Good list. We need a box for resistances and immunities, including conditions That would be handy, though I think there are so many exceptions and specific-beats general, that it would likely be for reference only, not really affecting anything mechanically. There is also the issue that character sheets frequently have a one-to-many relationship with tokens. One goblin sheet could represent a dozen tokens, and "prone" for example, should be marked on the token, rather than the sheet. PCs might be a different matter, but NPC sheets would not benefit from this. Token markers are the current solution, and have the virtue of being usable by any system played on Roll20. We need a box for alternate movement modes, like flying, swimming, climbing. Even if its manual entry only, that's fine. I just want a spot for my players to see what their movement speeds are Agreed. There should remain a primary movement rate attribute, to aid in token bar linking. Some way of differentiating spells from different sources (domain, oath, feats, etc) - colored text would be the easiest. Again, if it is purely manual entry, that is fine, as anything that makes life easier for my players would be good. These fields exist in the spell descriptions, but some sort of additional coding would be helpful, Currently, in the collapsed state, only the "innate" field displays. Prepared spell casters have been in 5e since the very beginning. Why does the spell selection on level up still not handle them properly? And then there's the speed of loading a sheet with a bunch of spells on it for prepared casters. With 1dnd coming, more casters are prepared casters, including rangers and bards, and cantrips can be prepared. This is likely going to remain, since it is a limitation of running in a browser. There have to be some caps on data, and if you don't have a spell prepared, it impacts performance to have it on your sheet. A better way of importing spells to a sheet might help, perhaps a dropdown or choosing system to include or read from the Compendium would help, but such a system would have to account for homebrew, spells from magic items, feats, boons, spells with edited descriptions or names, and more.