Hi! This will be my first post on these forums. I apologize for it being a bit of a wall of text! So far I have been having a great time using this character sheet when compared to the community Pathfinder Sheet, various PDFs, Excel Spreadsheets. PCGen, and even Fantasy Grounds. Everything I could want to roll is on one tab (except for spells, which is a beast big enough to deserve its own tab, which it gets.) All other gear and information is on another tab. Configuration is on its own tab. All easy to find and not cluttered at all. I was in the process of making my own character sheet with HTML/CSS/JS that had the aesthetic of the original sheet, but it keeps taking up more time than I had to give. This official sheet is a breath of fresh air. Oh well, it was a fun exercise with CSS grids. I will happily use this one. We've been using it in a Rise of the Runelords campaign that my friend is running. It has been great, but with a few issues: 1. [BUG?] Significant Delay between click, roll, and roll results showing. User interface becomes laggy and less responsive. I actually don't experience this when I roll, but my GM does, and to a lesser extent another player does. I do notice that my rolls show up fairly quickly. I'm guessing the slight pause is to allow the 3D dice to finish their simulation, which makes sense and is to be expected. I can't see when my GM rolls, but I can certainly hear his frustration on Discord whenever he uses the character sheet to roll and it takes multiple seconds for the 3D dice to roll and it takes longer still for the results to populate the chat log. What is visible to me is the delay between his 3D dice completing stopping moving and the result showing in the chat window. I'm assuming that the information comes from the server for both my rolls and his rolls, thus my rolls showing up faster would not be from my browser client "pre-populating" it before sending some bit of information to the server. We both use the same browser, so I've ruled that out. Both of us have capable gaming PCs, so I don't imagine graphics, cpu, or memory being a bottleneck. 2. [BUG?] CMD does not appear to include bonuses from AC items Including: ac_dodge_bonus ac_deflection_bonus Currently we get around this by manually adding to CMD's misc field, but it feels like a step backwards. 3. [FEATURE REQUEST] Increase the number of classes for multiclassing Sometimes, 3 just isn't enough. One concept I'm working on may use 4 or 5 classes, and I'm still fairly new. My friends have been doing this for a long time and can come up with some really wild ideas that are really effective or just plain fun despite being spread across so many classes. 4. [FEATURE REQUEST] Add a tertiary ability modifier for Armor Class under "Configuration" While rare, this is absolutely possible with as few as two classes multiclassing. 5. [FEATURE REQUEST] Add notes to GEAR Currently, I place a lot of items under AC ITEMS, just because I can attach notes to them. There are still other items in the GEAR section I would like to attach notes to, but can't. Here I describe all sorts of information including the original description of the item and any enchantments or modifications that may have been added to it. This way there is no need to break out a web site or book if a question about something comes up. 6. [BUG?] Long AC ITEM notes change the layout of the character sheet Granted, it doesn't completely break the layout, it does push EXPERIENCE and MONEY down and causes the rest of the page to reflow in an awkward way. The .sheet-subcol HTML elements are displaying as inline blocks, but the AC ITEMS block does not have a max-width set on it like EXPERIENCE and MONEY do, nor does it have another class on it to control the width like the GEAR and FEAT columns do. While this could be nice for reading/editing long note entries for some, it can be disorienting and distracting for others. Perhaps there could be an optional setting to lock the column width (enable/disable a max-width) on the AC ITEMS column. Another possible solution might be to move EXPERIENCE and MONEY into the same column as GEAR, just above or below GEAR. This would allow AC ITEMS to take up the full width of the sheet. 7. [FEATURE REQUEST, UNRELATED] Add an option for inline monospace text to the forum post editor. Similar to bold , italics , and strike through . The code formatting option can sometimes just be overkill.