Buffs (edited v1.21) Buffs, in the Pathfinder by Roll20 sheet, are meant to ease adding/removing numerical values to all the “temp” modifiers on the sheet. A new repeating section for buffs has been added to the sheet, below Conditions: Click anywhere in the zone to open the sub window, where you can set/activate Conditions and Buffs: Close will close the sub window (alternatively, you may click again anywhere in the Conditions/Buffs zone below). Clear all will uncheck (deactivate) all activated Conditions and Buffs. Clear Conditions will uncheck (deactivate) activated Conditions only. Clear Buffs will uncheck (deactivate) activated Buffs only. Adding a buff To create (add) a Buff, click the “+” button. Enter a name, and modifiers (see “Buffable Stats” and “How to enter modifiers” below, for details). Click the cog wheel to close the option subsection. You can modify the Buff afterwards, changing its name and/or modifiers, at will. Recommandation: uncheck/deactivate a Buff before modifying its modifiers. The Buff has to be checked to be applied on the sheet. See the GIF below for a simple example of the effect of a Shield spell: Buffable Stats Stats which can receive a buff are listed below. Buffs using attributes (or aliases) not listed will be ignored. Format of the list: Category Stat : sheet attribute (case insensitive aliases) Abilities Strength: strength_bonus (strength, STR) Dexterity: dexterity_bonus (dexterity, DEX) Constitution: constitution_bonus (constitution, CON) Intelligence: intelligence_bonus (intelligence, INT) Wisdom: wisdom_bonus (wisdom, WIS) Charisma: charisma_bonus (charisma, CHA) Hit Points Hit Points: hp_bonus (HP, hit points) Temporary Hits Points: hp_temp (Temp HP, temp hits points, temporary HP, temporary hit points) Initiative Initiative: initiative_bonus (initiative, INIT) Saves Fortitude: fortitude_bonus (fortitude, fort, saves, saving throws) Reflex: reflex_bonus (reflex, ref, saves, saving throws) Will: will_bonus (will, saves, saving throws) Offense Melee: melee_bonus (melee) Ranged: ranged_bonus (ranged) CMB: cmb_bonus (CMB) Global Attack Mod.: attack_bonus (attack, attacks) Global Damage Mod.: damage_bonus (damage) Speed & Encumbrance (base land) Speed: speed_bonus (speed) Climb speed: speed_climb_bonus (speed climb, climb speed) Swim speed: speed_swim_bonus (speed swim, swim speed) Strength bonus to Carry Capacity: encumbrance_load_bonus (encumbrance) Skills Acrobatics: acrobatics_bonus (acrobatics, skill, skills) Appraise: appraise_bonus (appraise, skill, skills) Bluff bluff_bonus (bluff, skill, skills) Climb: climb_bonus (climb, skill, skills) Craft: craft_bonus (craft, skill, skills) Diplomacy: diplomacy_bonus (diplomacy, skill, skills) Disable device: disable_device_bonus (disable device, skill, skills) Disguise: disguise_bonus (disguise, skill, skills) Escape artist: escape_artist_bonus (escape artist, skill, skills) Fly: fly_bonus (fly, skill, skills) Handle animal: handle_animal_bonus (handle animal, skill, skills) Heal: heal_bonus (heal, skill, skills) Intimidate: intimidate_bonus (intimidate, skill, skills) Knowledge (Arcana): knowledge_arcana_bonus (knowledge (arcana), knowledge arcana, arcana, knowledge, skill, skills) Knowledge (Dungeoneering): knowledge_dungeoneering_bonus (knowledge (dungeoneering), knowledge dungeoneering, dungeoneering, knowledge, skill, skills) Knowledge (Engineering): knowledge_engineering_bonus (knowledge (engineering), knowledge engineering, engineering, knowledge, skill, skills) Knowledge (Geography): knowledge_geography_bonus (knowledge (geography), knowledge geography, geography, knowledge, skill, skills) Knowledge (History): knowledge_history_bonus (knowledge (history), knowledge history, history, knowledge, skill, skills) Knowledge (Local): knowledge_local_bonus (knowledge (local), knowledge local, local, knowledge, skill, skills) Knowledge (Nature): knowledge_nature_bonus (knowledge (nature), knowledge nature, nature, knowledge, skill, skills) Knowledge (Nobility): knowledge_nobility_bonus (knowledge (nobility), knowledge nobility, nobility, knowledge, skill, skills) Knowledge (Planes): knowledge_planes_bonus (knowledge (planes), knowledge planes, planes, knowledge, skill, skills) Knowledge (Religion): knowledge_religion_bonus (knowledge (religion), knowledge religion, religion, knowledge, skill, skills) Linguistics: linguistics_bonus (linguistics, skill, skills) Perception: perception_bonus (perception, skill, skills) Perform: perform_bonus (perform, skill, skills) Profession: profession_bonus (profession, skill, skills) Ride: ride_bonus (ride, skill, skills) Sense motive: sense_motive_bonus (sense motive, skill, skills) Sleight of Hand: sleight_of_hand_bonus (sleight of hand, skill, skills) Spellcraft: spellcraft_bonus (spellcraft, skill, skills) Stealth: stealth_bonus (stealth, skill, skills) Survival: survival_bonus (survival, skill, skills) Swim: swim_bonus (swim, skill, skills) Use Magic Device: use_magic_device_bonus (use magic device, skill, skills) Spellcasting Caster 1 Concentration: caster1_concentration_bonus (concentration) Caster 2 Concentration: caster2_concentration_bonus (concentration) Caster 1 DC for level 0 spells: caster1_dcbonus_level_0 (DC) Caster 1 DC for level 1 spells: caster1_dcbonus_level_1 (DC) Caster 1 DC for level 2 spells: caster1_dcbonus_level_2 (DC) Caster 1 DC for level 3 spells: caster1_dcbonus_level_3 (DC) Caster 1 DC for level 4 spells: caster1_dcbonus_level_4 (DC) Caster 1 DC for level 5 spells: caster1_dcbonus_level_5 (DC) Caster 1 DC for level 6 spells: caster1_dcbonus_level_6 (DC) Caster 1 DC for level 7 spells: caster1_dcbonus_level_7 (DC) Caster 1 DC for level 8 spells: caster1_dcbonus_level_8 (DC) Caster 1 DC for level 9 spells: caster1_dcbonus_level_9 (DC) Caster 2 DC for level 0 spells: caster2_dcbonus_level_0 (DC) Caster 2 DC for level 1 spells: caster2_dcbonus_level_1 (DC) Caster 2 DC for level 2 spells: caster2_dcbonus_level_2 (DC) Caster 2 DC for level 3 spells: caster2_dcbonus_level_3 (DC) Caster 2 DC for level 4 spells: caster2_dcbonus_level_4 (DC) Caster 2 DC for level 5 spells: caster2_dcbonus_level_5 (DC) Caster 2 DC for level 6 spells: caster2_dcbonus_level_6 (DC) Caster 2 DC for level 7 spells: caster2_dcbonus_level_7 (DC) Caster 2 DC for level 8 spells: caster2_dcbonus_level_8 (DC) Caster 2 DC for level 9 spells: caster2_dcbonus_level_9 (DC) Notes: "saves" or "saving throws" will affect Fortitude, Reflex and Will. Buff to “Ranged” will potentially affect Ranged and Ranged Touch attack spells (if applicable), Global Attack & Damage Modifier will affect all Weapons/Attacks, and Spells (if applicable), "skill" or "skills" will affect all skills, "craft", "perform", "profession" and "custom" will also affect the relative repeating section, "knowledge" will affect all knowledge skills (including custom ones in the repeating section), "concentration" will affect both spellcaster class concentration modifier, "DC" will affect spell DC’s for all spells of all casters. How to enter modifiers Enter each modifier of a buff in the form of a phrase structured as this: +/-[value or formula] [optional type] to [stat] If the word “to” is omitted, the modifier will be ignored. A bonus should begin with “+” and a penalty with “-”. [value or formula] is either a numeric value (like “4” for “+4 to shield”) or a “macro formula” (like “(2*@{class1_level})”). A formula will accept the classic operation operators (“+”,”-”,”*” and “/”), parenthesis, math functions like CEIL, FLOOR, ABS, ROUND, MIN and MAX, and most numeric attributes of the sheet (like “strength_mod” or “melee_mod” etc.). Text attributes (like “@{class}”) or dice expressions won’t work. [optional type] can be omitted. If entered, it should be a word (like “enhancement” or “Circumstance”). Casing doesn’t matter. Modifiers without type will be automatically typed as “untyped”, in the internal calculation. The type determines how stacking is handled (see “Buff type(s) and stacking” for more details). [stat] must be a buffable attribute (see above) or one of the aliases. If the entered stat is not recognized as one of the buffable stat, the modifier will be ignored (but the Buff will still be valid and used, if other correct modifiers are