Nick S. said: Hi, I have an issue with adding additional modifiers to the attack and damage of individual weapon entries. Specifically I have a query set up in the attack and damage roll for Power Attack, and it seems to be adding in the penalty to the attack but not the bonus to the damage. If I roll the damage roll individually the query pops up and I am able to use it, but if I click the full attack roll it only pops up for the attack roll. I have query roll mods turned on for attack and damage rolls, and both of these are also showing up when I click full attack, but my custon power attack query only appears for the attack roll. I will post my queries below. Attack roll [[?{Power Attack|no,0|yes,-1}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4))]][Power Attack]+[[?{Flank|no,0|yes,2}]][Flank] Damage Roll [[?{Power Attack|no,0|yes,1}*((1+floor(@{bab}/4))*3)]][Power Attack] If you want to keep using just 1 query for this it is possible by making a simple change to the attack roll Attack roll -[[?{Power Attack|no,0|yes,1}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4))]][Power Attack]+[[?{Flank|no,0|yes,2}]][Flank] by moving the - outside of the query it allows both to use the same yes value of 1.