %{target|TargetsActionName} ... ok I think I still have targeting wrong. But selected and character name seem clear. I'll need to read more.

In the case of the items I highlighted, they would be:
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_fullattack}
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_attack1}
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_damage}
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_??????}
I don't know if %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_damage} includes both damage 1 and damage 2. The character sheet has a way of rolling them individually.
April 07 (6 years ago)

Edited April 07 (6 years ago)
[BUG?]: Empty fields break math

By default, fields like @{repeating_attacks_$id_dmgmod} have a value of "" (an empty string).

Trying to do something like:
This works fine if you manually add "0" to the field.

If you don't manually add the zero, the math breaks. You get two consecutive plus signs resulting in:

Even though I rolled an 8 and have a +3 strength modifier, it resolved to 0 damage. I'm going to guess it would have resolved to an empty string if the +0 wasn't there for the query modifier.

When you roll directly from the character sheet, this doesn't happen.

Is there a way to provide a default value without using a query?
April 07 (6 years ago)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Preface the attribute call with 0:
Is there a way to have a bonus dice be added automatically to some skill rolls? For instance, a first level investigator can use his inspiration feature for free on knowledge, linguistics and spellcraft checks. That is, he always adds 1d6 (and at later levels, more) to these rolls.
April 08 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Armand said:

Is there a way to have a bonus dice be added automatically to some skill rolls? For instance, a first level investigator can use his inspiration feature for free on knowledge, linguistics and spellcraft checks. That is, he always adds 1d6 (and at later levels, more) to these rolls.

Unfortunately not. If you enable the "Query modifier for skill checks" it will ask for a modifier when you make a skill check, and entering a dice roll (e.g. 1d6) into the box will roll the dice and add them to the skill, but AFAIK that is the closest you can get with the current sheet.
April 08 (6 years ago)

Edited April 08 (6 years ago)
Thanks for the quick reply! I'm using the notes section ("+[[1d6]] (inspiration)") in the short term, but it would be great to have the sum be automated in a future version of the sheet.

Another thing that's a bit hard to do right now: drinking an extract of Tears to wine gives +2 to all Intelligence and Wisdom skills (but doesn't change the stats directly). I currently add a temperatury buff to each affected skill, but it gets quickly tedious.
April 08 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[BUG?]:  There is no documentation for critconfirm1 (or 2 or 3), it is not "roll1critconfirm". I had to figure it out by process of elimination.

Right. The template documentation needs fixing and completion.

As for "critconfirm"(s), the PC roll template handles:
"roll" => "critconfirm" 
"roll1" => "critconfirm1"
"roll2" => "critconfirm2"
"roll3" => "critconfirm3"

The NPC roll template handles: the same + roll4/critconfirm4 to roll8/critconfirm8.

April 08 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

[BUG?]: Empty fields break math

By default, fields like @{repeating_attacks_$id_dmgmod} have a value of "" (an empty string).

Not a bug, it's by design. Scott C. pointed the right trick to handle it properly in a macro (thanks Scott).
April 08 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Armand said:

Thanks for the quick reply! I'm using the notes section ("+[[1d6]] (inspiration)") in the short term, but it would be great to have the sum be automated in a future version of the sheet.

Another thing that's a bit hard to do right now: drinking an extract of Tears to wine gives +2 to all Intelligence and Wisdom skills (but doesn't change the stats directly). I currently add a temperatury buff to each affected skill, but it gets quickly tedious.

Thank you for your feedback, Armand.
April 08 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

In the case of the items I highlighted, they would be:
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_fullattack}
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_attack1}
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_damage}
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_??????}
I don't know if %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_damage} includes both damage 1 and damage 2. The character sheet has a way of rolling them individually.

Not sure what your question is (beyond the %...damage, which do roll both damages), but have you seen this section of the wiki, which lists the sheet defined rolls/abilities?

Natha said:

[observer] Willrune said:

In the case of the items I highlighted, they would be:
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_fullattack}
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_attack1}
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_damage}
  • %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_??????}
I don't know if %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_damage} includes both damage 1 and damage 2. The character sheet has a way of rolling them individually.

Not sure what your question is (beyond the %...damage, which do roll both damages), but have you seen this section of the wiki, which lists the sheet defined rolls/abilities?

In this case I was being unnecessarily wordy in saying that when I posted this: that I was ignorant of something.

Short version: My expectations of the tool tip for the items I highlighted in red were wrong. I have seen that section of the wiki you referenced and understand how it is intended to be used now. Thank you for your help!

Scott C. said:

Preface the attribute call with 0:


Works with both an empty field and a filled field (even if that field is another 0), thank you Scott!
April 08 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

Short version: My expectations of the tool tip for the items I highlighted in red were wrong. I have seen that section of the wiki you referenced and understand how it is intended to be used now. Thank you for your help!

Glad I could help. Happy rolling :) 
I am getting closer to completing the template. Granted nothing can be done (yet? ever?) about SELECT OPTION value attributes having different values than the internationalization attributes, that is a topic for another time. Here is where it stands:

&{template:pc} {{type=attackdamage}} {{showchar=[[1]]}} {{charname=@{character_name}} {{name=@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkname}} {{atkvs=(^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atktype}} vs ^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkvs}})}} {{attack=1}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{roll=[[1d20cs>@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkcritrange}+@{melee_mod}[Melee]+0@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_attack}[BONUS]]]}} {{critconfirm=[[1d20cs>@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkcritrange}+@{melee_mod}[Melee]+0@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_attack}[BONUS]]]}} {{dmg1=[[@{repeating_attacks_$0_dmgbase}+@{strength_mod}[STR]+0@{repeating_attacks_$0_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS]]]}} {{dmg1crit=[[(@{repeating_attacks_$0_dmgbase}+@{repeating_attacks_$0_dmgbase})+((@{strength_mod}[STR]+0@{repeating_attacks_$0_dmgmod}[MOD]+@{rollmod_damage}[BONUS])*2)]]}} {{dmg1type=@{repeating_attacks_$0_dmgtype}}}

Or by line:
{{atkvs=(^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atktype}} vs ^{@{repeating_attacks_$0_atkvs}})}}

My next stumbling block is dmg1crit.