present. See below about multiple modifiers in a single Buff). You may enter multiple modifiers in a single Buff. Either by entering one line per modifier, or separating them by a single semicolon (“;”). For example, “Rage” buff with semicolons “Rage” buff with one modifier per line: Buff type(s) and stacking The sheet will enforce the “non stacking” rule for typed bonuses (except “Dodge”, “Circumstance” and “untyped”), meaning that if multiple Buffs add modifiers to the same stat with the same type, only the best (higher) one will be kept and applied. For example: between “+2 Enhancement to Strength” and “+4 Enhancement to Strength”, only +4 will be applied (not +6). But, if there is also a “+1 Alchemical to Strength”, the total bonus applied to Strength will be +5, adding (“stacking”) the different types of bonuses (+1 Alchemical and +4 Enhancement). As said, “Dodge”, “Circumstance” and “Untyped” typed bonuses will always stack. Penalties (negative modifiers) Negative (below zero) modifiers will be treated the same way as bonuses (positive modifiers). So, if the type stacks (Dodge, Circumstance or Untyped), they will be subtracted from the final final value. If the type doesn’t stack, and a bonus (positive modifier) with the same type and same stat is applied, it will supersede the penalty (positive being “higher”/the max for this type/stat). To ensure that a penalty is applied, use a stacking type (“Circumstance” or “Untyped”). AC Buffs special cases As the Pathfinder by Roll20 sheet already handles AC items with their respective bonuses to Armor, Shield, Dodge, Natural and Deflection, the sheet will account for: the maximum (higher) bonus from either AC Items or Buffs to Armor (2), Shield (3), Natural (4) and Deflection (5) the sum (total) of Dodge bonus (1) from AC Items and Buffs (as Dodge Bonuses are stacking). You may add “untyped” or other type of bonus directly to AC (6), for example “+2 Alchemical to AC”, but note that any modifier typed as “Dodge”, ”Armor”, ”Shield”, “Natural” or “Deflection” to raw AC, will be treated as a modifier to the relative AC part. For example, a modifier typed as “+2 shield to AC” will be treated as “+2 untyped to shield”. Mixing Buffs and manually entered “Temp” stats If a temp stat is not used in any Buff (or if you don’t use Buffs at all obviously), you can still input and modify manually the Temp attributes. Otherwise, even if the Buff using the stat is not activated, modifying or activating any Buff will set the Temp attribute, eventually to zero. The only exception is Temp HP (Temprary Hit Points): any Buff to Temp HP will only be applied if the Buffed value is greater than the current value. When to not use a Buff When using a buff, remember that the goal is to provide a temporary bonus to add to a stat on the sheet, and the said stat might be used to calculate another stat. Using too many buffs might slow down the sheet (hence the game), and/or ending in unattended results, mixing too many interacting stats (and not in the correct order, if using formulas, see below). So, permanent or semi-permanent bonuses given by feats, or items, or traits and class/race features should be entered either in the AC Items repeating section (for armors, shields and other magic items giving protection bonuses), Weapons/Attacks repeating section, or the various Misc modifiers & Notes for the “permanent” bonuses given by feats and other magic items. For example: Order of applying (checking) Buffs with formula(s) Order in which you apply Buffs to the character may have an impact on the various stats, when using macro formulas. This is because all final buffs values to temp attributes are calculated before applying them to the relative stats (for internal and performance reasons). For example, applying a Buff to Climb with a formula using “strength_mod” (for example “+(2*@{strength_mod}) to climb”), before applying a buff to Strength (like “+2 to strength”) will take in account the value of strength_mod to Climb before recaluating strength_mod with the buff to Strength. In this case, first apply the buff to Strength, then the Buff to climb.