GiGs said:
I'm sorry, I do need specific text because I cant see from the pictures. (I have sight issues.)
Though that text box containing the wiki page link should definitely be wider.
Going too wide has issues on roll20, because you also have the sidebars etc. 850px is kind of a standard unofficial upper limit.
Perosnally I'd go much narrower, because I like to see the sheet and the map at the same time, but it's common to emulate the character sheet, so I went with that.
Alright, I'll have to come back to this later, then. I have been spending so much time setting up and playing Torg that my other game, which I'm supposed to pick back up in early April -it's been running since May 2013, but I've had to take short breaks here and there for real-life business- for The One Ring, has been languishing.
The wiki text box is inside the bounds of the Character and it's perfect; don't change it. Let Players read it and toggle it off, hehe.
The side bars should not be an issue because you can detach your Character sheet so it goes to a new window, which is exactly how it should be, IMHO.
The sheet is perfectly well-designed. The only thing I would change is the text box pop-ups... have those atop the character sheet, rather than clicking the Skill or Ability, then having to switch back to the Roll 20 map interface to finish filling them out... what a pain in the butt. I know this is NOT something in your capability to change, I'm just bringing it up as something that would be nice for Roll 20 to change.
As for the Character sheet max of 850, I don't think that's right. Let me take a look at measurable space... yep, that's what I thought... if I begin my measurement at the right and exclude the left menu vertical bar and stop just to the left of the scale bar atop the map window, I get 1220 pixels.
Look, I stayed at 1024 x 768 even up to about five years ago because I was stubborn and it allowed me to play my computer games at lower resolution but better performance. However, even I had to move my resolution up so I could work on the computer graphics I do, now. What I'm saying is this... even if you only moved the width up to 950, that would clear up a great deal. 850 would still be cramped, but it could be done. No one that I can name uses a resolution of less than 16:9, or 1440 x 900. Heck, my video card is 12 years old, now, and the LOWEST resolution it supports is 1024 x 768.
In fact... I just set my resolution down to 1024 x 768, grabbed a Roll 20 screen shot, and your sheet would have to be 650 wide to be inside my previously described bounds. At 1280 x 800, you're looking at 900 pixels between those boundaries.
I bring this up because scaling up the sheet to 875, even, would solve nearly all of the problems folks are having visually with the sheet, and give you more room to work, if you wanted to.
Okay, I have to get back to The One Ring for a while, but I'd like to hear what you have in mind.