GiGs said:
A certain miscreant made this suggestion over on the piazza forum:
Generally speaking, I'd prefer to count down too, but for TorgE, that leads you into miscounting how much damage you can take. Counting up also makes implementing certain rules easier (like wound modifiers), which is another contributing factor, but the above is the main reason.
This miscreant, this brigand, this Sir Alain Fisk... let me find 'im and I'll run 'im through!!!
Oh, wait... LOL
Your reasoning is brilliant, GiGs, and I'll let this rest, hehe.
GiGs said:
I just committed an update to the sheet which contains:
Advancement Repeating section: on the story tab you can enter each advancement you buy, and it will autocalculate spent xp and update unspent xp. For those who have spent xp already, it enters a "Previously Bought Advances" row with an XP total equal whatever you spent.
If you have any suggests for what sort of things should go on the Story tab I'm all ears. I see it as both an expansion of the bio tab (a place to enter your background history and character description) as well as a place to record anything you want to about your characters adventures.
The Advancement Repeating section is an absolutely wonderful addition; I thought you already had planned to add that, and I for one am grateful for it. Suggestions for the story tab... Will it be possible to track the names of the adventures played (though an adventure name would not be a requirement) and a way to track war times, such as War Day 3 - 5 ~OR~ April 6 - 8, 2017, etc.?
Michael D. said:
I know me and mine would like a place to record mounts and vehicles. Those are separate from pets which engage in combat (and usually get their own character sheet), but still need to be tracked and do have stats in a chase.
So...if my heroes really wanted to (since I make them track all advancement in the player bio), they could enter all data one line at a time and have a record stored within the character sheet? AWESOME!
That speaks volumes to the amount of work you have done and how well received it is. You should be proud.
Along with vehicles and mounts, should we have a place to track minions and followers, as well? I couldn't agree more about your achievement, here, GiGs, you SHOULD be very happy with the work you've done. "You've done the man's work, here, sir!"
Michael D. said:
Agree with everything you said. The game mechanic is shock goes up till you reach your limit, wounds go up till you reach your limit, possibilities go down till you reach zero. That's the way the game is built and that is the way the rules work in all the published material. IF GM's want to change the way they track it at their table, then by all means do so. But for the rest of us, the official sheet should support the game rules and mechanics as written in the rule book. We should not be forced to play the game in a manner inconsistent with the official rules on the official character sheet because of personal preference.
Thank you for sticking to the rules Gig's. I appreciate it.
Michael, let's begin with, first off, I did not recommend any matter of tracking wounds or shock that is outside the rules. Second, on a TABLETOP, for Pete's sake, you do indeed track things upwards, and I do not disagree with that. However, in ONLINE TABLETOP games, EVERY SINGLE ONE I HAVE EVER PLAYED on here, or anywhere else, you COUNT DOWN. It is a visual psychological issue for nearly any Player, including me. That is how it's done on a VIRTUAL TABLETOP and, thus far, it's not gone against the rules of ANY game out there.
Third, I don't understand what it is you're holding against ME that makes YOU so combative, but knock it off. I have not attacked you, I have not denigrated anything you've said, and I would appreciate it if you would stop attacking me. Look, I've done my time in the Army, I've done time in prison, as a matter of fact, and I was part of the MechWarrior Online community -which was extremely corrosive- so there's a LOT I've learned to put up with; I'm thoroughly tired of dealing with you. "Thank you for sticking to the rules Gig's. I appreciate it." I see things differently than you do, that's all, as EVERY GM sees this or that or the other thing differently than other GMs. I was not suggesting breaking with the frickin' rules and you know it. Knock it off!
GiGs said:
Pauly, you made a big post about formatting suggestions. I havent had a chance to go over that yet, but I will when i have time. I just wanted to let you know I didn't ignore it.
I'm pretty certain you've already addressed all of my suggestions, so unless you, indeed, have not, please don't worry about it.
I think that's it for the evening.