What you're forgetting is the question mark that has to start off the query (and the bracket to end it). Try this:
?{Forceful|Attack #1 (0),0|Attack #2 (x1 damage_dice),[[ @{damage_dice} ]]|Attack #3+ (x2 damage_dice),[[ 2 * @{damage_dice} ]] }[Forceful]
In your other damage section. It works. I just tested it.
It's possible it didn't like doing it as a calculation external to the query. I have seen it done, but it takes jumping through a few hoops. (I also find this easier to read, but that's a personal thing.)
As for it always being on, that's true. However, since the code cannot detect what attack it is (at least as far as I'm aware), you have to use a query, even if you're pressing the #2 or #3 buttons. There are other abilities that could also benefit from that knowledge - flurry ranger comes to mind immediately. Generally speaking, I tend to generate macros based on the attacks when I create a character, and then substitute out code for the hard numbers. That way I can set up token macros for attacks 1, 2 and 3. In THOSE cases, you could simply add the relevant numbers to the macro instead of querying for them. Though, truthfully, you probably still want to. For example, if you use a skill with the attack trait (like, say, trip), it also affects your attack bonus. If you were to trip, then gorilla slam twice in a flurry, that first gorilla slam would be your second attack... but should not benefit from your Forceful bonus for that attack, since it's the first attack with the weapon.