I'm not going to argue with you about the slots because I know what's been happening in my game and when the players have had to adjust the slots manually, which they have to do often for various reasons. And, like I said, the current methodology is incorrect. First of all, the slot is used when the spell is cast, not when damage is done. If the attack misses, the slot is still used and should be decremented. Secondly, some spells like Scorching Ray, which shoots 3 rays, should only decrement the slot once even though there are 3 rays and 3 attack rolls (and potentially 3 damage rolls).
As for spell save DC: Scorching Ray, a ranged attack spell, does not show the DC. But, Ray of Sickness, a ranged attack spell, does. It looks like that's because Ray of Sickness also applies the "poisoned" condition on a failed CON save so a DC is appropriate in that case. I haven't tried all the spells so I don't know if the DC is being properly displayed now in each case or not. In the description boxes, I know it's wrong in some cases. For example, Magic Missile should not have a Spell Save DC displayed - it's neither an attack, nor a save and there should be no DC.
What I was noticing earlier today, after the error condition was apparently fixed, is that clicking a spell on a person's sheet sometimes did nothing - nothing would be displayed in chat. I don't know why.
Every week my players are working around problems, mostly with casting spells. It can be frustrating. Magic Missile and Hunter's Mark are the most frequent causes of frustration. Magic Missile in particular because Roll20 only rolls damage for one dart, even though the base spell casts 3 darts and Roll20 doesn't ask if you want to upcast the spell, or roll the damage for all of the darts, which should be rolled individually because each dart can hit a different opponent.
Miguel said:
Hey Saul J., I have just tried the companion script with a version of the sheet 3 months old and the slot for casting scorching ray was only reduced when clicking the damage (if you happen to have auto roll attack and damage off.) So I decided to take a look at the companion script, here is the bit we are interested in:
if(["dmg","atkdmg"].indexOf(msg.rolltemplate) > -1) {
if(_.has(msg,'inlinerolls') && msg.content.indexOf("{{spelllevel=") > -1 && msg.content.indexOf("{{spelllevel=}}") === -1 && character && state.FifthEditionOGLbyRoll20.spelltracking != "off") {
As you can see, the listeners are set up to listen for messages with either dmg or atkdmg templates. "dmg" is used when you click to roll the spell damage and "atkdmg" is used when you have "auto roll attack and damage" toggled on. Otherwise an attack spell will use the template "atk" which is not set up as a listener. The script was last updated 6 months ago. I hope that clarifies things.