I can only guess that, for the character sheet (and by extension, %{selected|repeating_attacks_$id_damage},), a script takes @{repeating_attacks_$0_dmgbase} , and repeats it a number of times equal to @{repeating_attacks_$0_dmgcritmulti} and joins it on the "+" character. It then takes applicable modifiers and multiplies it by @{repeating_attacks_$0_dmgcritmulti}.

This is how we arrive at:

Full keys left out for brevity:
( (ABILITY_mod + dmgmod + query_mod) * dmgcritmulti )
( dmgbonusdice

While we can automate the modifiers, we can't automate @{repeating_attacks_$id_dmgbase}... that I know of.

If dice count and dice sides were separate fields, then it would be easy with computed rolls:

        (@{dmgbase_COUNT} * @{dmgcritmulti})d(@{dmgbase_SIDES})
        (ABILITY_mod + dmgmod + query_mod)

But taking this approach would mean a change to every field in the character sheet that is used for rolls require two fields instead of one, which makes for a slightly less clean / slightly more noisy user experience. One of the main features of this character sheet is how clean and simple it is, so I wouldn't want to take away from that.

[FEATURE REQUEST] My suggestion to tackle this would have to be a hidden computed field.

If our base damage is 2d6, it would return  either "4d6" or "(2d6+2d6)" if the critical multiplier were 2. "6d6" or "(2d6+2d6+2d6)" if the multiplier were 3, and so on.

I don't think using two separate fields, one for dice count, another for dice sides, would create a better user experience.

[FEATURE REQUEST] a hidden field for ability modifiers.

The HTML is as follows:

<select class="sheet-underlined sheet-dmg" name="attr_dmgattr" title="@{repeating_attacks_$id_dmgattr}">
    <option value="strength" selected="selected" data-i18n="str-u">STR</option>
    <option value="strength_oneandahalf" data-i18n="str-two-handed">STR (Two-Handed)</option>
    <option value="strength_half" data-i18n="str-off-hand">STR (Off-Hand)</option>
    <option value="dexterity" data-i18n="dex-u">DEX</option>
    <option value="constitution" data-i18n="con-u">CON</option>
    <option value="intelligence" data-i18n="int-u">INT</option>
    <option value="wisdom" data-i18n="wis-u">WIS</option>
    <option value="charisma" data-i18n="cha-u">CHA</option>
    <option value="0">-</option>
My first thought was to try to create a computed attribute reference by appending "_mod" to an option's value attribute, but that failed. This would likely create an error with the "- (0)" option.

results in "No attribute was found for @{Valeros |(strength_oneandahalf)_mod}".

perhaps another attribute on the options could be added "data-resolved". Where value is a key that may be used  by a script, a computed attribute for select boxes could return a resolved value or an attribute that could be used.

@{repeating_attacks_$id_dmgattr_resolved} would be equal to the value of whatever value was selected for @{repeating_attacks_$id_dmgattr}:
  • STR === @{strength_mod}
  • STR (Two-Handed) === @{strength_oneandahalf_mod}
  • STR (Off-Hand) === @{strength_half_mod}
  • DEX === @{dexterity_mod}
  • CON === @{constitution_mod}
  • INT === @{intelligence_mod}
  • WIS === @{wisdom_mod}
  • CHA === @{charisma_mod}
  • - === 0
But we have a different problem... what about things like two handed weapons of off hand weapons that can use DEX? There is no modifier for that. Agile enchanted weapons and Unchained Rogues are the first things that come to mind. Though I suppose that is a problem for another time.

If there is an existing solution for resolving critical damage dice or ability modifiers, please let me know!
April 09 (6 years ago)

Edited April 09 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

[FEATURE REQUEST] My suggestion to tackle this would have to be a hidden computed field.
[FEATURE REQUEST] a hidden field for ability modifiers.
If there is an existing solution for resolving critical damage dice or ability modifiers, please let me know!
I must say, I fail to see the point of reproducing the exact sheet's attacks mechanics in personal macros?
I would think: either define an attack on the sheet and use it from the sheet or with a macro calling the roll/ability (%{repeating_attacks_...}), or, if the sheet mechanics don't answer your needs (which is totally possible and understandable), use the roll template for a totally custom macro, but then you would/can define your own formulas in the macro for mods, dice etc.
Can you clarify the need for this macro?

But we have a different problem... what about things like two handed weapons of off hand weapons that can use DEX? There is no modifier for that. Agile enchanted weapons and Unchained Rogues are the first things that come to mind. Though I suppose that is a problem for another time.

Good point. 1/2 DEX and 1.5*DEX should be in the list of damage stat modifiers. Noted for a future update.
April 09 (6 years ago)

Edited April 09 (6 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter

[observer] Willrune said:

results in "No attribute was found for @{Valeros |(strength_oneandahalf)_mod}".

PS: the attributes for half STR mod and 1.5*STR mod do exist on the sheet :