Looks like we need a thread for the new text editor update!
Please post here with any bugs or issues you're having with the updated text editor, and we will take a look at them!
Thanks for your patience!
Known Issues List: (PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING) (Updated September 18, 2018)
- GM Notes text can break APIs
Tall and wide images in forum posts don't wrap properly.Images cannot be aligned or have word wrapping set-- and the preview does not accurately reflect this. (Partial fix on Aug 14, 2018)- Chrome's spellcheck selects the misspelled word
- Character sheets: fonts appears very small. This is being fixed by character sheet authors individually. See this post for information.
- Code blocks can nest in odd ways and get the cursor stuck.
- Copy/pasting attributes from compendium entries aligns them too far to the left.
- Hotkeys in sub-items do not work correctly.
- In private messages, the formatting bar blocks the preview.
- The Add Link dialog box automatically fills in with the text selected, and the "open in new window" checkbox is hidden until checked, and then misaligned.
Adding a link with the dialog box automatically adds http:// which is not always desired.- Achievement tooltip is showing raw HTML
- Very large forum posts cannot be edited (this is an old known issue and the new text editor will not fix this.)
Images don't always upload to forum posts (this is not a text editor bug, but it is a bug we're aware of).
Thank you, everyone for your patience while we gathered bug reports and worked to fix these issues. I know it isn't fun to open your handouts and have them changed without warning. We are working on processes to limit these kinds of difficult releases in the future, including longer testing times, and smaller, more frequent releases to limit overall impact on users.
If you are having an issue not in this list, please include your OS and browser information, and be specific about where you are encountering the problem (in the app, on the website, in the forums, etc.)