Since its a question for this specific sheet, it makes sense to answer it here. It also helps me to figure out what i need to put in the wiki page's instructions.
I'll start with preliminaries which you probably already know, and then be specific about the sheet.
If you want to add a token action, you have two options, each requiring very slightly different code:
- Make a Universal Macro, that will then show up for every token you select and control.
- Add as an Ability on each character and will show up only for that character.
If you're the GM, its generally better to do it as a universal macro. It has the downside that the token actions you create will appear on every token - even those which dont represent characters. But you can create one macro for all characters at once, which is worth it.
For universal macros, they'll be in the form
for individual macros on characters, they;ll be in one of two forms:
Anything in all caps has to be replaced.
The rollnames for the core stats are the first three letters of the name, in all caps (CHA, DEX, SPI, etc.
The roll names for skills are the actual skill names, with any spaces removed: Energy Weapons is EnergyWeapons.
So, for a universal macro you can use
For individual macros, added to the Ability tab of a character called Frodo, you could use
The % form is safer to use, generally. The second form only works on my sheet because of the way I built the rolls.
Whichever form you use, check the Token Action box.
For Attacks (and Languages and Custom Skills) it gets a bit more complicated, since they are in repeating sections. for those you have to supply the repeating section name, a row id, and the attribute name,
In attacks, the section name is repeating_attacks.
The attribute name is Attack, for attacks, and Damage for damage rolls.
The row id is best avoided, lol, but you can use a shorthand: $0 for the first item, $1 for the second, and so on.
Putting it together: let's say Frodo has Unarmed as his first attack, and a power called Vanish as his second. To make an Unarmed attack, as a Universal macro, you would put:
If as an Ability on the sheet, one of these:
This has an advantage - you can use it for any character without needing to know what the attacks or called - and a disadvantage: you cant tell what the ability is called by looking at it.