keithcurtis said: Straph said: So after I purchase the 5E PHB from WOTC, you want me to purchase the 5E compendium for roll20 to use the information I already have access to? Then not only that but I can't add in custom fields or items myself? This is an epic fail. Lucky me the community put out a sheet that doesn't cost me more money. Hi Straph, Wizards of the Coast and Roll20 are two different sellers. Roll20 (like all other producers of licensed content) are bound by licensing deals. When you buy a physical book from a publisher, you are paying for the artists and creators who have spent an enormous amount of time and effort to create it. When you purchase that book in another format (particularly from another supplier), you are paying for the time and effort spent to adapt it into a format usable by the licensee and their users (in this case, Roll20 and the players and GMs who use it). Roll20 does provide complete official Compendium information (different from Players Handbook content) for free, even though that takes considerable time and effort to adapt for in-game use. Hey keithcurtis, I understand that WOTC and roll20 are two different companies. Don't patronize me. Everyone wants their cut of the pie, and roll20 is no different. That sucks for players who just wanna jump into a game with a good character sheet. You're basically asking players to choose between buying all the products from you, or from the actual publisher. While this makes sense from a adventure path where I'm paying for the content to be put into roll20 for me. I just did that with Hordes of the Dragon Queen (great value) since I'll be running it on roll20. It doesn't make sense for me to purchase rule books in order to get a character sheet to work, or to have access to them on roll20 while playing. When I purchase a rule book I want access to it from any platform I choose at any time, not only on this site. Then to top it off the price is about the same as the PHB. So not only am I restricted from using the rules in any other plateform, I don't have access to all the rules. If I wanted to play in person I'd have to launch roll20 just to use the rules. This is an epic failure on roll20's part. The worst part is that you don't include the basics of what is available as open source. You made a gimped character sheet, that the basic DNDbeyond allows anyone that signs up to use. No full backgrounds, missing spells, equipment, it's basically a blank slate. Like here is an OGL character sheet that is missing anything you might need to actually play the game. Doesn't even include the full SRD that is available online for free. I can understand not using the stuff that isn't in the basic rules or SRD, but just 1 background, and missing items from classes, equipment, spells, races, and many others. Like come on at least put some effort into the free version, and make it usable. Lucky me I played with it for a while before the game started so the players wouldn't have to go through an epic failure of a character sheet during character creation. If you're gonna do a OGL character sheet at least make the free version work. Then add in all the extras for purchase. Learn from dndbeyond it's a great free service, with the benefit of adding more content if the player so chooses.