The Harengon is already covered too. I've been theory-crafting lately, and created a Harengon swashbuckler. The swashbuckler has "Rakish Audacity" which allows the character to add their Charisma bonus to their initiative rolls. The character has +5 modifier for DEX and a +3 modifier for CHA and was raised to level 4. Roll20 charactermancer set the initiative bonus to 10 (5+3+2). So, it looks like it was calculated correctly to include the PB. So, that leaves Oath of the Watchers as apparently the only official way to add PB to initiative that isn't already covered. Since that affects more than one character, I can see why Roll20 doesn't cover it. But, one character ability is hardly enough (IMO) to justify changing the sheet. As for 3rd party and house rules, I believe Roll20 has said elsewhere they would only support official WoTC content on the official 5E character sheet. As for the current trend... I suspect when 6E comes out, Roll20 will develop a 6E sheet. And, yes, I know that the new "thing" from WoTC is being called 5E or 5.5E or 5E compatible (it's changed several times) but if you look at the playtest materials coming out, it's clearly (IMHO) a new edition which will require a new sheet or, at the very least, a MAJOR overhaul to the charactermancer. But, there are a lot of things wrong with the 5E sheet and if Roll20 decides to do an overhaul to fix all the other problems, I wouldn't object to their changing the initiative calculation to add the PB while they make other changes/fixes. For example, I recently created a barbarian character and Unarmored Defense wasn't correctly calculated. Neither was the HP. And, it still doesn't deal well with spells that are automatically received at certain levels but not counted against spells known - a feature that many full and half-casters get from certain sub-classes. Oh, and there are certain races in MMoM where you can choose your size but the charactermancer just assumes "Medium". There are probably other things wrong too. Some of the things wrong are "sheet" problems, others are "charactermancer" problems but the point is, there are a lot of things that need fixing. Bards and Champion fighters add half PB to initiative eventually (these are covered).