(The update is live)
Pathfinder by Roll20: v1.22 Release notes
PC sheet: universal Drag'N'Drop from Compendium
You can now drag and drop weapons, armors, gear, and spells anywhere on the sheet. The dropped item will be automatically added to the character in the appropriate section, without having to add an entry in the related section of the sheet.
Dropping a weapon will add the item both to the Weapons/Attacks and to the Gear repeating sections.
Dropping armor will add the item both to the AC items and to the Gear repeating sections.
Note: Shields can be used to attack, and will be automatically added to Weapons/Attacks, AC Items and Gear repeating sections.
Dropping spells will behave in various ways depending on the spell itself and the character:
- If the character has no spellcaster class, the spell dropped will be ignored.
To avoid this behavior on a character without a spellcaster class, first check "SC" on the configuration tab for the current class before dropping the spell.
- If the dropped spell is in only one of the character's spellcaster class(es) spell list (which is referenced in the Compendium data), the spell will be automatically added to the sheet, with the spell level appropriate for the appropriate class.
Example GIF:
Note: that the spell won't be visible on the sheet if the character has no Known or Per-day number of spells for this spell level.
- If the dropped spell is in none or more than one of the spellcaster class spell lists for the active character (which is referenced in the Compendium data), a dialog will appear (similar to Charactermancer slides) for you to choose which class and level the spell should be added. This includes spell-like abilities. You can also cancel the drop at this dialogue.
Example GIF:
Also, parsing some dice expressions has been added to Damage and Description attributes of the spells and spell-like abilities, to automatically add inline rolling, as a quality of life update to the sheet. This will only function on spells and monsters newly dragged onto sheets and the tabletop.
Expressions that should be parsed are similar to these:
1d6 [anything] per Caster Level ([anything] maximum 10d6)
1d6 [anything] per two Caster Levels ([anything] maximum 10d6)
1d8 [anything] + 1 [anything] per Caster Level ([anything] maximum +5)
2d10 rounds
PC sheet: Custom Damage2 label
In the Weapons/Attacks, Spells and Spell-like abilities repeating sections, you can now set the "Damage2" label, per item. Note: defaults to the previous "Damage2" text if not set.
PC sheet: show Buff in chat
A new button has been added in the configuration section of a Buff, allowing to show the buff in chat, for sharing with the GM, or other players interested by the modifiers (which can be easily copied from the chat, and paste in another sheet). Incidentally, the Buff internal ID can now be retrieved by dragging the show button in the macro quick bar.
PC sheet: show Gear in chat
A new button has been added to each item in the Gear repeating section, allowing to show the item in chat, including potential inline rolls. Incidentally, the Gear item internal ID can now be retrieved by dragging the show button in the macro quick bar.
PC sheet: Rest and Recalc buttons
In the Configuration Tab:
- "Rest" button will reset all per-day uses (set them to zero) for Features/Traits and Spell-like abilities.
- "Recalc" button will refresh most calculations on the sheet. Please use this if some dynamic calculations (like per-day max uses) seem out of date. This refresh should take between 250ms and 1+ second, depending on the number of attacks, spells and traits on the character.
PC sheet: Abilities base modifiers
On top of the regular abilities modifiers (like "strength_mod"), the sheet now calculates a "base_mod" for each ability (eg. "strength_base_mod"). This base modifier is calculated based on the base value of the ability (including racial modifiers), ignoring Conditions, Buffs and Temp attributes. The base modifiers are not used in any automatic calculations on the sheet, but can be used in macros and dynamic "formulas"/calculations in the sheet (like using "constitution_base_mod" to calculate the number of use per day of the Rage features). To view the base modifier value, hover the standard modifier value, as in the GIF below:
Bug fixes
- Some spell descriptions were not showing up properly on NPCs when the spell was dropped from Compendium
- Game settings for NPC Attack & Damage query modifiers are now properly applied
- Changing PC spell-like abilities per-day uses will no longer reset to zero